pcl::RANSAC 分割,获取云中的所有平面?

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-23 16:23:40
本文介绍了pcl::RANSAC 分割,获取云中的所有平面?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


I have a Point Cloud Library function that detects the largest plane in a point cloud. This works great. Now, I would like to extend this functionality to segment out every planar surface in the cloud and copy those points to a new cloud (for example, a scene with a sphere on the floor of a room would give me back the floor and walls, but not the sphere, as it is not planar). How can I extend the below code to get all the planes, not just the largest one? (runtime is a factor here, so I would prefer not to just run this same code in a loop, stripping out the new largest plane each time)

int main(int argc, char** argv) { pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer("viewer1"); pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud_blob(new pcl::PCLPointCloud2), cloud_filtered_blob(new pcl::PCLPointCloud2); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_filtered(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>), cloud_p(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>), cloud_f(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // Fill in the cloud data pcl::PCDReader reader; reader.read("clouds/table.pcd", *cloud_blob); // Create the filtering object: downsample the dataset using a leaf size of 1cm pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> sor; sor.setInputCloud(cloud_blob); sor.setLeafSize(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f); sor.filter(*cloud_filtered_blob); // Convert to the templated PointCloud pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(*cloud_filtered_blob, *cloud_filtered); std::cerr << "PointCloud after filtering: " << cloud_filtered->width * cloud_filtered->height << " data points." << std::endl; pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients(new pcl::ModelCoefficients()); pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices()); // Create the segmentation object pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZ> seg; // Optional seg.setOptimizeCoefficients(true); seg.setModelType(pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE); seg.setMethodType(pcl::SAC_RANSAC); seg.setMaxIterations(1000); seg.setDistanceThreshold(0.01); // Create the filtering object pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZ> extract; int i = 0, nr_points = (int)cloud_filtered->points.size(); // While 30% of the original cloud is still there while (cloud_filtered->points.size() > 0.3 * nr_points) { // Segment the largest planar component from the remaining cloud seg.setInputCloud(cloud_filtered); pcl::ScopeTime scopeTime("Test loop"); { seg.segment(*inliers, *coefficients); } if (inliers->indices.size() == 0) { std::cerr << "Could not estimate a planar model for the given dataset." << std::endl; break; } // Extract the inliers extract.setInputCloud(cloud_filtered); extract.setIndices(inliers); extract.setNegative(false); extract.filter(*cloud_p); std::cerr << "PointCloud representing the planar component: " << cloud_p->width * cloud_p->height << " data points." << std::endl; } viewer.showCloud(cloud_p, "viewer1"); while (!viewer.wasStopped()) {} return (0); }


一旦你得到第一个平面,删除点并使用算法计算一个新平面,直到估计平面没有剩下的点不是这样事情了.第二种情况是因为使用 RANSAC,只要有足够的点,您总会找到一个平面.我在这里做了类似的事情(这是一个 ros 节点的回调):

Once you get the first plane, remove the points and use the algorithm to compute a new plane until either there are no points left of the estimated plane is no such thing anymore. The second case is because using RANSAC you will always find a plane as long as there are enough points. I have something similar done here (this is a callback for a ros node):

void pointCloudCb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &msg){ // Convert to pcl point cloud pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_msg (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::fromROSMsg(*msg,*cloud_msg); ROS_DEBUG("%s: new ponitcloud (%i,%i)(%zu)",_name.c_str(),cloud_msg->width,cloud_msg->height,cloud_msg->size()); // Filter cloud pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZ> pass; pass.setInputCloud(cloud_msg); pass.setFilterFieldName ("z"); pass.setFilterLimits(0.001,10000); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pass.filter (*cloud); // Get segmentation ready pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients(new pcl::ModelCoefficients); pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices); pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZ> seg; pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZ> extract; seg.setOptimizeCoefficients (true); seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE); seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC); seg.setDistanceThreshold(_max_distance); // Create pointcloud to publish inliers pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud_pub(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>); int original_size(cloud->height*cloud->width); int n_planes(0); while (cloud->height*cloud->width>original_size*_min_percentage/100){ // Fit a plane seg.setInputCloud(cloud); seg.segment(*inliers, *coefficients); // Check result if (inliers->indices.size() == 0) break; // Iterate inliers double mean_error(0); double max_error(0); double min_error(100000); std::vector<double> err; for (int i=0;i<inliers->indices.size();i++){ // Get Point pcl::PointXYZ pt = cloud->points[inliers->indices[i]]; // Compute distance double d = point2planedistnace(pt,coefficients)*1000;// mm err.push_back(d); // Update statistics mean_error += d; if (d>max_error) max_error = d; if (d<min_error) min_error = d; } mean_error/=inliers->indices.size(); // Compute Standard deviation ColorMap cm(min_error,max_error); double sigma(0); for (int i=0;i<inliers->indices.size();i++){ sigma += pow(err[i] - mean_error,2); // Get Point pcl::PointXYZ pt = cloud->points[inliers->indices[i]]; // Copy point to noew cloud pcl::PointXYZRGB pt_color; pt_color.x = pt.x; pt_color.y = pt.y; pt_color.z = pt.z; uint32_t rgb; if (_color_pc_with_error) rgb = cm.getColor(err[i]); else rgb = colors[n_planes].getColor(); pt_color.rgb = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&rgb); cloud_pub->points.push_back(pt_color); } sigma = sqrt(sigma/inliers->indices.size()); // Extract inliers extract.setInputCloud(cloud); extract.setIndices(inliers); extract.setNegative(true); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloudF; extract.filter(cloudF); cloud->swap(cloudF); // Display infor ROS_INFO("%s: fitted plane %i: %fx%s%fy%s%fz%s%f=0 (inliers: %zu/%i)", _name.c_str(),n_planes, coefficients->values[0],(coefficients->values[1]>=0?"+":""), coefficients->values[1],(coefficients->values[2]>=0?"+":""), coefficients->values[2],(coefficients->values[3]>=0?"+":""), coefficients->values[3], inliers->indices.size(),original_size); ROS_INFO("%s: mean error: %f(mm), standard deviation: %f (mm), max error: %f(mm)",_name.c_str(),mean_error,sigma,max_error); ROS_INFO("%s: poitns left in cloud %i",_name.c_str(),cloud->width*cloud->height); // Nest iteration n_planes++; } // Publish points sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloud_publish; pcl::toROSMsg(*cloud_pub,cloud_publish); cloud_publish.header = msg->header; _pub_inliers.publish(cloud_publish); }



pcl::RANSAC 分割,获取云中的所有平面?

本文发布于:2023-07-27 23:03:57,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:云中   平面   pcl   RANSAC


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