re2020 bt2020_如何在2020年选择最佳博客平台(比较)

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-27 20:28:16

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re2020 bt2020_如何在2020年选择最佳博客平台(比较)

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Are you looking to start your own blog, but can’t figure out how to choose the best blogging platform? It’s a tough choice since there are several different blogging platforms out there. How do you find out which one is right for you?

您是否想建立自己的博客 ,却不知道如何选择最佳的博客平台? 这是一个艰难的选择,因为那里有几种不同的博客平台。 您如何找到最适合您的呢?

In this article, we’ll help you choose the best blogging platform by going over the pros and cons of the most popular blogging sites.


Here are the popular blogging platforms we’ll be comparing in this article. If you’re interested in a particular platform, you can click the link to skip ahead in the article.

这是我们将在本文中比较的流行博客平台。 如果您对特定平台感兴趣,可以单击链接以跳过本文中的内容。

  1. WordPressWordPress
  2. Constant Contact Website Builder持续联系网站建设者
  3. Gator鳄鱼
  4. WordPressWordPress
  5. Blogger博客
  6. TumblrTumblr
  7. Medium中
  8. Squarespace方形空间
  9. Wix蜡
  10. Ghost鬼

选择最佳的博客平台–寻找什么? (Choosing The Best Blogging Platform – What to Look for?)

Before diving in the list, it is helpful to know what you’re looking for in a blogging platform.


As a beginner, you’ll want a blogging platform that’s easy to set up, has a low learning curve, and doesn’t require any coding skills.


You’ll also need to think about what kind of blog you want to create, now and in the future.


As your blog grows, you may want to change the look of your site and add more features for your growing audience. That means it’s important to choose a blogging platform that’s flexible, with room to grow.

随着博客的增长,您可能希望更改网站的外观并为不断增长的受众群体添加更多功能。 这意味着选择一个灵活的,具有增长空间的博客平台非常重要。

Starting off with the wrong platform can make it very difficult to switch later on.


Lastly, even if you don’t have plans to make money blogging right now, it’s smart to make sure you have the option to do so in the future.

最后,即使您现在没有计划通过博客赚钱 ,也可以确保将来有选择这样做。

With all that in mind, let’s compare the best blogging platforms for beginners.


1. WordPress (1. WordPress)

WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging software. Started in 2003, WordPress now powers more than 30% of all websites on the internet.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的博客软件。 WordPress始于2003年,现在为互联网上所有网站的30%以上提供动力 。

Note: It’s easy to confuse WordPress with WordPress, which is a blog hosting service mentioned later in this list. See our guide on the difference between WordPress and WordPress.

注意:很容易将WordPress与WordPress混淆,这是此列表后面部分提到的博客托管服务。 请参阅有关WordPress和WordPress之间区别的指南。

WordPress is an open source free blogging platform that allows you to build your website or blog within minutes.


It is a self-hosted solution which means that you will need to sign up with a WordPress hosting provider. WordPress is a great option if you want to have full control over your blog’s future.

这是一个自托管的解决方案,这意味着您将需要与WordPress托管提供商进行注册。 如果您想完全控制博客的未来,则WordPress是一个不错的选择。



  • WordPress gives you control over every aspect of your website.

  • forums, 论坛 , online store, and 在线商店和paid membership. This makes WordPress the best blogging platform to make money.付费会员 。 这使WordPress成为赚钱的最佳博客平台。
  • There are thousands of free themes available for WordPress. This allows you to create a beautiful website that stands apart from the crowd.

    有成千上万的免费主题可用于WordPress。 这使您可以创建一个与众不同的漂亮网站。
  • You also get access to more than 54,000 free plugins. These plugins are like apps for your WordPress blog that allow you to add features like contact forms, galleries, etc.

    您还可以访问超过54,000个免费插件。 这些插件就像您的WordPress博客的应用程序一样,可让您添加联系表单,画廊等功能。
  • search engine friendly. You can easily create SEO friendly URLs, categories, and tags for your posts. Plus, there’re a good number of great 搜索引擎友好的 。 您可以轻松地为您的帖子创建SEO友好的URL,类别和标签。 此外,还有很多出色的SEO plugins for additional features.SEO插件可提供其他功能。



  • Managing your own website comes with a bit of a learning curve.

  • You will have to manage your own backups and security.




WordPress software is free, but you’ll need to have a domain name (about $14.99/year) and hosting (usually starting from $7.99/month).

