将数据从多个文本文件导入Excel VBA

编程入门 行业动态 更新时间:2024-10-28 03:20:14
本文介绍了将数据从多个文本文件导入Excel VBA的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我可能有一个关于VBA和Excel宏的问题。我需要做的是从具有随机生成名称的多个文本文件(例如12345678.txt,8654321.txt等)中导入数据(实际上是整数值),但存储在同一文件夹中(让我们来电它的数据文件夹)以excel形成列。

我遇到的问题是我在文本文件中重复的测量值(称为MVA)具有相同的名称。我不需要文本文件中的所有数据,只有这些MVA的一些特定行(下面的例子让我们说,我只需要将LED 01强度的MVA号码存储在新的我需要从10个多个文本文件(我不知道的随机名称)中获取MVA行中的LED 01 Intensity之后的值,以将其存储在Excel中的单独单元格中从A1到A10)。











LED 01强度








请注意,我根据您提供的示例文件编写它 - 这意味着可能会失败并使用不同的文本文件结构。


考虑到示例文件,您的系统的数百个文本文件将不会产生很大的影响 - 也许会在几秒钟内完成工作。但是,在代码执行期间,可能会在代码中禁用屏幕更新。如果您注意到真正的大系统缓慢,请参阅Excel Application对象的ScreenUpdating属性。


很快 - 有许多不同的方式来完成同样的任务 - 像许多其他的编程语言。例如,我使用QueryTable将数据导入到工作表中,然后使用Find方法来确定它是否具有我需要的值。我不必这样做,我可以把所有的信息放在一个字符串变量中,并在字符串中进行搜索!或通过使用另一种方法,或另一种方法。

最后这应该是你需要的。我希望它给你一个很好的开始。要使此代码工作:创建一个新的工作簿 - > goto VBA - >使用菜单和插入 - >模块 - >复制并将以下代码粘贴到编辑器中打开的右窗格中。在子过程开始时(可能只有路径变量)更改设置区域中必需的变量,并按F5运行代码。

Sub ImportData() Dim wrk As Workbook Dim shtSource As Worksheet Dim shtResult As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim fndSection As Range Dim fndValue As Range Dim data As QueryTable Dim strFile Dim strPath As String Dim strExt As String Dim strSection As String Dim strValue As String '======== BEGIN SETTINGS = ======= '定义文件路径 - 注意有最后一个反斜杠 strPath =C:\Users\smozgur\Desktop\files\'定义文件扩展名 strExt =* .txt '要查找的部分 strSection =Led 01 Intensity'要查找的单元格值之后 strValue =MVA:'======== END SETTINGS ======== '创建一个新工作簿不要混淆现有的设置wrk = Application.Workbooks.Add 用wrk '先使用(或仅)工作表存储结果设置shtResult = .Worksheets(1)'创建用于读取文本文件的临时工作表设置shtSource = .Worksheets.Add 结束与 '将结果工作表命名为',并将搜索值指定为结果与shtResult .Cells(1,1).Value = strValue .name =Results End with '使用给定的路径进行文件搜索&扩展信息 strFile = Dir(strPath& strExt,vbNormal) 'Dir函数返回给定路径中给定扩展名的第一个文件名' '如果它是空字符串,那么这意味着不再有文件返回 Do Until strFile ='通过在temp工作表中使用文件引用'创建一个查询表缓冲区启动从单元格A1 设置data = shtSource.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=TEXT;& strPath& strFile,Destination:= shtSource.Cells(1,1))'设置查询表导入属性数据 .TextFileStartRow = 1 .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited .TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote .TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False .TextFileTabDelimiter = False .TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False .TextFileCommaDelimiter = F alse .TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1) .TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True '最后从文件中检索数据 .Refresh BackgroundQuery := False 结束 '现在文件内容在临时工作表中作为行 '以单元格$ b $查找数据中的部分字符串b设置fndSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSection)如果不是fndSection是Nothing然后'如果找到部分,则搜索值名称后找到部分设置fndValue = data.ResultRange Find(strValue,fndSection)如果不是fndValue是Nothing然后'如果找到值名称,然后将其放入结果工作表'中的下一个可用单元格中,通过删除值名称,因此它将是值本身 shtResult.Cells(sh tResult.Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = Replace(fndValue,strValue,) End If End If With data '清除查询表范围 .ResultRange.Delete '删除查询表,以便我们可以重新创建下一个文件 .Delete End with '搜索下一个文件满足给定的路径和扩展条件 strFile = Dir 循环 '删除临时工作表'使其静默禁用关于删除工作表的应用程序警报 Application.DisplayAlerts = False shtSource.Delete '启用应用程序警报返回 Application.DisplayAlerts = True 结束Sub


