开发 自我介绍_对于开发者来说,自我是敌人

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 15:21:35

开发 自我介绍

This post was originally published on Medium.I recently finished reading the book “Ego is the Enemy”, by Ryan Holiday and came up with many valuable advice and I decided to write this article.

这篇文章最初发表在Medium上 。 最近,我读完了瑞安· 哈里德 (Ryan Holiday)的《 自我是敌人 》一书,提出了许多宝贵的建议,因此我决定写这篇文章。

When you hear the word enemy, you probably think about regular expressions, bugs, deployments, meetings, and deadlines. Actually, in our quest to reach our goals and become the software developers we want to be, we are usually our own worst enemies. Ego is what prevents us from asking for help, learning, collaborating and working hard.

当您听到敌人一词时,您可能会想到正则表达式,错误,部署,会议和截止日期。 实际上,为了实现目标并成为我们想要成为的软件开发人员,我们通常是自己最大的敌人。 自我使我们无法寻求帮助,学习,合作和努力。

Here with ego we are referring to the unhealthy belief in our own importance: our arrogance and our self-centered ambition. That petulant child in every person who chooses to win all the time and at the expense of others.

在这里,我们指的是对自己重要性的不健康信念:我们的傲慢和以自我为中心的野心。 每个选择赢得胜利并以牺牲他人为代价的人中的那个卑鄙的孩子。

Ego leads us to think that we’re special, and that we know a lot more than we actually know and that we do not need to collaborate with others, as we are self-sufficient. It prevents from the real mastery of programming. From working well and building good relationships with other fellow developers or other people in general. From recognizing opportunities, or creating them, simply because we live inside our own fantasy of greatness.

自我使我们认为我们很特别,我们比实际知道的要多得多,而且由于我们是自给自足的,我们不需要与他人合作。 它阻止了对编程的真正掌握。 从良好的工作和与其他开发人员或其他人建立良好的关系开始。 从发现机会到创造机会,仅仅是因为我们生活在自己的伟大幻想之中。

Ego is a constant threat at every moment of our lives. It prevents us from building more great products, maintaining and progressing towards higher objectives and recovering from our failed projects.

自我是我们生命中每时每刻的持续威胁。 它阻止了我们开发更多优质的产品,维持并朝更高的目标迈进以及从失败的项目中恢复过来。

If we really want to protect ourselves from ego, we should be aware of its techniques at every stage of our life.


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. “

“如果您认识敌人并了解自己,则不必担心一百场战斗的结果。 如果您认识自己而不是敌人,那么每获得胜利,您也会遭受失败。 如果您既不认识敌人也不认识自己,那么您将在每场战斗中屈服。 “

无论您追求什么,自我都是您的敌人 (To whatever you aspire, ego is your enemy)

You may have a really good GPA, or many of your family members and close friends may have called you a prodigy.


In these types of cases, your ego tends to make you feel that the world owes you the success you want. That you must get employed and climb up the corporate ladder for a record time. That you are supposed to be employed without needing to go through the formal recruiting stages.

在这种情况下,你的自我倾向使你感到世界欠你想要的成功。 您必须受雇并在创纪录的时间内爬上公司的阶梯。 您应该被雇用而无需经历正式的招聘阶段。

You may think that you do not need to have any repository on GitHub, as you have already surpassed your peers with your GPA. Your ego leads you to think that you do not need to work hard.

您可能认为您不需要在GitHub上建立任何存储库,因为您的GPA已经超过了同行。 自我使您认为您不需要努力工作。

If we look back in history, people who amaze us with the work that they have done are really hard workers.


WordPress is one of the most famous Content Management Systems in the world that powers up more than 27 percent of the web. Its founder, Matt Mullenweg slept only fours a day and worked really hard while developing WordPress.

WordPress是世界上最著名的内容管理系统之一, 可为超过27%的Web 供电 。 它的创始人马特·穆伦维格(Matt Mullenweg) 一天只睡四小时 ,在开发WordPress时非常努力。

The co-founder of Microsoft and the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, used to work everyday. “I worked weekends, I didn’t really believe in vacations,” he recalls during an interview.

微软公司的共同创始人和世界首富比尔·盖茨曾经每天工作。 他在接受采访时回忆说: “我周末工作,我真的不相信假期。”

Back in the days when Mark Zuckerberg was a developer at Facebook, he had to work hard. “The last six years have been a lot of coding and focus and hard work. But maybe it would be fun to remember it as partying and all this crazy drama.”