WordPress软件是免费的 ,但您需要拥有一个域名(大约$ 14.99 /年)和托管(通常从$ 7.99 /月开始)。

You need a domain name and web hosting for starting any type of website.


WPBeginner users can get started for only $2.75 per month with Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider. They are offering our users 60% off on web hosting and a FREE domain name.

WPBeginner用户可以每月仅2.75美元开始使用Bluehost ,这是WordPress官方推荐的托管服务提供商。 他们为我们的用户提供了60%的网络托管和免费域名折扣。

See our guide on how to start a WordPress blog for complete step by step instructions.

请参阅有关如何启动WordPress博客的指南, 以获取完整的分步说明。

2.持续联系网站建设者 (2. Constant Contact Website Builder)

Constant Contact Website Builder is an intelligent A.I. powered website builder that allows you to create a free blog, business website, and even an online store within minutes.

持续联系网站生成器 ( Constant Contact Website Builder)是一个由AI驱动的智能网站构建器,可让您在几分钟之内创建一个免费的博客,商业网站,甚至是一个在线商店。

You can start with their large templates collection and customize your website design using an easy to use drag and drop interface. You also get access to other helpful tools such as a custom logo maker, professional stock photo library of over 550,000 images, online store, and a whole lot more.

您可以从其大型模板集合开始,并使用易于使用的拖放界面自定义网站设计。 您还可以访问其他有用的工具,例如自定义徽标制作器,超过550,000张图像的专业库存图片库,在线商店等等。



  • Easy-to-use drag and drop website builder with no technical skills required.

  • Quick and easy setup, since Constant Contact will host your website for you.

    快速便捷的设置,因为Constant Contact将为您托管您的网站。
  • Free 60 day trial that allows you to try out the service and even build an online store before buying.

  • Free SSL certificate is included with all paid plans.




  • The developer ecosystem is small, so there aren’t as many third party plugins like WordPress.

  • Limited integration with third party platforms.

  • Exporting your site from Constant Contact website builder to another platform is difficult.

    将您的网站从Constant Contact网站构建器导出到另一个平台很困难。



Constant Contact website builder offers a generous 60 day free trial that allows you to create a blog, business website, logo, and even an online eCommerce store.

Constant Contact网站构建器提供60天的免费试用期,使您可以创建博客,企业网站,徽标,甚至在线电子商务商店。

You can upgrade to the Website Builder plan for $10 per month which gives you access to a custom domain name, free SSL certificate, and other powerful platform features along with 24/7 phone based support which is a big plus considering most other website builders don’t offer phone support.

您可以每月10美元的价格升级到Website Builder计划,使您可以访问自定义域名,免费SSL证书和其他强大的平台功能,以及基于24/7电话的支持,考虑到其他大多数网站建设者所提供的支持,这是一个很大的优势不提供电话支持。

If you’re a small business who don’t want to use WordPress, then Constant Contact is the next best choice considering everything you get for the price.

如果您是不想使用WordPress的小型企业,那么考虑到您所获得的一切价格, Constant Contact是下一个最佳选择。

3. Gator由HostGator (3. Gator by HostGator)

Gator is a website builder and blogging platform created by HostGator, the popular web hosting company that we use to host the WPBeginner website. Gator offers a drag & drop tool that you can use to build any type of website including blogs, business sites, and even an online store.

Gator是由HostGator创建的网站构建器和博客平台, HostGator是流行的网络托管公司,我们用来托管WPBeginner网站。 Gator提供了拖放工具,您可以使用该工具来构建任何类型的网站,包括博客,商业网站,甚至是在线商店。

It’s important that you don’t confuse the Gator builder with HostGator website hosting. You can use HostGator hosting service to start a WordPress blog like we have done.

重要的是,不要将Gator生成器与HostGator网站托管混淆。 您可以像我们一样使用HostGator托管服务来启动WordPress博客 。

However if you are looking for a non-WordPress all-in-one blog platform and hosting solution, then Gator is the perfect option.




  • Easy drag and drop builder to customize your blog & website design.

  • Quick setup – no technical hassle.

  • Backups, performance, and security is all handled by HostGator (no headaches).

  • Free Domain and SSL certificate is included in all plans.

  • Can easily add an online store to your blog with just a few clicks.




  • There is no free account, but they do have a 45-day money back guarantee.

  • Ecommerce features are restricted to higher plans only.

  • Limited number of apps and extensions.




WPBeginner users get 55% off on all Gator builder plans. The Starter plan costs $3.46/month and it comes with all the features you need to start a successful blog including a free domain and SSL certificate.