= ===============================


Sub ImportData() Dim wrk As Workbook Dim shtSource As Worksheet Dim shtResult As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim fndSection As Range Dim fndNextSection As Range Dim fndValue As范围 Dim数据作为QueryTable Dim strFile Dim strPath As String Dim strExt As String Dim strSection As String Dim strSections Dim strValue As String Dim i As Integer Dim indFileNames As Boolean '========开始设置==== ==== '定义文件路径 - 注意有最后一个反斜杠 strPath =C:\Users\smozgur\Desktop\files\'定义文件扩展名 strExt =* .txt '要查找的部分 strSections = Array(Led 01 Intensity,_ Led 02 Intensity ,_ Led 03 Int Led 04 Intensity$ _ Led 05 Intensity) '单元格值在节后 strValue =MVA: 在输出中指定文件名? indFileNames = True '======== END SETTINGS ======== '创建一个新的工作簿不要乱使用现有的设置wrk = Application.Workbooks.Add 使用wrk '使用第一个(或仅)工作表来存储结果设置shtResult = .Worksheets(1)'创建用于读取文本文件的临时工作表设置shtSource = .Worksheets.Add 结束 '命名结果工作表'并放置部分标题以指示他们的列与shtResult 与.Cells(1).Resize(,UBound(strSections)+ 1) .Value = strSections .Resize(,UBound(strSections)+ 1).Font.Bold = True 结束如果indFileNames = True然后带有.Cells(1,UBound(strSections)+ 3) .Value =NOTES .Font.Bold = True End with End If .name =Results End with '使用给定信息进行文件搜索 strFile = Dir(strPath& strExt,vbNormal) 'Dir函数在给定路径'中返回第一个文件名',如果为空字符串,则表示不再有文件返回 Do Until strFile ='通过使用从单元格A1开始的临时工作表中的文件引用'创建一个查询表缓冲区设置data = shtSource.QueryTables .Add(Connection:=TEXT;& strPath& strFile,Destination:= shtSource.Cells(1,1))'设置查询表导入属性数据 .TextFileStartRow = 1 .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited .TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote .TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False .TextFileTabDelimiter = False .TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False .TextFileCommaDelimiter = False .TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1) .TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True '最后从文件中检索数据 .Refresh BackgroundQuery:= False End with '现在文件内容是在temp工作表中作为行 '循环通过请求的部分对于i = 0到UBound(strSections)'查找部分数据中的字符串为Cell 设置fndSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSections(i))如果不是fndSection是Nothing然后'如果找到部分,则搜索值名称AFTER找到的部分设置fndValue = data.ResultRange.Find(strValue,fndSection)如果不是fndValue是Nothing然后'如果此部分中不存在值但找到下一个值在下一节'我们必须避免除非我们确定每个部分必须具有值如果i< UBound(strSections)然后设置fndNextSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSections(i + 1),fndSection) Else 设置fndNextSection = shtSource.Cells(shtSource.Rows.Count) End If '结果工作表中的下一个可用单元格设置rng = shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count,i + 1).End(xlUp).Offset( 1) '只有使用该值,如果找到的值属于section 如果fndValue.Row< fndNextSection.Row然后'如果找到值名称,然后将其放入结果工作表'中的下一个可用单元格中,通过删除值名称,因此它将是值本身 rng.Value = Replace(fndValue,strValue,) Else rng.Value =N / A End If End If End If 下一个我 如果indFileNames = True然后'让我们指出哪个文件我们得到这个值设置rng = shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count,UBound(strSections)+ 3).End(xlUp).Offset(1) rng.Value = strFile 如果 带有数据'清除查询表范围 .ResultRange.Delete '删除查询表,以便我们可以为下一个文件重新创建它 .Delete 结束 '搜索下一个文件符合给定的路径和扩展条件 strFile = Dir 循环 '结果工作表中的自动调整列 shtResult.Columns.AutoFit '删除临时工作表'使其静默禁用关于删除工作表的应用程序警报 Application.DisplayAlerts = False shtSource.Delete '启用应用程序提醒返回 Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub

I might have a question about VBA and Excel Macros. The thing that I need to do is to import data (actually integer values) from multiple text files that have random generated names (for example 12345678.txt, 8654321.txt, etc.) but which are stored in the same folder (let's call it Data folder) to excel into a column.

