PIL图像索引超出范围(PIL image index out of range)

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 02:32:55
PIL图像索引超出范围(PIL image index out of range)

我正在写一个关于tkinter的程序,类似于photoshop(图像处理),问题是我的一个函数(Moyenne())告诉我索引超出范围,但它之前有效,但现在没有。 我搜索过但我没有找到任何东西。 如果您需要任何规格,请询问;)

from tkinter import* import tkinter as Tkinter from tkinter import filedialog, DISABLED import os import ntpath from PIL import Image def EchelleDeGris(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): p=px[x,y] o=int((p[0]+p[1]+p[2])/3) px1[x,y]=(o,o,o) Ima2.save("ImageMod.png") im2 = PhotoImage(file="ImageMod.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def SupprimerImage(): I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=imt) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def Luminosite(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): p=px[x,y] px1[x,y]=(p[0]+S1.get(),p[1]+S1.get(),p[2]+S1.get()) Ima2.save("ImageMod.png") im2 = PhotoImage(file="ImageMod.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def AnnulerModifications(): I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im1) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def PopArt(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): p=px[x,y] o=int((p[0]+p[1]+p[2])/3) if o<85: px1[x,y]=(0,0,255) elif 85<o<170: px1[x,y]=(0,255,0) elif o>170: px1[x,y]=(255,0,0) Ima2.save("ImageMod.png") im2 = PhotoImage(file="ImageMod.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def Moyenne(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() rouge=0 vert=0 bleu=0 for x in range(1,z[0]): for y in range(1,z[1]): for t in range(-1,1): for w in range(-1,1): k=px[x+t,y+w] if k[0]>k[1] and k[0]>k[2]: rouge=rouge+1 if k[1]>k[0] and k[1]>k[2]: vert=vert+1 if k[2]>k[1] and k[2]>k[0]: bleu=bleu+1 x=x-1 y=y-1 Max=rouge if bleu>Max: Max=bleu elif vert>Max: Max=vert pax=px[x,y] if Max == rouge: pax=(pax[0],0,0) if Max == vert: pax=(0,pax[1],0) if Max == bleu: pax = (0,0,pax[2]) Ima2.show() main=Tk() main.withdraw() currdir = os.getcwd() a = filedialog.askopenfilename() main.deiconify() main.configure(background="#a1dbcd") main.title("Photoshop Version.Megzari") Ima1=Image.open(a) z=Ima1.size nux=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) nuxy=nux.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): nuxy[x,y]=(255,255,255) nux.save("Blank.png") if z>(400,400): im2 = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="ImageBlank.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=1, rowspan =6) T1 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) T1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) B1 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Echelle de gris", command = EchelleDeGris, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Appliquer Luminosité", command = Luminosite, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=2, column=2) S1 = Scale(main, from_=0, to=254, orient=HORIZONTAL, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED, length = 200) S1.grid(row=1, column=2) B2 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Supprimer Image", command = SupprimerImage, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B2.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=4, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Annuler Modifications", command = AnnulerModifications, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=3, column=2) B4 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Pop Art", command = PopArt, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B4.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=5, column=2) elif z<(400,400): im1 = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file=a) I1 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im1) I1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=1, rowspan =6) imt = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="Blank.png") T1 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=imt) T1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) B1 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Echelle de gris", command = EchelleDeGris, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=NORMAL) B1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Appliquer Luminosité", command = Luminosite, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=2, column=2) S1 = Scale(main, from_=0, to=254, orient=HORIZONTAL, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", length = 200) S1.grid(row=1, column=2) B2 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Supprimer Image", command = SupprimerImage, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B2.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=4, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Annuler Modifications", command = AnnulerModifications, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=3, column=2) B4 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Pop Art", command = PopArt, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B4.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=5, column=2) s=S1.get() Moyenne() main.mainloop()


from PIL import Image Ima1=Image.open("face.png") z=Ima1.size Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() rouge=0 vert=0 bleu=0 for x in range(1,z[0]-1): for y in range(1,z[1]-1): for t in range(-1,1): print(t) for w in range(-1,1): print(w) k=px[x+t,y+w] if k[0]>k[1] and k[0]>k[2]: rouge=rouge+1 if k[1]>k[0] and k[1]>k[2]: vert=vert+1 if k[2]>k[1] and k[2]>k[0]: bleu=bleu+1 x=x-1 y=y-1 Max=rouge if bleu>Max: Max=bleu elif vert>Max: Max=vert pax=px[x,y] if Max == rouge: pax=(pax[0],0,0) if Max == vert: pax=(0,pax[1],0) if Max == bleu: pax = (0,0,pax[2]) Ima2.show()

