如何在Apple TV上设置内容和购买限制

编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:20:06

Apple TV has even more sophisticated content and purchase restrictions than its predecessors: it’s dead simple to restrict mature content, apps, and purchases. Let’s take a look at how to set and manage the restrictions.

Apple TV的内容和购买限制比其前任产品更为复杂:限制成熟的内容,应用和购买非常简单。 让我们看一下如何设置和管理限制。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?)

There are a wide variety of reasons you might want to enable content and purchase restrictions on your Apple TV and not all of them revolve around dealing with children. While the most obvious (and likely the most common reason) people want to lock down their media center hardware is to 1) prevent kids from seeing content they shouldn’t be seeing and 2) prevent kids from spending money.

您可能有多种原因要在Apple TV上启用内容和购买限制,但并非所有原因都围绕着与孩子打交道。 人们想要锁定其媒体中心硬件的最明显(也是最常见的原因)是:1)防止孩子看到他们不应该看到的内容; 2)防止孩子花钱。

At the same time, however, the content and purchase restrictions are also useful for more than just parents. If you have roommates and you don’t want them messing up your strategy game ladder scores you can turn off the online-multiplayer. The same things goes for purchases: no need to let roommates, visiting relatives, or Airbnb guests rack up charges purchasing seasons of TV shows, purchasing apps, or with in-app purchases.

但是,与此同时,内容和购买限制也不仅对父母有用。 如果您有室友,并且不希望他们弄乱您的策略游戏阶梯分数,则可以关闭在线多人游戏。 购买也应遵循相同的原则:无需让室友,探望亲戚或Airbnb的客人为购买电视节目的季节,购买应用程序或进行应用程序内购买而产生费用。

Let’s take a look at how to enable the restrictions by setting a passcode and then we’ll look at the individual restrictions you can toggle on and off.


通过设置密码来启用限制 (Enable Restrictions by Setting a Passcode)

The first stop on our lock-down-the-Apple-TV tour is, as you might have guessed, the Settings menu. Here we’ll need to create a parent/administrator passcode before the Apple TV will allow any content restrictions. That’s fair enough, after all, as it would be pretty silly to set a content restriction that had no “lock” as it were.

正如您可能已经猜到的那样,我们锁定苹果电视之旅的第一站是“设置”菜单。 在这里,我们需要先创建父母/管理员密码,然后Apple TV才允许任何内容限制。 毕竟,这很公平,因为设置一个没有“锁”的内容限制是很愚蠢的。

Navigate to the large gear icon on the home screen of the Apple TV and select it with the touchpad on your Apple TV remote to access the Settings menu.

导航到Apple TV主屏幕上的大齿轮图标,然后使用Apple TV遥控器上的触摸板将其选中,以访问“设置”菜单。

Within the Settings menu select the General sub-menu.


Within the General sub-menu select the Restrictions sub-menu. If this is your first foray into configuring restrictions it will be, as seen above, defaulted to “Off”.

在常规子菜单中,选择限制子菜单。 如果这是您首次尝试配置限制,则将如上所示默认为“关闭”。

When you enter into the Restrictions menu everything but the top “Restrictions” entry will be grayed out. Click on “Restrictions” to enabled a passcode.

当您进入“限制”菜单时,除顶部“限制”条目外的所有内容均将显示为灰色。 单击“限制”以启用密码。

Select a four digit passcode and, when prompted, repeat the passcode to confirm. You’ll be returned to the main Restrictions menu. Now that we’ve secured the Apple TV with a passcode let’s take a look at the individual restrictions you can set.

选择一个四位数的密码,然后在出现提示时,重复密码进行确认。 您将返回到“限制”主菜单。 现在,我们已经通过密码保护了Apple TV,让我们来看看您可以设置的各个限制。

限制购买,应用等 (Restricting Purchases, Apps, and More)

With the passcode set, let’s turn our attention to what can be restricted and how you can restrict it. The one topic that is of interest to parents, roommates, and landlords alike is front and center at the top of the screen: iTunes Store.