WPBeginner用户可以在所有Gator构建器计划中享受55%的折扣。 Starter计划的费用为每月3.46美元,它具有启动成功的博客所需的所有功能,包括免费域和SSL证书。

You just need to make sure to use our Gator Website Builder coupon code: wpbeginner to get 55% off.

您只需要确保使用我们的Gator Website Builder优惠券代码: wpbeginner即可享受55%的折扣。

4. WordPress (4. WordPress)

WordPress is a blog hosting service offered by Automattic, a company created by WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg.

WordPress是由Automattic提供的博客托管服务,该公司由WordPress联合创始人Matt Mullenweg创建。

WordPress offers a basic blog hosting service for free. You can purchase additional options like a custom domain name, additional storage, and other premium services.

WordPress免费提供基本的博客托管服务。 您可以购买其他选项,例如自定义域名,其他存储空间和其他高级服务。

Started in 2005 with a goal to bring WordPress experience to a larger audience, WordPress is a good blogging site for users who don’t want the advanced features of self-hosted WordPress.




  • No setup required.

  • Easy to use and manage.

  • It’s completely free if you are happy with a WordPress subdomain. Your free website name looks like this: .

    如果您对WordPress子域感到满意,则它是完全免费的。 您的免费网站名称如下所示:。



  • Limited options to extend your site. You cannot use custom themes and plugins for customizing your blog.有限选项 。 您不能使用自定义主题和插件来自定义博客。
  • You cannot run advertisements on your blog. Instead, WordPress will show their ads on your free website.

    您不能在博客上投放广告。 相反,WordPress会在您的免费网站上展示他们的广告。
  • You do not own your blog, and WordPress can suspend your account if they find you are violating their terms of service.




The basic WordPress account is free, but it will have WordPress ads and branding.


You can upgrade to their Personal plan for $4/month (billed yearly) to remove WordPress logo and advertising from your website. You also get a custom domain (such as www.yoursite).

您可以每月4美元(按年计费)的价格升级到其个人计划,以从您的网站中删除WordPress徽标和广告。 您还将获得一个自定义域(例如www.yoursite)。

For $8/month (billed yearly) you can get additional design tools and extra storage.


Because of the similarity in names, beginners often start with WordPress thinking they are getting the powerful WordPress software. After seeing the limitations, users often end up switching from WordPress to WordPress to have more features and control over their website.

由于名称的相似性,初学者通常从WordPress开始,以为他们正在获得功能强大的WordPress软件。 看到这些限制之后,用户通常最终会从WordPress切换到WordPress,以拥有更多功能并控制他们的网站。

5. Blogger (5. Blogger)

Blogger is a free blogging service by Google. It offers a quick and easy way to create a blog for non-tech-savvy users.

Blogger是Google提供的免费博客服务。 它为非精通技术的用户提供了一种快速简便的方法来创建博客。

Blogger is one of the earliest blogging platforms in existence. It was first launched in 1999 by Pyra Labs. Later in 2003, Google acquired Blogger and redesigned it as the product we know today.

Blogger是存在的最早的博客平台之一。 它由Pyra Labs于1999年首次推出。 2003年下半年,Google收购了Blogger,并将其重新设计为我们今天所知的产品。

All you need is a Google account to start a free blog on Blogger.




  • Blogger is free.

  • It’s easy to use and manage without any technical skills.

  • Has the added advantage of Google’s robust secure platform and reliability.




  • You’re limited to basic blogging tools, and can’t add new features as your blog grows in popularity.

  • Design options are limited, with fewer templates available. Third party templates for Blogger are often low quality.

    设计选项有限,可用的模板较少。 Blogger的第三方模板通常质量较低。
  • Blogger does not receive frequent updates or new features.

  • Feedburner.)Feedburner 。)

For more pros and cons of Blogger, see our comparison of WordPress vs Blogger (Pros and cons).

有关Blogger的更多优缺点,请参阅WordPress与Blogger的比较(优缺点) 。

Some users start out with Blogger because it’s free, but eventually as their blog grows, they end up switching from Blogger to WordPress to get more features and control over their website.




Blogger is free with a Blogger subdomain like . If you want to use a custom domain, you need to buy from a third-party domain registrar.

Blogger免费提供Blogger子域,例如。 如果要使用自定义域,则需要从第三方域注册商处购买 。

6. Tumblr (6. Tumblr)

Tumblr is a little different than other blogging platforms. It is a microblogging platform with social networking features including following other blogs, reblogging, built-in sharing tools, and more.