The problem that I face is that I have the same name for the measured values (called MVA) that are repeating over and over in the text files. I don't need all the data from the text files, only some specific rows of these MVA (for the example below let's say that I need only the MVA number for the "LED 01 Intensity" which is 6250 to be stored in a new cell in Excel. And I need to get that value that comes after "LED 01 Intensity" in the MVA row from 10 multiple text files (with random names that I don't know) to be stored each one in separate cells in Excel (from A1 to A10).


Name: 153588.txt

Date: 14.05.2016

Name of product: Electronic Device 01


Resistance 101

MVA: 2 Ohm

MAX: 5 Ohm

MIN: 0 Ohm


LED 01 Intensity

MVA: 6250

MAX: 10000

MIN: 5000


I need a lot of these MVA values to be stored in Excel for analysis and I need to get an idea if this problem can be solved with VBA. If you can offer me some help to create a macro for this I would be thankful (I have basic knowledge of programming but I'm a beginner in VBA).


Here is the code I promised for. It is actually not only sample but actual code that you need according the descriptions you provided.

Please note I wrote it according to the sample file you provided - means that it might fail with different text file structures.

You will notice there is a settings section at the beginning. That's where you setup what needs to be given to the code.

It won't be a big impact for only hundreds of text files for your system considering the sample file - perhaps will work and finish in seconds. However screen updating might be disabled in the code during the code execution. See ScreenUpdating property of Excel Application object if you notice a real big system slowness.

I am hoping to give you some good start for the VBA, so I tried to use many methods and commented a lot to explain what we are doing in each step. For example, using the first worksheet as results worksheet in the newly created workbook but creating a new worksheet for the temporary worksheet. There is a reason for this: every new workbook is created with at least one worksheet but it might be also the only one worksheet according to the Excel settings in that computer. However, even those part could be designed different by getting the number of the worksheets first and delete the unnecessary ones and keep only 2 then use those instead creating a new one.

Shortly - there are many different ways to accomplish the same task - like in many other programming languages. For example, I used QueryTable to import data into the worksheet then used Find method to find out if it has the values I needed. I didn't have to do this, I could have instead put the all information in a string variable and make the search in the string! Or by using another method, or another.

Finally this is supposed to be what you need. And I hope it gives you a good start. To make this code work: Create a new workbook -> goto VBA -> Use menu and Insert->Module -> Copy and paste the following code into the right pane opened in the editor. Change the necessary variables in the settings area at the beginning in the sub procedure (likely only the path variable) and hit F5 to run the code.

Sub ImportData() Dim wrk As Workbook Dim shtSource As Worksheet Dim shtResult As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim fndSection As Range Dim fndValue As Range Dim data As QueryTable Dim strFile Dim strPath As String Dim strExt As String Dim strSection As String Dim strValue As String ' ======== BEGIN SETTINGS ======== ' Define the files path - note there is a last backslash strPath = "C:\Users\smozgur\Desktop\files\" ' Define file extension strExt = "*.txt" ' Section to be find strSection = "Led 01 Intensity" ' Cell value to be find after section strValue = "MVA:" ' ======== END SETTINGS ======== ' Create a new workbook to not mess with existing Set wrk = Application.Workbooks.Add With wrk ' Use first (or only) worksheet to store results Set shtResult = .Worksheets(1) ' Create temp worksheet for reading text files Set shtSource = .Worksheets.Add End With ' Name the Results worksheet ' and put search value to indicate it in results With shtResult .Cells(1, 1).Value = strValue .name = "Results" End With ' Make file search with the given path & extension information strFile = Dir(strPath & strExt, vbNormal) ' Dir function returns the first file name ' with the given extension in the given path ' if it is empty string then it means "no more file returned" Do Until strFile = "" ' Create a query table buffer by using the file reference ' in the temp worksheet starting from cell A1 Set data = shtSource.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & strPath & strFile, Destination:=shtSource.Cells(1, 1)) ' Set up query table import properties With data .TextFileStartRow = 1 .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited .TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote .TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False .TextFileTabDelimiter = False .TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False .TextFileCommaDelimiter = False .TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1) .TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True ' Finally retrieve data from the file .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False End With ' Now the file content is in the temp worksheet as rows ' Find the section string in the data as Cell Set fndSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSection) If Not fndSection Is Nothing Then ' If section is found then search for the Value Name AFTER found section Set fndValue = data.ResultRange.Find(strValue, fndSection) If Not fndValue Is Nothing Then ' If Value Name is found then put it into the next available cell in Results worksheet ' by removing the Value Name, so it will be the value itself shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = Replace(fndValue, strValue, "") End If End If With data ' Clear the query table range .ResultRange.Delete ' Delete the query table so we can recreate it for the next file .Delete End With ' Search for the next file meets the given path and extension criteria strFile = Dir Loop ' Delete the temporary worksheet ' Make it silent disabling Application Alerts about deleting the worksheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False shtSource.Delete ' Enable Application Alerts back Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub

Enjoy VBA programming!



