数组排序效率......初学者需要建议(Array sorting efficiency… Beginner need advice)

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-27 22:24:53
数组排序效率......初学者需要建议(Array sorting efficiency… Beginner need advice)

我首先要说的是我是一名初学程序员,这本质上是我使用学习资料之外的第一个真正的项目。 我一直在使用C#和XNA做一个'Simon Says'风格的游戏(你重复计算机生成的模式的游戏),实际的游戏是完整的并且工作正常但是在创建它时,我还想创建一个'排名前10的记分牌。 记分牌将记录玩家姓名,等级(他们已经完成了多少'轮次)和组合(他们按下了多少按钮),记分板将按组合分数排序。 这导致我第一次使用XML,最终我得到了一个记录前10个分数的XML文件。 XML文件在记分板类中管理,记分板类还负责添加新分数和排序分数。 这让我明白了......我想对我对排序列表进行排序以及如何更好地完成它的方式提出一些反馈,我没有其他方法可以获得反馈=(。我知道。 NET功能Array.Sort()但我不太清楚如何使用它,因为它不仅仅是一个需要排序的单个数组。当需要将新分数输入记分板时,玩家名称和级别也是如此必须添加。这些存储在'数组数组'中(10 ='前10'分数)

scoreboardComboData = new int[10]; // Combo scoreboardTextData = new string[2][]; scoreboardTextData[0] = new string[10]; // Name scoreboardTextData[1] = new string[10]; // Level as string

记分板类的工作原理如下: - 检查'scoreboard.xml'是否存在,如果不存在则创建它 - 在数组上方初始化,并从之前的运行中添加scoreboard.xml中的任何球员数据 - 当调用AddScore(名称,级别,组合)时,排序开始 - 还可以调用另一种方法,用上面的数组数据填充XML文件

排序检查以查看新分数(组合)是否小于或等于scoreboardComboData数组中的任何记录分数(如果它大于分数,则移动到下一个元素)。 如果是这样,它会将所有分数移动到低于或小于等于一个元素的分数,基本上删除最后一个分数,然后将新分数放在低于或等于分数的元素内。 如果分数大于所有记录分数,则将所有分数向下移动一个并将新分数插入第一个元素内。 如果它是唯一的分数,它只是将它添加到第一个元素。 添加新分数后,Name和Level数据也会以相同的方式添加到相关数组中。 什么是绕口令。 下面是AddScore方法,我添加了评论,希望它能让事情更加清晰O_o。 您可以在这里获取实际的源文件。 下面的方法是添加分数以使用调试器的最快方法的示例。

public static void AddScore(string name, string level, int combo) { // If the scoreboard has not yet been filled, this adds another 'active' // array element each time a new score is added. The actual array size is // defined within PopulateScoreBoard() (set to 10 - for 'top 10' if (totalScores < scoreboardComboData.Length) totalScores++; // Does the scoreboard even need sorting? if (totalScores > 1) { for (int i = totalScores - 1; i > - 1; i--) { // Check to see if score (combo) is greater than score stored in // array if (combo > scoreboardComboData[i] && i != 0) { // If so continue to next element continue; } // Check to see if score (combo) is less or equal to element 'i' // score && that the element is not the last in the // array, if so the score does not need to be added to the scoreboard else if (combo <= scoreboardComboData[i] && i != scoreboardComboData.Length - 1) { // If the score is lower than element 'i' and greater than the last // element within the array, it needs to be added to the scoreboard. This is achieved // by moving each element under element 'i' down an element. The new score is then inserted // into the array under element 'i' for (int j = totalScores - 1; j > i; j--) { // Name and level data are moved down in their relevant arrays scoreboardTextData[0][j] = scoreboardTextData[0][j - 1]; scoreboardTextData[1][j] = scoreboardTextData[1][j - 1]; // Score (combo) data is moved down in relevant array scoreboardComboData[j] = scoreboardComboData[j - 1]; } // The new Name, level and score (combo) data is inserted into the relevant array under element 'i' scoreboardTextData[0][i + 1] = name; scoreboardTextData[1][i + 1] = level; scoreboardComboData[i + 1] = combo; break; } // If the method gets the this point, it means that the score is greater than all scores within // the array and therefore cannot be added in the above way. As it is not less than any score within // the array. else if (i == 0) { // All Names, levels and scores are moved down within their relevant arrays for (int j = totalScores - 1; j != 0; j--) { scoreboardTextData[0][j] = scoreboardTextData[0][j - 1]; scoreboardTextData[1][j] = scoreboardTextData[1][j - 1]; scoreboardComboData[j] = scoreboardComboData[j - 1]; } // The new number 1 top name, level and score, are added into the first element // within each of their relevant arrays. scoreboardTextData[0][0] = name; scoreboardTextData[1][0] = level; scoreboardComboData[0] = combo; break; } // If the methods get to this point, the combo score is not high enough // to be on the top10 score list and therefore needs to break break; } } // As totalScores < 1, the current score is the first to be added. Therefore no checks need to be made // and the Name, Level and combo data can be entered directly into the first element of their relevant // array. else { scoreboardTextData[0][0] = name; scoreboardTextData[1][0] = level; scoreboardComboData[0] = combo; } } }


