
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 02:38:11
本文介绍了显示加载GIF,等待Ajax响应的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


<节>     < D​​IV CLASS =父母的风格=文本对齐:中心;>         < D​​IV CLASS =panzoom的风格=宽度:500px的;高度:375px;>         < D​​IV CLASS =装的风格=显示:无ID =加载>< IMG SRC =../../脚本/ spinner.jpg的风格=宽度:200像素;填充左:为175px;/>< / DIV>         < / DIV>    < / DIV>    < D​​IV CLASS =分隔符>< / DIV>    < D​​IV CLASS =按钮的风格=文本对齐:中心;>         <输入类型=范围级=缩放范围>         <一类=键复位>Sıfırla< / A>    < / DIV>     <脚本>             $(函数(){             变量$节= $('部分')第()。             $ section.find(。panzoom)。SVG({                 使用loadURL:resources-biletino.s3.amazonaws/content/venue/17/seatChart-01.svg的onLoad:函数(){                     initAll();                 }             });             $ section.find(。panzoom)。panzoom({                 $ zoomRange:$ section.find(变焦范围。)                 $复位:$ section.find,(复位。)                 光标:自动,                 增加:0.6             });         });         功能seatObject(ID,标签,状​​态,令牌){              this.id = ID;              this.label =标签;              this.status =状态;              this.token =令牌;         }         变种座椅= [];         传播initAll(){             $(seatObj)。每个(函数(){                 VAR ID = $(本).attr(ID);                 变种临时=新seatObject(#+编号标签+ ID,可用,);                 席[ID] =温度;                 $(本)。点击(函数(){                 VAR currentSeat = $(本).attr(ID);                 $(#加载)显示()。                     如果(席[currentSeat] .STATUS ==选择)                     {                         dequeueSeat(currentSeat);                     }                     其他                     {                         enqueueSeat(currentSeat);                         //alert($(this).attr("inkscape:label));                     }                 });             });             $阿贾克斯({                 键入:GET,                 网址:@ Url.Action(GetFullSeats,事件),                 数据:{layoutID:@ Model.LayoutID},                 数据类型:JSON,                 成功:函数(结果)                 {                     VAR uintArray = Base64Binary.de code(结果);                     对于(VAR I = uintArray.length - 1; I> = 0;我 - )                     {                         如果(uintArray [I] 0)                         {                             对于(VAR J = 0; J< 8,J ++)                             {                                 如果((uintArray [1] - 安培; Math.pow(2,j)的)== Math.pow(2,j))后                                 {                                     。座位[(((2047 - I)* 8)+ J)状态=卖;                                 }                             }                         }                     }                     drawSeats();                 }             });             $阿贾克斯({                 键入:GET,                 网址:@ Url.Action(GetQueuedSeats,事件),                 数据:{                    layoutID:@ Model.LayoutID                 },                 数据类型:JSON,                 成功:函数(结果){                 变种queuedSeats = result.split(,);                 $(#加载)隐藏()。                     对于(VAR I = 0; I< queuedSeats.length;我++)                     {                         如果(queuedSeats [I]!=){                             。座位[queuedSeats [I]状态=排队;                         }                     }                     drawSeats();                 }             });         }         功能drawSeats(){             对于(VAR I = 0; I< seats.length;我++)             {                  如果(席[I] .STATUS ==可用)                  {                      $(席[I] .ID)的.css('补','#888888');                  }                  如果(席[I] .STATUS ==卖)                  {                      $(席[I] .ID)的.css('补','#ff4848');                  }                  如果(席[I] .STATUS ==排队)                  {                      $(席[I] .ID)的.css('补','#F0B702');                  }                   如果(席[I] .STATUS ==选择)                  {                      $(席[I] .ID)的.css('补','#00c865');                  }             }         }         功能enqueueSeat(currentSeat){             $阿贾克斯({                 键入:GET,                 网址:@ Url.Action(EnqueueSeat,事件),                 数据:{                     selectionGUID:@(selectionGUID),                     sea​​tID:currentSeat,                     layoutID:@(Model.LayoutID)'                 },                 数据类型:JSON,                 成功:功能(数据){                     如果(数据!=)                     {                         席[currentSeat] .STATUS =选择;                         席[currentSeat] .token =数据;                     }                     drawSeats();                 }             });         }         功能dequeueSeat(currentSeat){             $阿贾克斯({                 键入:GET,                 网址:@ Url.Action(DequeueSeat,事件),                 数据:{                     reservationToken:席[currentSeat] .token                 },                 数据类型:JSON,                 成功:功能(数据){                     如果(数据)                     {                         席[currentSeat] .STATUS =可用;                         席[currentSeat] .token =;                     }                     drawSeats();                 }             });          }     < / SCRIPT> < /节>