Tumblr与其他博客平台略有不同。 这是一个具有社交网络功能的微博平台,包括关注其他博客,重新博客,内置共享工具等。



  • Tumblr is free with a Tumblr subdomain like . You can also connect a premium custom domain name.

    Tumblr免费提供Tumblr子域,例如。 您还可以连接高级自定义域名。
  • It is very easy to set up and use.

  • It has an integrated social media component.

  • As a microblogging tool, Tumblr makes it easy to quickly blog videos, GIFs, images, and audio formats.




  • Tumblr comes with a limited set of features that you cannot extend as your blog grows.

  • There are many themes available for Tumblr, but they can’t offer additional features.

  • how to move from Tumblr to WordPress).如何从Tumblr迁移到WordPress的指南 )。



Tumblr is free to use. You can use a custom domain (purchased separately) for your Tumblr blog, and there are also third-party themes and apps available to purchase.

Tumblr是免费使用的。 您可以为您的Tumblr博客使用自定义域(单独购买),也可以购买第三方主题和应用。

7.中 (7. Medium)

Launched in 2012, Medium has grown into a community of writers, bloggers, journalists, and experts. It is an easy-to-use blogging platform with limited social networking features.

自2012年成立以来,Medium已发展成为一个由作家,博客作者,记者和专家组成的社区。 这是一个易于使用的博客平台,具有有限的社交网络功能。

Medium works much like a social networking site where you can create an account and start publishing your articles. After you sign up, you’ll have a profile address like this: https://medium/@yourname. But you cannot use your own domain.

Medium的工作方式就像一个社交网站,您可以在其中创建一个帐户并开始发布文章。 注册后,您将拥有一个如下的个人资料地址:https://medium/@您的名字。 但是您不能使用自己的域。



  • Medium is easy to use, with no setup required and no coding skills needed.

  • It allows you to reach an existing online community of people of similar interests.

  • You can focus solely on writing, instead of designing a website.




  • Features are very limited in terms of design or building a brand.

  • Medium owns your audience, so losing your blog means losing all your followers.

  • You cannot use your own domain name. You’ll simply get a profile page like in Facebook, e.g. https://medium/@yourname.

    您不能使用自己的域名。 您将只获得一个类似于Facebook中的个人资料页面,例如https://medium/@您的名字。
  • You cannot run your own ads to make money.


For more detailed comparison, see our guide on WordPress vs Medium – which one is better?.

有关更详细的比较,请参阅我们的WordPress vs Medium指南-哪个更好? 。



Medium is free to use.


While the platform looks attractive at first, the lack of monetization and control leads to most people switching from Medium to WordPress.

虽然该平台乍看之下很吸引人,但由于缺乏获利能力和控制力,导致大多数人从Medium切换到WordPress 。

8.平方空间 (8. Squarespace)

Squarespace is a website building service that allows you to create beautiful websites using easy drag and drop tools. It focuses on small business owners who are looking for an easy way to create an online presence.

Squarespace是一个网站构建服务,可让您使用简单的拖放工具创建漂亮的网站。 它聚焦于正在寻找一种简便的在线创建方式的小型企业所有者。

Started in 2003, Squarespace currently powers millions of websites online.




  • Squarespace is simple and easy to use for beginners who aren’t very tech-savvy.

  • It has beautiful professionally designed templates.

  • It separately offers domain name with SSL/HTTPs and eCommerce stores.

    它分别提供带有SSL / HTTPs和电子商务商店的域名。



  • Squarespace is limited to the features built into their proprietary platform.

  • Integrations are limited to a select few services and tools.


See our guide on WordPress vs Squarespace for a more detailed comparison.




Squarespace has different pricing plans for websites and online stores.


Pricing for their Personal website plan starts at $16/month, or $12/month if you pay for the year in advance. For the Business plan, pricing starts at $26/month, or $18/month billed annually.

他们的个人网站计划的起价为每月16美元,如果您提前支付年度费用,则起价为每月12美元。 对于业务计划,定价起价为每月26美元或每年按月计费18美元。

Whereas pricing for online stores starts from $26/month and up to $40/month.

在线商店的价格从每月$ 26起,直到每月$ 40。

Often users end up switching from Squarespace to WordPress to minimize their expenses and add more features on their websites.


9.蜡 (9. Wix)

Wix is a hosted platform to build websites. It offers a solution for small businesses to build a website using drag and drop tools. You can also add a blog to your website by adding the Wix Blog app.