在马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)是Facebook开发人员的时代,他不得不努力工作 。 “过去六年来一直在进行大量编码,专注和艰苦的工作。 但是也许记住它是聚会和所有这些疯狂的戏剧会很有趣。”

During the time he used to be a software developer, the co-founder of PayPal, Elon Musk worked from early morning until late evening, despite being considered as a prodigy. He now works up to 100 hours per week.

在Elon Musk以前是软件开发人员,PayPal的共同创始人的那段时间,尽管被认为是神童,但他从清晨到深夜一直在工作 。 现在,他每周工作多达100个小时。

You should not overestimate your abilities and get trapped into thinking that you are a lot better than you actually are. You should be very committed and dedicate a lot of time and effort into programming if you really want to excel at it.

您不应该高估自己的能力,不要陷入以为自己比实际强很多的想法。 如果您真的想精益求精,那么您应该非常投入并投入大量时间和精力进行编程。

Your ego may even prevent you from collaborating with other people. It can make you feel that you are smart enough, and sufficient enough with your own skills without the need to collaborate with other colleagues in your project. In reality, big projects that have made breakthroughs and have helped millions of users are usually developed as a result of collaborative work.

您的自我甚至可能阻止您与他人合作。 它可以使您感到自己足够聪明,并且可以利用自己的技能来充分发挥自己的能力,而无需与项目中的其他同事进行协作。 实际上,通常是通过协作来开发取得突破并帮助数百万用户的大型项目。

Larry Page and Sergey Brin started Google together after meeting each other at the computer science department at Stanford. Bill Gates started Microsoft with Paul Allen, who came up with the name Micro-soft. Elon Musk created his first IT company Zip2 with his brother Kimbal, which was acquired by AltaVista for $307 million in cash and $34 million in securities. Brian Acton collaborated with Jan Koum and founded WhatsApp.

拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)在斯坦福大学的计算机科学部门相遇后,共同创立了Google。 比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)与保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)共同创立了 Microsoft,保罗·艾伦提出了 Micro-soft这个名字。 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)与他的兄弟Kimbal 创立了自己的第一家IT公司Zip2,后者被AltaVista以3.07亿美元的现金和3400万美元的证券收购。 Brian Acton与Jan Koum 合作 ,创立了WhatsApp。

You should work really hard, be humble and collaborate with others. You should not even think about starting and finishing something of a large scale on your own. You should be part of a team that you work with.

您应该非常努力,谦虚并与他人合作。 您甚至不应该考虑自己开始和完成大规模的事情。 您应该是与您一起工作的团队的一部分。

无论您取得了什么成功,自我都是敌人 (To whatever success you have achieved, ego is the enemy)

You may think that you now already have a job and have a few years of experience, you have already a solid castle that should last until you retire. You managed to learn React for only a few weeks and got employed within a few months without a college degree. You got employed at a top tech company, or became a team lead of many other experienced developers. You developed the application that reached thousands of downloads on iTunes.

您可能认为您现在已经有工作并且有几年的经验,您已经拥有可以持续到退休的坚固城堡。 您仅学习了几个星期就学习了React,并在几个月内没有大学学位就被雇用了。 您受雇于顶级技术公司,或者成为许多其他经验丰富的开发人员的团队负责人。 您开发的应用程序在iTunes上获得了数千次下载。

You might have gotten a job offer from a top tech company in Silicon Valley and brag yourself about it all the time, forgetting that this type of attitude was not the one that brought you up to this point.


Reaching a certain level of success comes with territory. These types of successes can be very impressive, but also devastating for our own future selves. They may boost our ego and prevent us to deliberately commit to the principles, routines and hard work that brought us at this level. We forget how much work we had to do to come to this certain stage.

达到一定程度的成功与领土有关。 这些类型的成功可能会给人留下深刻的印象,但也会给我们自己的未来造成毁灭性的打击。 它们可能促进我们的自我,阻止我们刻意致力于使我们达到这一水平的原则,常规和辛勤工作。 我们忘记了要达到这个阶段需要做多少工作。

As a result, we are not able to have more progress, simply because we can only see what we have already done. We shift our focus from the cause of our success to the effects. We skip honing our programming skills, and improving our performance. as we are indulged in the benefits of our prior success. As the performance artist Marina Abramović puts it, “If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity.”

结果,仅仅因为我们只能看到我们已经完成的工作,所以我们无法取得更多的进步。 我们将重心从成功的原因转移到效果。 我们跳过磨练我们的编程技能,并改善我们的性能。 因为我们沉迷于先前成功的好处。 正如表演艺术家玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇(MarinaAbramović)所说:“如果您开始相信自己的伟大,那就是您创造力的死亡。”

The society praises us and dramatically exaggerates our accomplishments, which fuels up our ego. We are not aware of our real achievements. We greatly overestimate them.