您只需2个功能结合到 ajaxStart()和 ajaxStop() 分别。



注册一个处理程序的第一个Ajax请求开始时被调用。   这是一个Ajax事件。



注册一个处理函数,当所有Ajax请求已完成被调用。   这是一个Ajax事件。

$。ajaxStart(函数(){     $('#装载)显示()。 //显示加载指示器 }); $ .ajaxStop(函数() {     $('#装载)隐藏()。 //隐藏负荷指标 });


I have a seat chart. When i click a seat, i want to show a loading gif. Seat chart comes from svg document. Seats are svg elements. When ajax response returned, i want to hide loading gif. I wrote code below but it doesnt work.

<section> <div class="parent" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="panzoom" style="width: 500px; height:375px;"> <div class="loading" style="display:none" id="loading"><img src="../../Scripts/spinner.jpg" style="width:200px; padding-left:175px;"/></div> </div> </div> <div class="seperator"></div> <div class="buttons" style="text-align:center;"> <input type="range" class="zoom-range"> <a class="button reset">Sıfırla</a> </div> <script> $(function () { var $section = $('section').first(); $section.find(".panzoom").svg({ loadURL: "resources-biletino.s3.amazonaws/content/venue/17/seatChart-01.svg",onLoad:function(){ initAll(); } }); $section.find(".panzoom").panzoom({ $zoomRange: $section.find(".zoom-range"), $reset: $section.find(".reset"), cursor: "auto", increment: 0.6 }); }); function seatObject(id, label, status, token){ this.id = id; this.label = label; this.status = status; this.token = token; } var seats = []; function initAll(){ $(".seatObj").each(function(){ var id = $(this).attr("id"); var temp = new seatObject("#" + id, "label" + id, "available", ""); seats[id] = temp; $(this).click(function () { var currentSeat = $(this).attr("id"); $("#loading").show(); if (seats[currentSeat].status == "selected") { dequeueSeat(currentSeat); } else { enqueueSeat(currentSeat); //alert($(this).attr("inkscape:label")); } }); }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url : "@Url.Action("GetFullSeats","Event")", data:{layoutID:'@Model.LayoutID'}, dataType : "json", success:function(result) { var uintArray = Base64Binary.decode(result); for (var i = uintArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (uintArray[i] > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if ((uintArray[i] & Math.pow(2, j)) == Math.pow(2, j)) { seats[(((2047 - i) * 8) + j)].status = "sold"; } } } } drawSeats(); } }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url : "@Url.Action("GetQueuedSeats", "Event")", data:{ layoutID:'@Model.LayoutID' }, dataType : "json", success:function(result){ var queuedSeats = result.split(","); $("#loading").hide(); for (var i = 0; i < queuedSeats.length; i++) { if (queuedSeats[i] != ""){ seats[queuedSeats[i]].status = "queued"; } } drawSeats(); } }); } function drawSeats(){ for (var i = 0; i < seats.length; i++) { if (seats[i].status == "available") { $(seats[i].id).css('fill','#888888'); } if (seats[i].status == "sold") { $(seats[i].id).css('fill','#ff4848'); } if (seats[i].status == "queued") { $(seats[i].id).css('fill','#F0B702'); } if (seats[i].status == "selected") { $(seats[i].id).css('fill','#00c865'); } } } function enqueueSeat(currentSeat){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "@Url.Action("EnqueueSeat", "Event")", data:{ selectionGUID:"@(selectionGUID)", seatID: currentSeat, layoutID:'@(Model.LayoutID)' }, dataType:"json", success:function(data){ if(data != "") { seats[currentSeat].status = "selected"; seats[currentSeat].token = data; } drawSeats(); } }); } function dequeueSeat(currentSeat){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "@Url.Action("DequeueSeat", "Event")", data:{ reservationToken:seats[currentSeat].token }, dataType:"json", success:function(data){ if(data) { seats[currentSeat].status = "available"; seats[currentSeat].token = ""; } drawSeats(); } }); } </script> </section>


You can just bind 2 functions to ajaxStart() and ajaxStop() respectively.


Register a handler to be called when the first Ajax request begins. This is an Ajax Event.


Register a handler to be called when all Ajax requests have completed. This is an Ajax Event.

$.ajaxStart(function () { $('#loading').show(); // show loading indicator }); $.ajaxStop(function() { $('#loading').hide(); // hide loading indicator });

These will be automatically called when Ajax requests begin or end.



本文发布于:2023-08-07 18:15:15,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:加载   GIF   Ajax


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