Wix是用于构建网站的托管平台。 它为小型企业提供了使用拖放工具构建网站的解决方案。 您还可以通过添加Wix博客应用将博客添加到您的网站。

Wix was founded in 2006 as a platform where anyone could create their own stunning website with no coding skills required. It has currently over 110 million users across the globe.

Wix成立于2006年,是一个平台,任何人都可以创建自己的令人惊叹的网站,而无需任何编码技能。 目前,它在全球拥有超过1.1亿用户。



  • You can customize your site using dozens of templates and third party apps.

  • Build your site with easy drag and drop tools; no coding skills required.

    使用简单的拖放工具构建您的网站; 无需编码技能。
  • Setup is quick and easy.




  • The free account is limited and shows Wix branding and ads on your site.

  • Free third party apps are limited.

  • Once you choose a template you cannot change it.

  • Ecommerce features are limited to paid plans, and even those features are limited.

  • Blog features do not match up to the other platforms in the list.


See our article on Wix vs WordPress for a detailed comparison of the two platforms.

有关这两个平台的详细比较,请参阅我们关于Wix vs WordPress的文章。



The basic Wix website builder is free. With a free Wix account, you’ll get a Wix subdomain that looks like this: /example.

基本的Wix网站构建器是免费的。 使用免费的Wix帐户,您将获得一个如下所示的Wix子域:/example。

However, you can add a custom domain for $4.50/month. Their premium plans start from $8.50/month and go up to $24.50/month.

但是,您可以按每月$ 4.50的价格添加自定义域 。 他们的保费计划从每月$ 8.50起,直到每月$ 24.50。

10.幽灵 (10. Ghost)

Ghost is a minimalist blogging platform with features entirely focused on writing blog posts. Started in 2013, Ghost is available as a hosted platform and as a software that you can install / host yourself. We’ll take a look at both options.

Ghost是一个极简主义的博客平台,其功能完全专注于撰写博客文章。 Ghost始于2013年,可以作为托管平台使用,也可以作为可自行安装/托管的软件使用。 我们将介绍这两个选项。



  • Focused on blogging and writing.

  • Clean, clutter-free, and intuitive user interface.

  • Written in JavaScript, so it’s super fast.

  • No setup required for the hosted version.




  • Not easy to customize with apps.

  • The simplified user interface means options are very limited.

  • Not enough themes to change appearance of your site.

  • Complicated setup if you install it yourself.


Take a look at our comparison of WordPress vs Ghost for more details on the topic.




The self-hosted version needs a custom domain (about $14.99/year) and web hosting (starting from about $7.99/month).


Pricing for the hosted version starts at $29/month for 2 staff users with a 100k page view limit. Unless you buy a custom domain from a third-party domain registrar, your blog will be a Ghost subdomain ending with

2个工作人员用户的起步版本为10万页,起价为29美元/月。 除非您从第三方域名注册商处购买自定义域名,否则您的博客将是一个以ghost.io结尾的Ghost子域名。

我们选择最佳博客平台 (Our Pick for the Best Blogging Platform)

We believe that WordPress outperforms all other blogging sites. It is powerful, easy to use, affordable, and the most flexible of all available blogging platforms. Here are all the reasons why you should use WordPress.

我们认为WordPress的表现优于所有其他博客网站。 它功能强大,易于使用,价格合理,并且是所有可用博客平台中最灵活的。 这就是为什么您应该使用WordPress的所有原因。

To help you start your own WordPress site, we have created a complete guide on how to start a blog in 7 Easy Steps.


If you need help, then WPBeginner’s team of experts can even help setup your blog for free. Learn more about our free WordPress blog setup service.

如果您需要帮助,WPBeginner的专家团队甚至可以免费帮助您设置博客。 详细了解我们的免费WordPress博客设置服务 。

If you’re looking for a WordPress alternative, then our second choice for the best blogging platform would be Constant Contact website builder.

如果您正在寻找WordPress替代方案,那么最好的博客平台的第二选择是Constant Contact网站构建器 。

Their free A.I powered drag & drop website builder makes it easy to build any type of website from blog to business website to an online store.


We hope this article helped you choose the best blogging platform for your next blog. You may also want to see our guide on 27 proven tips to increase your blog traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您为下一个博客选择最佳的博客平台。 您可能还想查看有关27个经过验证的技巧的指南, 以增加博客流量 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: /beginners-guide/how-to-choose-the-best-blogging-platform/

re2020 bt2020


re2020 bt2020_如何在2020年选择最佳博客平台(比较)

本文发布于:2023-08-05 13:59:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:如何在   平台   博客


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