private static void Initialize() { scoreboardDoc = new XmlDocument(); if (!File.Exists("Scoreboard.xml")) GenerateXML("Scoreboard.xml"); PopulateScoreBoard("Scoreboard.xml"); // ADD TEST SCORES HERE! AddScore("EXAMPLE", "10", 100); AddScore("EXAMPLE2", "24", 999); PopulateXML("Scoreboard.xml"); }



I'll start by saying I am very much a beginner programmer, this is essentially my first real project outside of using learning material. I've been making a 'Simon Says' style game (the game where you repeat the pattern generated by the computer) using C# and XNA, the actual game is complete and working fine but while creating it, I wanted to also create a 'top 10' scoreboard. The scoreboard would record player name, level (how many 'rounds' they've completed) and combo (how many buttons presses they got correct), the scoreboard would then be sorted by combo score. This led me to XML, the first time using it, and I eventually got to the point of having an XML file that recorded the top 10 scores. The XML file is managed within a scoreboard class, which is also responsible for adding new scores and sorting scores. Which gets me to the point... I'd like some feedback on the way I've gone about sorting the score list and how I could have done it better, I have no other way to gain feedback =(. I know .NET features Array.Sort() but I wasn't too sure of how to use it as it's not just a single array that needs to be sorted. When a new score needs to be entered into the scoreboard, the player name and level also have to be added. These are stored within an 'array of arrays' (10 = for 'top 10' scores)

scoreboardComboData = new int[10]; // Combo scoreboardTextData = new string[2][]; scoreboardTextData[0] = new string[10]; // Name scoreboardTextData[1] = new string[10]; // Level as string

The scoreboard class works as follows: - Checks to see if 'scoreboard.xml' exists, if not it creates it - Initialises above arrays and adds any player data from scoreboard.xml, from previous run - when AddScore(name, level, combo) is called the sort begins - Another method can also be called that populates the XML file with above array data

The sort checks to see if the new score (combo) is less than or equal to any recorded scores within the scoreboardComboData array (if it's greater than a score, it moves onto the next element). If so, it moves all scores below the score it is less than or equal to down one element, essentially removing the last score and then places the new score within the element below the score it is less than or equal to. If the score is greater than all recorded scores, it moves all scores down one and inserts the new score within the first element. If it's the only score, it simply adds it to the first element. When a new score is added, the Name and Level data is also added to their relevant arrays, in the same way. What a tongue twister. Below is the AddScore method, I've added comments in the hope that it makes things clearer O_o. You can get the actual source file HERE. Below the method is an example of the quickest way to add a score to follow through with a debugger.