Following code handles multiple sections in the source files.

Sub ImportData() Dim wrk As Workbook Dim shtSource As Worksheet Dim shtResult As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim fndSection As Range Dim fndNextSection As Range Dim fndValue As Range Dim data As QueryTable Dim strFile Dim strPath As String Dim strExt As String Dim strSection As String Dim strSections Dim strValue As String Dim i As Integer Dim indFileNames As Boolean ' ======== BEGIN SETTINGS ======== ' Define the files path - note there is a last backslash strPath = "C:\Users\smozgur\Desktop\files\" ' Define file extension strExt = "*.txt" ' Sections to be find strSections = Array("Led 01 Intensity", _ "Led 02 Intensity", _ "Led 03 Intensity", _ "Led 04 Intensity", _ "Led 05 Intensity") ' Cell value to be find after section strValue = "MVA:" ' Indicate file names in the output? indFileNames = True ' ======== END SETTINGS ======== ' Create a new workbook to not mess with existing Set wrk = Application.Workbooks.Add With wrk ' Use first (or only) worksheet to store results Set shtResult = .Worksheets(1) ' Create temp worksheet for reading text files Set shtSource = .Worksheets.Add End With ' Name the Results worksheet ' and put section headers to indicate their columns With shtResult With .Cells(1).Resize(, UBound(strSections) + 1) .Value = strSections .Resize(, UBound(strSections) + 1).Font.Bold = True End With If indFileNames = True Then With .Cells(1, UBound(strSections) + 3) .Value = "NOTES" .Font.Bold = True End With End If .name = "Results" End With ' Make file search with given information strFile = Dir(strPath & strExt, vbNormal) ' Dir function returns the first file name ' with the given extension in the given path ' if it is empty string then it means "no more file returned" Do Until strFile = "" ' Create a query table buffer by using the file reference ' in the temp worksheet starting from cell A1 Set data = shtSource.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & strPath & strFile, Destination:=shtSource.Cells(1, 1)) ' Set up query table import properties With data .TextFileStartRow = 1 .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited .TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote .TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False .TextFileTabDelimiter = False .TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False .TextFileCommaDelimiter = False .TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False .TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1) .TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True ' Finally retrieve data from the file .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False End With ' Now the file content is in the temp worksheet as rows ' Loop through requested sections For i = 0 To UBound(strSections) ' Find the section string in the data as Cell Set fndSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSections(i)) If Not fndSection Is Nothing Then ' If section is found then search for the Value Name AFTER found section Set fndValue = data.ResultRange.Find(strValue, fndSection) If Not fndValue Is Nothing Then ' What if value doesn't exist in this section but it finds the next value in the next section ' We have to avoid that unless we are certainly sure each section MUST have the value If i < UBound(strSections) Then Set fndNextSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSections(i + 1), fndSection) Else Set fndNextSection = shtSource.Cells(shtSource.Rows.Count) End If ' Next available cell in the Results worksheet Set rng = shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count, i + 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1) ' Only use the value if found value belongs to the section If fndValue.Row < fndNextSection.Row Then ' If Value Name is found then put it into the next available cell in Results worksheet ' by removing the Value Name, so it will be the value itself rng.Value = Replace(fndValue, strValue, "") Else rng.Value = "N/A" End If End If End If Next i If indFileNames = True Then ' Let's indicate which file we got this values Set rng = shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count, UBound(strSections) + 3).End(xlUp).Offset(1) rng.Value = strFile End If With data ' Clear the query table range .ResultRange.Delete ' Delete the query table so we can recreate it for the next file .Delete End With ' Search for the next file meets the given path and extension criteria strFile = Dir Loop ' Autofit columns in the Results worksheet shtResult.Columns.AutoFit ' Delete the temporary worksheet ' Make it silent disabling Application Alerts about deleting the worksheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False shtSource.Delete ' Enable Application Alerts back Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub


将数据从多个文本文件导入Excel VBA

本文发布于:2023-07-09 00:18:29,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:多个   文本文件   数据   VBA   Excel


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