
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 08:27:40
本文介绍了四叉树和Kd树的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I have a set of latitude and longitude for various locations and also know the latitude and longitude of my current location. I have to find out the nearest places from current location.

  • 从Kdtree和Quadtree中哪种算法是最好的算法,以便从经度和纬度集中找出相邻的位置?
  • 一个人比另一个人有什么优势?
  • 出于上述目的,我们如何在C#中实现这些算法?


Comparing spatial indexing techniques I would like to bring a 3rd one into our comparative study which is called Grid indexing. and in order to understand Quad-Tree I would like to go into Grid indexing first.



Grid indexing is a grid-base spatial indexing method in which the study area is divided into fixed size tiles (fixed dimensions) like chess board.


Using Grid index, every point in a tile are tagged with that tile number, so the Index table could provide you a tag for each point showing the tile which our number falls in.


Imagine a situation in which you need to find points in a given rectangle. This query is performed in two steps :

  • 找到矩形重叠的图块以及图块中的点(第一个过滤器)
  • 在上述步骤中找到实际上位于矩形中的候选点.这需要使用点和矩形坐标精确地完成.(第二个过滤器)
  • 第一个过滤器会创建一组候选项,并阻止依次检查我们研究区域中的所有点.

    The first filter creates a set of candidates and prevents to test all points in our study area to be checked one after the other.


    The second filter is the accurate check and uses rectangle coordinates to test the candidates.


    Now, Take a look at the tiles in above pictures, what happens if the tiles are very big or very Small?


    When the tiles are too big, for example assume that you have a tile with equal size of your study area, which makes only one tile! so the first filter is practically useless, the whole processing load will be burden by the second filter. In this case the first filter is fast and the second filter is very slow.


    Now imagine that the tiles are very small, in this case the first filter is very slow and practically it generates the answer it self, and the second filter is fast.


    Determining the tile size is very important and affects the performance directly but what if you can not determine the best tile dimension? what if you you area has both spare and dense sub-areas? Here it is the time to use other spatial indexing mechanisms like R-Tree, KD-Tree or Quad-Tree!


    Quad Tree方法从覆盖整个研究区域的大图块开始,然后将其划分为两条水平线和垂直线,以得到四个相等的面积(即新图块),然后检查每个图块以查看其是否大于预定义图块.定义的阈值,指向其中.在这种情况下,将再次使用水平和垂直分隔线将图块划分为四个相等的部分.这个过程一直持续到不再有点数大于阈值的图块为止,这是一种递归算法.

    Quad Tree method starts with a big tile that covers whole study area,and divides it by two horizontal and vertical lines to have four equal area which are new tiles and then inspect each tile to see if it has more than a pre-defined threshold, points in it. in this case the tile will be divided into four equal parts using a horizontal and a vertical dividing lines,again. The process continues till there would be no more tile with number of points bigger than threshold, which is a recursive algorithm.


    So in denser areas we have smaller tiles and big tiles when having spare points.


    What is KD-Tree? In KD-Tree, we divide an area if it has more than a threshold points in it (other criterias can be used) dividing is done using a (K-1) dimension geometry, for example in a 3D-Tree we need a plane to divide the space, and in a 2D-Tree we need a line to divide the area. Dividing geometry is iterative and cyclic, for example in a 3D-Tree, the first splitting plane is a X axis aligned plane and the next dividing plane is Y axis aligned and the next is Z, the cycle continue for each space parts to become acceptable(satisfy the criteria)


    The following picture shows a balanced KD-Tree that each dividing line is a median, that divides an area into two sub-area with approximately equal number of points.


    Conclusion : If you have a well-distributed points which is not the case when talking about structural features of earth in a map, cause they are random, but is acceptable when we plan to store a city roads network. I would go for a Grid indexing.


    If you have a limited resource(i.e. Car navigation Systems) you need to implement KD-Tree or Quad-Tree. Each has its own pros and cons.

  • Quad-Tree创建了许多空的子图块,因为即使我们的图块的整个数据可以容纳四分之一,每个图块也必须分为四个部分,所以其余的子图块被认为是多余的.(看看上面的四叉树图片)
  • Quad-Tree的索引更容易实现,并且可以更轻松地实现.使用图块ID访问图块不需要递归功能.
  • 在二维Kd-树中,每个节点只有两个子节点或根本没有子节点,因此通过KD-Tree进行搜索本质上是 binary搜索.
  • 更新四叉树比更新平衡的KD树要容易得多.
  • 基于以上描述,我建议从四叉树开始


    Here it is a sample code for quad-tree that intend to create 5000 random point.