I'm writing a program on tkinter similar to photoshop (image treatment), and the problem is one of my functions (Moyenne()) is telling me index out of range, but it's worked before but not now. I've searched but I haven't found anything. If you need any specification just ask ;)

from tkinter import* import tkinter as Tkinter from tkinter import filedialog, DISABLED import os import ntpath from PIL import Image def EchelleDeGris(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): p=px[x,y] o=int((p[0]+p[1]+p[2])/3) px1[x,y]=(o,o,o) Ima2.save("ImageMod.png") im2 = PhotoImage(file="ImageMod.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def SupprimerImage(): I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=imt) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def Luminosite(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): p=px[x,y] px1[x,y]=(p[0]+S1.get(),p[1]+S1.get(),p[2]+S1.get()) Ima2.save("ImageMod.png") im2 = PhotoImage(file="ImageMod.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def AnnulerModifications(): I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im1) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def PopArt(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): p=px[x,y] o=int((p[0]+p[1]+p[2])/3) if o<85: px1[x,y]=(0,0,255) elif 85<o<170: px1[x,y]=(0,255,0) elif o>170: px1[x,y]=(255,0,0) Ima2.save("ImageMod.png") im2 = PhotoImage(file="ImageMod.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) def Moyenne(): Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() rouge=0 vert=0 bleu=0 for x in range(1,z[0]): for y in range(1,z[1]): for t in range(-1,1): for w in range(-1,1): k=px[x+t,y+w] if k[0]>k[1] and k[0]>k[2]: rouge=rouge+1 if k[1]>k[0] and k[1]>k[2]: vert=vert+1 if k[2]>k[1] and k[2]>k[0]: bleu=bleu+1 x=x-1 y=y-1 Max=rouge if bleu>Max: Max=bleu elif vert>Max: Max=vert pax=px[x,y] if Max == rouge: pax=(pax[0],0,0) if Max == vert: pax=(0,pax[1],0) if Max == bleu: pax = (0,0,pax[2]) Ima2.show() main=Tk() main.withdraw() currdir = os.getcwd() a = filedialog.askopenfilename() main.deiconify() main.configure(background="#a1dbcd") main.title("Photoshop Version.Megzari") Ima1=Image.open(a) z=Ima1.size nux=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) nuxy=nux.load() for x in range(z[0]): for y in range(z[1]): nuxy[x,y]=(255,255,255) nux.save("Blank.png") if z>(400,400): im2 = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="ImageBlank.png") main.image = im2 I2 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) I2.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=1, rowspan =6) T1 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im2) T1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) B1 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Echelle de gris", command = EchelleDeGris, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Appliquer Luminosité", command = Luminosite, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=2, column=2) S1 = Scale(main, from_=0, to=254, orient=HORIZONTAL, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED, length = 200) S1.grid(row=1, column=2) B2 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Supprimer Image", command = SupprimerImage, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B2.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=4, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Annuler Modifications", command = AnnulerModifications, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=3, column=2) B4 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Pop Art", command = PopArt, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=DISABLED) B4.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=5, column=2) elif z<(400,400): im1 = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file=a) I1 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=im1) I1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=1, rowspan =6) imt = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="Blank.png") T1 = Tkinter.Label(main, image=imt) T1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=3, rowspan =6) B1 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Echelle de gris", command = EchelleDeGris, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", state=NORMAL) B1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=0, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Appliquer Luminosité", command = Luminosite, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=2, column=2) S1 = Scale(main, from_=0, to=254, orient=HORIZONTAL, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39", length = 200) S1.grid(row=1, column=2) B2 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Supprimer Image", command = SupprimerImage, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B2.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=4, column=2) B3 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Annuler Modifications", command = AnnulerModifications, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B3.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=3, column=2) B4 = Tkinter.Button(main, text ="Pop Art", command = PopArt, fg="#a1dbcd", bg="#383a39") B4.grid(padx=20, pady=20, row=5, column=2) s=S1.get() Moyenne() main.mainloop()

I copied the code in the defMoyenne() and put it in another project and tested it and still doesn't work:

from PIL import Image Ima1=Image.open("face.png") z=Ima1.size Ima2=Image.new("RGB",(z[0],z[1])) px=Ima1.load() px1=Ima2.load() rouge=0 vert=0 bleu=0 for x in range(1,z[0]-1): for y in range(1,z[1]-1): for t in range(-1,1): print(t) for w in range(-1,1): print(w) k=px[x+t,y+w] if k[0]>k[1] and k[0]>k[2]: rouge=rouge+1 if k[1]>k[0] and k[1]>k[2]: vert=vert+1 if k[2]>k[1] and k[2]>k[0]: bleu=bleu+1 x=x-1 y=y-1 Max=rouge if bleu>Max: Max=bleu elif vert>Max: Max=vert pax=px[x,y] if Max == rouge: pax=(pax[0],0,0) if Max == vert: pax=(0,pax[1],0) if Max == bleu: pax = (0,0,pax[2]) Ima2.show()



x=x-1 y=y-1

无论出于何种原因,您都在手动递减循环体中的循环变量。 这最终将导致x在达到k=px[x+t,y+w]时变为0的情况,并且如果t为-1,这将导致您尝试访问索引处的像素[-1,y+w] ,导致您看到“索引超出范围”错误。

Your problem is caused by these statements in the body of Moyenne():

x=x-1 y=y-1

For whatever reason you're manually decrementing your loop variables in the body of the loop. This will eventually result in a case where x becomes 0 by the time you reach k=px[x+t,y+w], and if t is -1 this will result in you trying to access the pixel at index [-1,y+w], causing the "Index out of range" error you see.


本文发布于:2023-04-29 09:52:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:索引   图像   PIL   range   index


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