社会赞美我们,极大地夸大我们的成就,这助长了我们的自我。 我们不知道我们的真正成就。 我们大大高估了他们。

Computer programming is a profession in which you do not need to get a four year degree to get a job. You can get employed by learning a programming language with the opportunity to even work remotely. If you do not become better, and learn what is valuable currently in the market, chances are that you may easily get replaced by a young and enthusiastic guy from the other side of the world. You may not be as special as your ego suggests.

计算机编程是一个不需要获得四年制学位即可找到工作的专业。 您可以通过学习编程语言来工作,甚至可以远程工作。 如果您没有变得更好,并且了解当前市场上有价值的东西,那么很有可能您会很容易被世界另一端的年轻热情的人所取代。 您可能不像您的自我建议那样特别。

If you want to get better as a programmer, and still have the opportunity to develop really cool applications, then you need to always be humble and learn. You need to engage in deliberate practice and constantly challenge your limits.

如果您想以程序员的身份变得更好,并且仍然有机会开发非常酷的应用程序,那么您需要始终保持谦虚和学习。 您需要进行有计划的练习,并不断挑战自己的极限。

There is no such thing as plateau. In physics there is something called entropy. You are either going down, or you are going up. That’s all there is. There is no stagnation. It’s easy to be successful for a week or a month and get trapped by ego’s stories and fail quickly. I believe the true success is sustainable. As 49ers coach, Bill Walsh has said, “The toughest thing I ever had to do was get my team to overcome success disease.”

没有高原。 在物理学中,有一种叫做熵的东西。 你要么下降,要么上升。 这就是全部。 没有停滞。 一个星期或一个月的成功很容易被自我的故事所困,很快就会失败。 我相信真正的成功是可持续的。 作为49ers教练,比尔·沃尔什(Bill Walsh)说过:“我要做的最艰难的事情就是让我的团队战胜成功病。”

无论面对什么失败和挑战,自我都是敌人 (To whatever failure and challenges you face, ego is the enemy)

No matter how hard you try, some failures are inevitable. The startup in which you worked at that wanted to change the world failed to launch a successful product. The company had a major decrease of sales and had to lay off the majority of its software developers. The enterprise got sinked into a big debt and now you need to find a new job.

无论您多么努力,某些失败都是不可避免的。 您曾在其工作的一家想要改变世界的创业公司未能推出成功的产品。 该公司的销售额大幅下降,不得不解雇大多数软件开发人员。 企业陷入沉重的债务,现在您需要寻找新工作。

These and other similar failures may be out of your control. There may be other cases in which you are responsible for some types of failures. In both cases, this does not mean, however, that you should totally surrender and never make an attempt to change your situation.

这些和其他类似的故障可能无法控制。 在某些情况下,您可能要对某些类型的故障负责。 但是,在这两种情况下,这都不意味着您应该完全投降,不要试图改变自己的处境。

“It is because mankind are disposed to sympathize more entirely with our joy than with our sorrow, that we make parade of our riches, and conceal our poverty. Nothing is so mortifying as to be obliged to expose our distress to the view of the public, and to feel, that though our situation is open to the eyes of all mankind, no mortal conceives for us the half of what we suffer.”

“这是因为人类更乐于同情我们的喜悦而不是悲痛,因此我们游行了我们的财富,掩盖了我们的贫穷。 没有什么比让我们将苦难暴露给公众的观点更令人痛苦的了,并感到,尽管我们的处境对全人类开放,但没有凡人能为我们承受一半的痛苦。”

Your ego may prevent you from being humble and learn from your mistakes. You do not want to learn a new programming language, or a new framework, as your ego tells you are already skilled and accomplished enough.

你的自我可能会阻止你谦虚,并从错误中吸取教训。 自我告诉您已经足够熟练和足够了,您不想学习新的编程语言或新的框架。

You may hate to ask for help, or try to learn new things and overcome the failure in which you are in. You start to blame everybody. You do not stop to take extreme ownership and responsibility for your own situation. You can as a result fail to understand that you are actually in need to a become better software developer.

您可能不愿寻求帮助,或尝试学习新事物并克服自己所经历的失败。您开始怪罪每个人。 您不会为自己的情况承担极端的所有权和责任。 结果,您可能无法理解实际上需要成为一名更好的软件开发人员。

Microsoft was not the first company that Bill Gates and Paul Allen started. They had another company called Traf-O-Data in the early 1970s, which they had to shut down because of the losses. The lessons they learned from that experience played a crucial role for Microsoft.

