翻译 将下面的中文翻译下

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翻译 将下面的中文翻译 不希望是自动翻译的 谢谢了 1.1、时间观 中美商务礼仪的行为中时间观念的差别主要体现在有3个方面:首先,中国人是“环型”时间观念,即他们认为时间和工作像一个圆环在轮动,不断重复。而美国人是“线型”时间观念,习惯在某一时间只做一项工作;其次,中国人安排时间比较随意,不太重视预约。然而,美国人特别重视预约,安排一般性商务活动至少要提前两个星期进行预约安排,如果遇到特别重要的事情要至少在2个月前进行预约;最后,中国人经商注重关系,通过宴请对手或非正式会晤等商业活动,慢慢和对方建立良好的合作关系,所以中国人的商业活动时间周期较长,美国人他们不喜欢停下来或者保持沉默。他们习惯了集中精力做一件事情,他们往往会直奔主题,因此,美国人的商务活动周期较短。 1.2、空间观念 中美商务礼仪的行为中空间观念的差别主要体现在以下2个方面:第一,商务场所的空间利用。在中国,公司的总经理一般把办公室设在所有办公室的中央,这样就形成了设置成一个相互联系、协作的网络,以便于管理和控制公司的各项活动。在美国,公司的总裁一般把办公室一般设在办公楼的顶层边缘,其他人职位的高低通过其办公室与总裁办公室距离的远近来反映;第二,商务伙伴的接触距离。中国人商务伙伴的空间距离是与所涉及的人的社会阶层和地位有关的,一般来讲,地位相等的人在一起接触时,他们的距离较为接近,随着地位差别的越大,所接触相隔的距离也就越大。美国人谈话时不喜欢双方离得太近, 习惯于两人的身体保持一定的距离。一般应保持120至150厘米之间,最少也不得小于50 厘米。美国人最忌互相攀肩。 1.3、价值观念 商务礼仪的行为中价值观念的差别主要有3个方面:第一,中国人崇尚天下为公和心底无私,故人际关系融洽。而美国人常以自己为中心,个人利益永远是属于第一位的,从而美国人的人际关系相对中国人来讲是比较冷漠;第二,中国人喜欢“面子”。在商务活动中,如果要在“面子”和“利益”这二者中做出选择,中国人往往会选择“面子”;而美国则看重利益,在“面子”和“利益”之间会毫不犹豫地选择“利益”;第三,中国人做事情讲究“外圆内方”,而美国人的做事方式为“外方内方”。恰恰是这种价值观导致中国人不一定按照事先预定的原则办事,他们会按照事情进展的情况,做出相应的调整以达到预期的目的。而美国人一旦制定了规则,他们就会严格的按照规定执行,哪怕困难再多,也要按照规则完成所预定的目标。


是不是翻译成英文啊?是英文的话就翻译好了! 1.1, the time concept China-US Business etiquette behavior concept of time difference is mainly reflected in a three areas: First, the Chinese were "ring" time the idea that they believe the time and work like a circle in the round of the move, repeat. Americans are "linear" time ideas, and habits at a certain time Zhizuo a work; Secondly, the Chinese were relatively free to arrange a time, less emphasis on an appointment. However, the American special attention to an appointment for a general business activities carried out at least two weeks advance booking arrangements, if you encounter particularly important things I want to at least 2 months before the appointment; and finally, the Chinese people focus on the relationship between business, through the dinner an opponent or an informal meeting of such commercial activities, and slowly, and the other to establish a good working relationship, so the commercial activities of the Chinese people a longer period of time, the Americans they do not like to stop or remain silent. They are used to concentrate on doing one thing, they tend to go straight to the theme, therefore, the American business cycle is shorter. 1.2 The concept of space The behavior of China-US Business Etiquette concept of space in the difference mainly reflected in the following two aspects: first, business establishments space utilization. In China, the company's general manager of the general into office in all offices of the central, thus forming an interrelated set, collaborative networks, in order to facilitate management and control of the company's activities. In the United States, the company's chief executive office an office is usually located at the top edge, others rank, with the Office of the President by his office to reflect the proximity of the distance; second, business partners, contact distance. The Chinese business partners is involved in spatial distance of the person's social class and status-related, in general, contact with one's peers, they are closer to the distance, with the difference between the status of the larger, the contact the greater the distance apart. Americans do not like the two sides away from talking too close to the body accustomed to the two men to maintain a certain distance. In general should be maintained between 120-150 cm, at least not less than 50 cm. Americans are very sensitive to each other climbing shoulder. 1.3, values Business etiquette behavior of the difference between the values are mainly three aspects: first, the Chinese people advocate Things for the People and selfless, so harmonious interpersonal relationships. The Americans often use themselves as the center, personal interests are always the first one, and thus the relative relationships of Americans speaking Chinese people is relatively indifferent; second, the Chinese people like to "face." In business activities, if you want to "face" and "interest" to make a choice between the two, the Chinese often choose to "face"; while the United States value the interests of the "face" and "interest" would be between the milli - do not hesitate to choose the "interests"; Third, the Chinese people pay attention to doing things "within the cylindrical side", while the American way of doing things as "foreign within the party." It is precisely this value does not necessarily cause the Chinese people act in accordance with the principle of pre-scheduled, they will follow the progress of the matter and make necessary adjustments to achieve the intended purpose. The Americans, once rules have been established, they will strictly in accordance with regulations, even more difficult, but also in accordance with rules of the intended objectives.


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