
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-03 18:44:37

In.force: Enforcement(实施建议)

Rules with no enforcement are unmanageable for large code bases. Enforcement of all rules is possible only for a small weak set of rules or for a specific user community.


  • But we want lots of rules, and we want rules that everybody can use.但是我们想要很多规则,并且我们希望每个人都能用的规则。

  • But different people have different needs.但是不同的人需求也不同。

  • But people don't like to read lots of rules.但是人们不喜欢理解大量规则。

  • But people can't remember many rules.但是人们不能记住大量的规则。

So, we need subsetting to meet a variety of needs.因此我们需要构造规则的子集以满足不同的需求。

  • But arbitrary subsetting leads to chaos.但是随心所欲的构造子集会导致混乱。

We want guidelines that help a lot of people, make code more uniform, and strongly encourage people to modernize their code. We want to encourage best practices, rather than leave all to individual choices and management pressures. The ideal is to use all rules; that gives the greatest benefits.


This adds up to quite a few dilemmas. We try to resolve those using tools. Each rule has an Enforcement section listing ideas for enforcement. Enforcement might be done by code review, by static analysis, by compiler, or by run-time checks. Wherever possible, we prefer "mechanical" checking (humans are slow, inaccurate, and bore easily) and static checking. Run-time checks are suggested only rarely where no alternative exists; we do not want to introduce "distributed fat". Where appropriate, we label a rule (in the Enforcement sections) with the name of groups of related rules (called "profiles"). A rule can be part of several profiles, or none. For a start, we have a few profiles corresponding to common needs (desires, ideals):





  • type: No type violations (reinterpreting a T as a U through casts, unions, or varargs)类型:没有类型违反(通过类型转换,联合或者可变参数将T重新解释为U)

  • bounds: No bounds violations (accessing beyond the range of an array)范围:没有范围违反(超出数组范围访问)

  • lifetime: No leaks (failing to delete or multiple delete) and no access to invalid objects (dereferencing nullptr, using a dangling reference).声明周期:没有泄漏(没有delete或多重delete)和访问无效对象(对空指针取值,使用野指针)

The profiles are intended to be used by tools, but also serve as an aid to the human reader. We do not limit our comment in the Enforcement sections to things we know how to enforce; some comments are mere wishes that might inspire some tool builder.


Tools that implement these rules shall respect the following syntax to explicitly suppress a rule:



where "tag" is the anchor name of the item where the Enforcement rule appears (e.g., for C.134 it is "Rh-public"), the name of a profile group-of-rules ("type", "bounds", or "lifetime"), or a specific rule in a profile (type.4, or bounds.2).





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