
编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-26 03:27:56
本文介绍了如何放大特定点(无画布)?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述






函数缩放(e){var deltaScale = deltaScale ||-e.deltaY/1000;var newScale = 比例 + deltaScale;var newWidth = img.naturalWidth * newScale;var newHeight = img.naturalHeight * newScale;var x = e.pageX;var y = e.pageY;var newX = x * newWidth/img.width;var newY = y * newHeight/img.height;var deltaX = newX - x;var deltaY = newY - y;设置规模(新规模);setPosDelta(-deltaX,-deltaY);}函数 setPosDelta(dX, dY) {var imgPos = getPosition();setPosition(imgPos.x + dX, imgPos.y + dY);}函数 getPosition() {var x = parseFloat(img.style.left);var y = parseFloat(img.style.top);返回 {x: x,是:是}}函数 setScale(n) {规模 = n;img.width = img.naturalWidth * n;img.height = img.naturalHeight * n;}






CSS 转换顺序很重要,如果您遵循所选答案,请确保先对过渡进行排序,然后再对比例进行排序.CSS 转换向后执行(从右到左),因此将首先处理缩放,然后是翻译.


这里是缩放到一个点的实现.该代码使用 CSS 2D transform 并包括平移图像单击并拖动.这很容易,因为规模没有变化.


var scale = 1,平移 = 假,xoff = 0,yoff = 0,开始 = {x: 0, y: 0},doc = document.getElementById("document");函数 setTransform() {doc.style.transform = "translate(" + xoff + "px, " + yoff + "px) scale(" + scale + ")";}doc.onmousedown = 函数(e){e.preventDefault();开始 = {x: e.clientX - xoff, y: e.clientY - yoff};平移 = 真;}doc.onmouseup = 函数(e){平移 = 假;}doc.onmousemove = 函数(e){e.preventDefault();如果(!平移){返回;}xoff = (e.clientX - start.x);yoff = (e.clientY - start.y);设置转换();}doc.onwheel = 函数(e){e.preventDefault();//将比例与偏移量考虑在内var xs = (e.clientX - xoff)/比例,ys = (e.clientY - yoff)/比例,delta = (e.wheelDelta ? e.wheelDelta : -e.deltaY);//获取滚动方向 &设置缩放级别(δ>0) ?(比例*= 1.2) : (比例/= 1.2);//用新的比例反转偏移量xoff = e.clientX - xs * 比例;yoff = e.clientY - ys * 比例;设置转换();}

html, body {边距:0;填充:0;宽度:100%;高度:100%;溢出:隐藏;}#文档 {宽度:100%;高度:100%;变换原点:0px 0px;变换:缩放(1)平移(0px,0px);}

<img style="宽度:100%"src="homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~ece533/images/watch.png"/>

The goal is simple, using a mousewheel, zoom into a specific point (where the mouse is). This means after zooming the mouse will be in the same roughly the same spot of the picture.

(Purely illustrative, I don't care if you use dolphins, ducks or madonna for the image)

I do not wish to use canvas, and so far I've tried something like this:


<img src="whatever">


function zoom(e){ var deltaScale = deltaScale || -e.deltaY / 1000; var newScale = scale + deltaScale; var newWidth = img.naturalWidth * newScale; var newHeight = img.naturalHeight * newScale; var x = e.pageX; var y = e.pageY; var newX = x * newWidth / img.width; var newY = y * newHeight / img.height; var deltaX = newX - x; var deltaY = newY - y; setScale(newScale); setPosDelta(-deltaX,-deltaY); } function setPosDelta(dX, dY) { var imgPos = getPosition(); setPosition(imgPos.x + dX, imgPos.y + dY); } function getPosition() { var x = parseFloat(img.style.left); var y = parseFloat(img.style.top); return { x: x, y: y } } function setScale(n) { scale = n; img.width = img.naturalWidth * n; img.height = img.naturalHeight * n; }

What this attempts to do is calculate the x,y coordinates of the dolphin's eye before and after the zoom, and after calculating the distance between those two points, substracts it from the left,top position in order to correct the zoom displacement, with no particular success.

The zoom occurs naturally extending the image to the right and to the bottom, so the correction tries to pull back to the left and to the top in order to keep the mouse on that damn dolphin eye! But it definitely doesn't.

Tell me, what's wrong with the code/math? I feel this question is not too broad, considering I couldn't find any solutions besides the canvas one.



CSS transform order matters, if you follow the selected answer, make sure you order the transition first, and then the scale. CSS transforms are executed backwards (right to left) so the scaling would be processed first, and then the translation.


Here is an implementation of zooming to a point. The code uses the CSS 2D transform and includes panning the image on a click and drag. This is easy because of no change in scale.

The trick when zooming is to normalize the offset amount using the current scale (in other words: divide it by the current scale) first, then apply the new scale to that normalized offset. This keeps the cursor exactly where it is independent of scale.

var scale = 1, panning = false, xoff = 0, yoff = 0, start = {x: 0, y: 0}, doc = document.getElementById("document"); function setTransform() { doc.style.transform = "translate(" + xoff + "px, " + yoff + "px) scale(" + scale + ")"; } doc.onmousedown = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); start = {x: e.clientX - xoff, y: e.clientY - yoff}; panning = true; } doc.onmouseup = function(e) { panning = false; } doc.onmousemove = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!panning) { return; } xoff = (e.clientX - start.x); yoff = (e.clientY - start.y); setTransform(); } doc.onwheel = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // take the scale into account with the offset var xs = (e.clientX - xoff) / scale, ys = (e.clientY - yoff) / scale, delta = (e.wheelDelta ? e.wheelDelta : -e.deltaY); // get scroll direction & set zoom level (delta > 0) ? (scale *= 1.2) : (scale /= 1.2); // reverse the offset amount with the new scale xoff = e.clientX - xs * scale; yoff = e.clientY - ys * scale; setTransform(); }

html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } #document { width: 100%; height: 100%; transform-origin: 0px 0px; transform: scale(1) translate(0px, 0px); }

<div id="document"> <img style="width: 100%" src="homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~ece533/images/watch.png" /> </div>



本文发布于:2023-07-11 12:04:35,感谢您对本站的认可!


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