微软并不是比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦创立的第一家公司。 他们在1970年代初拥有另一家名为Traf-O-Data的公司 ,由于亏损,他们不得不关闭了该公司。 他们从该经验中学到的教训对Microsoft至关重要。

Brian Acton was not accepted in Facebook. He was denied by Twitter HQ as well. He did not do suicide, but collaborated with his partner Jan Koum and made WhatsApp. One of the social media companies that rejected Brian bought WhatsApp for 19 billion dollars less than 5 five years later.

Brian Acton在Facebook中未被接受 。 Twitter总部也拒绝了他。 他没有自杀,而是与他的搭档Jan Koum合作并制作了WhatsApp。 一家拒绝布莱恩的社交媒体公司之一,在不到五年的时间里以不到190亿美元的价格收购了 WhatsApp。

Rovio developed 51 unsuccessful games before reaching the “overnight” success with Angry Birds.

在与《愤怒的小鸟》取得“一夜之间”的成功之前, Rovio开发了51场失败的游戏 。

The likelihood that you’re working on a project that will fail is high. This should not make you feel miserable, however, as long as you use these failures as learning experiences.

您正在进行的项目失败的可能性很高。 只要您将这些失败作为学习经验,这不应使您感到痛苦。

As video game designer Will Wright says, “I’m actually more likely to hire someone based on how many failures they’ve experienced. I think it’s the best learning system.”

正如视频游戏设计师威尔·赖特( Will Wright) 所说 :“实际上,我更有可能根据他们经历过多少次失败来聘用某人。 我认为这是最好的学习系统。”

Humble and strong people do not follow through only during the times of success. They use the lessons learned from their failures and manage to overcome and use them as catapulting standpoints.

谦虚而强壮的人不会仅在成功的时期里跟进。 他们利用从失败中学到的经验教训,设法克服和利用它们作为弹射的观点。

As Ryan Holiday mentions in the book, “The only real failure is abandoning your principles,” and further adds, “If your reputation can’t absorb a few blows, it wasn’t worth anything in the first place.”

正如Ryan Holiday 在书中提到的 :“唯一真正的失败就是放弃您的原则”,并进一步补充道:“如果您的声誉无法吸收几重打击,那么一开始就毫无价值。”

对于接下来发生的一切,自我是敌人 (For everything that comes next, ego is the enemy)

Now that you have read this article, you have made a serious blow against your ego, but this is not sufficient. We need to apply these advice if we are seriously considering to become the best versions of ourselves. As Derek Sivers regarding the possession of knowledge, says “If [more] information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”

既然您已经阅读了这篇文章,就已经严重打击了自我,但这还不够。 如果我们正认真考虑成为自己的最佳版本,则需要应用这些建议。 正如德里克·西弗斯(Derek Sivers)关于知识的掌握时所说的那样: “如果(更多)信息是答案,那么我们所有人都是拥有完美腹肌的亿万富翁。”

We should learn from other people’s experiences with ego and not become its victims that others can learn from. We should be humble in our aspirations, gracious in our success, and resilient in our failures. This does not mean that we are not unique and that we do not possess something valuable to contribute. It simply means that we should not have ourselves always as the main theme of the story. We should focus more on the work and the overall process instead.

我们应该向他人学习自我的经验,而不是成为他人可以学习的受害者。 我们的抱负要谦虚,成功的要仁慈,失败要有韧性。 这并不意味着我们不是唯一的,我们不具备有价值的贡献。 这只是意味着我们不应该总是以自己为故事的主题。 我们应该更多地关注工作和整个过程。

We need to identify ego’s silent talk in our heads and suppress it early enough before it makes us cultivate bad habits. We must suppress its temptations with humility and discipline when we reach a certain level of success. We must be humble, ready to learn from others, and cultivate strength and fortitude when things go out of our way.

我们需要在头脑中找出自我的沉默言语,并尽早抑制它,以免养成不良习惯。 当我们达到一定程度的成功时,我们必须谦虚和纪律压制它的诱惑。 我们必须谦虚,准备向他人学习,并在事态发展时培养力量和毅力。

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.”


This post was originally published on Medium.

这篇文章最初发表在Medium上 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/ego-is-the-enemy-for-software-developers-585909fb0501/

开发 自我介绍


开发 自我介绍_对于开发者来说,自我是敌人

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本文标签:我是   自我介绍   开发者   敌人


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