    #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //Removed windows-specific header and functions //------------------------------------- // STRUCTURES //------------------------------------- struct Point { int x; int y; }; struct Node { int posX; int posY; int width; int height; Node *child[4]; //Changed to Node *child[4] rather than Node ** child[4] Point pointArray[5000]; }; //------------------------------------- // DEFINITIONS //------------------------------------- void BuildQuadTree(Node *n); void PrintQuadTree(Node *n, int depth = 0); void DeleteQuadTree(Node *n); Node *BuildNode(Node *n, Node *nParent, int index); //------------------------------------- // FUNCTIONS //------------------------------------- void setnode(Node *xy,int x, int y, int w, int h) { int i; xy->posX = x; xy->posY = y; xy->width= w; xy->height= h; for(i=0;i<5000;i++) { xy->pointArray[i].x=560; xy->pointArray[i].y=560; } //Initialises child-nodes to NULL - better safe than sorry for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) xy->child[i] = NULL; } int randn() { int a; a=rand()%501; return a; } int pointArray_size(Node *n) { int m = 0,i; for (i = 0;i<=5000; i++) if(n->pointArray[i].x <= 500 && n->pointArray[i].y <= 500) m++; return (m + 1); } //------------------------------------- // MAIN //------------------------------------- int main() { // Initialize the root node Node * rootNode = new Node; //Initialised node int i, x[5000],y[5000]; FILE *fp; setnode(rootNode,0, 0, 500, 500); // WRITE THE RANDOM POINT FILE fp = fopen("POINT.C","w"); if ( fp == NULL ) { puts ( "Cannot open file" ); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<5000;i++) { x[i]=randn(); y[i]=randn(); fprintf(fp,"%d,%d\n",x[i],y[i]); } fclose(fp); // READ THE RANDOM POINT FILE AND ASSIGN TO ROOT Node fp=fopen("POINT.C","r"); for(i=0;i<5000;i++) { if(fscanf(fp,"%d,%d",&x[i],&y[i]) != EOF) { rootNode->pointArray[i].x=x[i]; rootNode->pointArray[i].y=y[i]; } } fclose(fp); // Create the quadTree BuildQuadTree(rootNode); PrintQuadTree(rootNode); //Added function to print for easier debugging DeleteQuadTree(rootNode); return 0; } //------------------------------------- // BUILD QUAD TREE //------------------------------------- void BuildQuadTree(Node *n) { Node * nodeIn = new Node; //Initialised node int points = pointArray_size(n); if(points > 100) { for(int k =0; k < 4; k++) { n->child[k] = new Node; //Initialised node nodeIn = BuildNode(n->child[k], n, k); BuildQuadTree(nodeIn); } } } //------------------------------------- // PRINT QUAD TREE //------------------------------------- void PrintQuadTree(Node *n, int depth) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf("\t"); if (n->child[0] == NULL) { int points = pointArray_size(n); printf("Points: %d\n", points); return; } else if (n->child[0] != NULL) { printf("Children:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) PrintQuadTree(n->child[i], depth + 1); return; } } //------------------------------------- // DELETE QUAD TREE //------------------------------------- void DeleteQuadTree(Node *n) { if (n->child[0] == NULL) { delete n; return; } else if (n->child[0] != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) DeleteQuadTree(n->child[i]); return; } } //------------------------------------- // BUILD NODE //------------------------------------- Node *BuildNode(Node *n, Node *nParent, int index) { int numParentPoints, i,j = 0; // 1) Creates the bounding box for the node // 2) Determines which points lie within the box /* Position of the child node, based on index (0-3), is determined in this order: | 1 | 0 | | 2 | 3 | */ setnode(n, 0, 0, 0, 0); switch(index) { case 0: // NE n->posX = nParent->posX+nParent->width/2; n->posY = nParent->posY+nParent->height/2; break; case 1: // NW n->posX = nParent->posX; n->posY = nParent->posY+nParent->height/2; break; case 2: // SW n->posX = nParent->posX; n->posY = nParent->posY; break; case 3: // SE n->posX = nParent->posX+nParent->width/2; n->posY = nParent->posY; break; } // Width and height of the child node is simply 1/2 of the parent node's width and height n->width = nParent->width/2; n->height = nParent->height/2; // The points within the child node are also based on the index, similiarily to the position numParentPoints = pointArray_size(nParent); switch(index) { case 0: // NE for(i = 0; i < numParentPoints-1; i++) { // Check all parent points and determine if it is in the top right quadrant if(nParent->pointArray[i].x<=500 && nParent->pointArray[i].x > nParent->posX+nParent->width/2 && nParent->pointArray[i].y > nParent->posY + nParent->height/2 && nParent->pointArray[i].x <= nParent->posX + nParent->width && nParent->pointArray[i].y <= nParent->posY + nParent-> height) { // Add the point to the child node's point array n->pointArray[j].x = nParent ->pointArray[i].x; n->pointArray[j].y = nParent ->pointArray[i].y; j++; } } break; case 1: // NW for(i = 0; i < numParentPoints-1; i++) { // Check all parent points and determine if it is in the top left quadrant if(nParent->pointArray[i].x<=500 && nParent->pointArray[i].x > nParent->posX && nParent->pointArray[i].y > nParent->posY+ nParent-> height/2 && nParent->pointArray[i].x <= nParent->posX + nParent->width/2 && nParent->pointArray[i].y <= nParent->posY + nParent->height) { // Add the point to the child node's point array n->pointArray[j].x = nParent ->pointArray[i].x; n->pointArray[j].y = nParent ->pointArray[i].y; j++; } } break; case 2: // SW for(i = 0; i < numParentPoints-1; i++) { // Check all parent points and determine if it is in the bottom left quadrant if(nParent->pointArray[i].x<=500 && nParent->pointArray[i].x > nParent->posX && nParent->pointArray[i].y > nParent->posY && nParent->pointArray[i].x <= nParent->posX + nParent->width/2 && nParent->pointArray[i].y <= nParent->posY + nParent->height/2) { // Add the point to the child node's point array n->pointArray[j].x = nParent ->pointArray[i].x; n->pointArray[j].y = nParent ->pointArray[i].y; j++; } } break; case 3: // SE for(i = 0; i < numParentPoints-1; i++) { // Check all parent points and determine if it is in the bottom right quadrant if(nParent->pointArray[i].x<=500 && nParent->pointArray[i].x > nParent->posX + nParent->width/2 && nParent->pointArray[i].y > nParent->posY && nParent->pointArray[i].x <= nParent->posX + nParent->width && nParent->pointArray[i].y <= nParent->posY + nParent->height/2) { // Add the point to the child node's point array n->pointArray[j].x = nParent ->pointArray[i].x; n->pointArray[j].y = nParent ->pointArray[i].y; j++; } } break; } return n; }



    本文发布于:2023-07-28 00:18:28,感谢您对本站的认可!
    本文标签:四叉树   Kd


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