public static void AddScore(string name, string level, int combo) { // If the scoreboard has not yet been filled, this adds another 'active' // array element each time a new score is added. The actual array size is // defined within PopulateScoreBoard() (set to 10 - for 'top 10' if (totalScores < scoreboardComboData.Length) totalScores++; // Does the scoreboard even need sorting? if (totalScores > 1) { for (int i = totalScores - 1; i > - 1; i--) { // Check to see if score (combo) is greater than score stored in // array if (combo > scoreboardComboData[i] && i != 0) { // If so continue to next element continue; } // Check to see if score (combo) is less or equal to element 'i' // score && that the element is not the last in the // array, if so the score does not need to be added to the scoreboard else if (combo <= scoreboardComboData[i] && i != scoreboardComboData.Length - 1) { // If the score is lower than element 'i' and greater than the last // element within the array, it needs to be added to the scoreboard. This is achieved // by moving each element under element 'i' down an element. The new score is then inserted // into the array under element 'i' for (int j = totalScores - 1; j > i; j--) { // Name and level data are moved down in their relevant arrays scoreboardTextData[0][j] = scoreboardTextData[0][j - 1]; scoreboardTextData[1][j] = scoreboardTextData[1][j - 1]; // Score (combo) data is moved down in relevant array scoreboardComboData[j] = scoreboardComboData[j - 1]; } // The new Name, level and score (combo) data is inserted into the relevant array under element 'i' scoreboardTextData[0][i + 1] = name; scoreboardTextData[1][i + 1] = level; scoreboardComboData[i + 1] = combo; break; } // If the method gets the this point, it means that the score is greater than all scores within // the array and therefore cannot be added in the above way. As it is not less than any score within // the array. else if (i == 0) { // All Names, levels and scores are moved down within their relevant arrays for (int j = totalScores - 1; j != 0; j--) { scoreboardTextData[0][j] = scoreboardTextData[0][j - 1]; scoreboardTextData[1][j] = scoreboardTextData[1][j - 1]; scoreboardComboData[j] = scoreboardComboData[j - 1]; } // The new number 1 top name, level and score, are added into the first element // within each of their relevant arrays. scoreboardTextData[0][0] = name; scoreboardTextData[1][0] = level; scoreboardComboData[0] = combo; break; } // If the methods get to this point, the combo score is not high enough // to be on the top10 score list and therefore needs to break break; } } // As totalScores < 1, the current score is the first to be added. Therefore no checks need to be made // and the Name, Level and combo data can be entered directly into the first element of their relevant // array. else { scoreboardTextData[0][0] = name; scoreboardTextData[1][0] = level; scoreboardComboData[0] = combo; } } }

Example for adding score:

private static void Initialize() { scoreboardDoc = new XmlDocument(); if (!File.Exists("Scoreboard.xml")) GenerateXML("Scoreboard.xml"); PopulateScoreBoard("Scoreboard.xml"); // ADD TEST SCORES HERE! AddScore("EXAMPLE", "10", 100); AddScore("EXAMPLE2", "24", 999); PopulateXML("Scoreboard.xml"); }

In it's current state the source file is just used for testing, initialize is called within main and PopulateScoreBoard handles the majority of other initialising, so nothing else is needed, except to add a test score.

I thank you for your time!


作为编程提示,您应该使用单个Score Score数组替换3个不同的数组,这些对象中的每一个都将具有您提到的所有3个属性(名称,级别和分数)。 然后,您可以为它创建一个类似比较器的函数(基于score属性),可以通过Arrays.Sort()方法对其进行排序。

如果你想保留当前的3个数组,那么你可以在这里查找排序算法: http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm#Comparison_of_algorithms,并且只需要对3个数组同时进行任何更改而不是逐个(因为您通过索引保持数据在同步中)。

As a programming tip, you should replace the 3 different arrays with a single array of Score Objects, each of these objects would have all 3 properties you mentioned (Name, Level and Score). You can then create a comparator-like function (based on the score attribute) for it which can be used to sort it via the Arrays.Sort() method.

If you want to keep you current 3 arrays then you can look up sorting algorithms here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm#Comparison_of_algorithms and just make it so that any changes are done to the 3 arrays simultaneously instead of one by one (since you keep the data in them synchronized by index).


本文发布于:2023-07-21 23:16:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:数组   初学者   效率   建议   Array


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