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如何使用新闻阅读器(例如Outlook Express)阅读此论坛。 我目前使用它(OE)用于Microsoft新闻组但是如何设置 这一个


2006年4月17日星期一09:53:30 +0200,Trevor L 。< ta **** @ homemail.au> 写道:

我如何使用新闻阅读器(例如Outlook Express) OE根本不是*新闻阅读器。这是一个电子邮件客户端。为了获得一个 的usenet新闻客户端,请下载并安装其中一个: - Forte Agent, - Thinderbird, - Opera(M2) 来阅读这个论坛。 这不是论坛。它是usenet中的新闻组。谷歌那些 是什么,或者看这里: < URL:http://en.wikipedia/wiki/Usenet> < URL:http://en.wikipedia/wiki/Newsgroup> 我目前使用它(OE)用于Microsoft新闻组但是如何设置这个

首先给自己一个合适的usenet newsclient。然后将其设置为使用 新闻服务器。从您的互联网服务提供商处获取有关这些 设置的详细信息,或者获取新闻服务器的帐户,例如news.individual (不完全免费),如果您的ISP不提供新闻组。下载 可用新闻组列表。选择你想参加的人(或者只想阅读的)。 Et瞧,你已经完成了。 由于你目前使用Google网上论坛参与此活动,请阅读 < URL:http://www.safalra /专用/ googlegroupsreply />在回复之前。 - ______PretLetters: |博客| www.pretletters/weblog/weblog.html | | webontwerp | www.pretletters/html/webontwerp.html | | zweefvliegen | www.pretletters/html/vliegen.html |

Barbara de Zoete写道:

2006年4月17日星期一09:53:30 +0200,Trevor L.< ta ****@homemail.au> 写道:

我如何使用新闻阅读器(例如Outlook Express) OE根本不是*新闻阅读器。这是一个电子邮件客户端。要获得一个 usenet新闻客户端,请下载并安装其中一个: - Forte Agent, - Thinderbird, - Opera(M2)

假设你实际上是指Thunderbird,你如何断言它是一个新闻客户端,同时否认Outlook Express的相同情况? 这个微软抨击只是为了它?!要么他们都是新闻客户,要么两者都不是。 FWIW,我会说他们彼此差不多,只是以不同的方式...... OP可能会找到这个新闻组使用: < news:news.software.readers> 或通过Google网上论坛: < http:// groups。 google/group/news.software.readers> 就个人而言,我过去常常推荐40tude Dialog,虽然看起来好像没有目前正在积极发展。我永远无法使用FortéAgent获得 ,但它可能是最广泛使用的适当的 新闻阅读器,无论是在基本免费版本还是更多高级 付费版。 由于您目前使用Google网上论坛参与此处,请阅读< URL:http://www.safalra。 COM /专用/ googlegroupsreply />在回复之前。

无论发生什么事都发生无辜直到被证实有罪?? - AGw。

fr ******* @ southernskies .co.uk 写道:

就我个人而言,我过去常常推荐40tude Dialog,虽然它目前似乎并没有得到积极的发展。

它仍然比谷歌集团更好! ;-) - -bts -警告:我为草坪鹿刹车

How do I use a newsreader (e.g. Outlook Express) to read this forum. I currently use it (OE) for Microsoft newsgroups but how do I set it up for this one


On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 09:53:30 +0200, Trevor L. <ta****@homemail.au> wrote:

How do I use a newsreader (e.g. Outlook Express) OE is *not* a newsreader at all. It is an e-mail client. To get yourself a usenet news client, download and install one of these: - Forte Agent, - Thinderbird, - Opera (M2) to read this forum. This is not a forum. It is a newsgroup in usenet. Google for what those are, or look here: <URL:en.wikipedia/wiki/Usenet> <URL:en.wikipedia/wiki/Newsgroup> I currently use it (OE) for Microsoft newsgroups but how do I set it up for this one

Get yourself a proper usenet newsclient first. Then set it up to use a news server. Get details from your Internet Service Provider on what those settings are, or get an account with a newsserver like news.individual (not entirely free) if your ISP doesn''t provide newsgroups. Download the list of available newsgroups. Select those you want to participate in (or just want to read). Et voila, you''re done. Since you currently use Google Groups to participate here, please read <URL:www.safalra/special/googlegroupsreply/> before replying. -- ______PretLetters: | weblog | www.pretletters/weblog/weblog.html | | webontwerp | www.pretletters/html/webontwerp.html | |zweefvliegen | www.pretletters/html/vliegen.html |

Barbara de Zoete wrote:

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 09:53:30 +0200, Trevor L. <ta****@homemail.au> wrote:

How do I use a newsreader (e.g. Outlook Express) OE is *not* a newsreader at all. It is an e-mail client. To get yourself a usenet news client, download and install one of these: - Forte Agent, - Thinderbird, - Opera (M2)

Assuming that you actually meant "Thunderbird", how can you assert it to be a news client whilst denying the same of "Outlook Express"? Is this Microsoft-bashing just for the sake of it?! Either they''re both news clients, or neither are. FWIW, I''d say that they were roughly as bad as each other, just in different ways... The OP may find this newsgroup of use: <news:news.software.readers> or via Google Groups: <groups.google/group/news.software.readers> Personally, I used to recommend 40tude Dialog, although it doesn''t seem to be under active development at the moment. I never could get on with Forté Agent, but it''s probably the most widely used "proper" newsreader, either in the basic free version or the more advanced paid-for edition. Since you currently use Google Groups to participate here, please read <URL:www.safalra/special/googlegroupsreply/> before replying.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?! -- AGw.

fr*******@southernskies.co.uk wrote:

Personally, I used to recommend 40tude Dialog, although it doesn''t seem to be under active development at the moment.

It''s still waaay better than Google Groups! ;-) -- -bts -Warning: I brake for lawn deer



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