设置密码后,让我们将注意力转移到可以限制的内容以及如何限制它。 父母,室友和房东都感兴趣的一个主题是屏幕顶部的前面和中间:iTunes Store。

In the “iTunes Store” sub-section you can toggle “Purchase and Rental” as well as “In-App Purchases” between the default “Allow” and “Restrict”. The former stops the user from purchasing or renting any content from the iTunes store (including music, movies, TV shows, and apps) and the latter restricts any in-app purchases so nobody racks up a $500 bill for Super Power Smurf Berries in some silly Freemium app.

在“ iTunes Store”小节中,您可以在默认的“允许”和“限制”之间切换“购买和租赁”以及“应用内购买”。 前者阻止用户从iTunes商店购买或租借任何内容(包括音乐,电影,电视节目和应用),而后者则限制任何应用内购买,因此在某些情况下没人会为Super Power Smurf Berries支付500美元的账单愚蠢的免费增值应用。

The next sub-section, “Allows Content”, deals not with purchasing restrictions but with restrictions on the playback of content. Here you can toggle music and podcasts between “Explicit” and “Clean”, change the rating system to represent the ratings of your country (if available), toggle movies, apps, and even whether or not Siri will display explicit language.

下一个小节“允许内容”不涉及购买限制,而是内容播放的限制。 在这里,您可以在“ Explicit”和“ Clean”之间切换音乐和播客,更改分级系统以代表您所在国家/地区的分级(如果有),切换电影,应用程序,甚至Siri是否显示明确的语言。

The movies and TV shows can be left wide open, turned off completely, or adjusted based on the rating system you selected. Using the U.S. rating system, for example, means you can restrict movies to only PG-13 and below (or any other rating) and TV shows to, say, TV-PG and below. The apps rating system is based on the iTunes ratings and allows you to turn apps off, allow all apps, or restriction the based on the 4+/9+/12+/17+ system (handy for keeping your young children away from that zombie shooter you’re addicted to).

电影和电视节目可以保持打开状态,完全关闭或根据所选的评分系统进行调整。 例如,使用美国分级系统意味着您可以将电影限制在PG-13及以下(或其他任何分级),将电视节目限制在例如TV-PG及以下。 应用程序分级系统基于iTunes分级,可让您根据4 + / 9 + / 12 + / 17 +系统关闭应用程序,允许所有应用程序或限制应用程序(方便让您的孩子远离该系统)让您沉迷的僵尸射击游戏)。

Finally there are two last sections to look at. In the “Game Center” subsection you can toggle Multiplayer Games on and off as well as the Adding Friends function. Both restrictions are useful if you want to allow younger kids in your household to play games but not to add strangers as friends or to play online with multiplayer games at all.

最后,还有最后两个部分需要研究。 在“游戏中心”小节中,您可以打开和关闭多人游戏以及“添加好友”功能。 如果您想允许家庭中的小孩玩游戏,而不是将陌生人加为好友,或者根本不玩多人在线玩游戏,则这两个限制都是有用的。

The last section “Allow Changes” has restrictions for AirPlay Settings and Location Services. If you use the passcode system for nothing else this is a handy thing to lock so people, grownups and kids alike, don’t mess with these settings.

最后一部分“允许更改”对AirPlay设置和位置服务有限制。 如果您仅将密码系统用于其他用途,那么这是一件方便的事情,因此人们,大人和小孩都不要将这些设置弄乱。

That’s all there is to the Apple TV purchase and content restriction system. While overall we’re pretty happy with the restrictions system we will say that it’s a big oversight that you can’t filter apps on an individual level. The content restriction works great on movies and TV shows as the content is passive and it has already been reviewed and rated. It doesn’t work all that great on apps, however, as so many apps can deliver content (and it’s not the content but the app that receives the rating). The Netflix app, for example, is rated at 4+ but we all know that there is tons of content on Netflix that isn’t kid-friendly. It would be nice if you could create a white list of apps that your child could launch (or a blacklist of apps that required the passcode). Hopefully in future iterations of content restriction services on both the Apple TV and iOS devices this oversight will be addressed.

这就是Apple TV购买和内容限制系统的全部内容。 总体而言,我们对限制系统感到非常满意,但我们会说,这是一个很大的疏忽,您不能在单个级别上过滤应用程序。 内容限制在电影和电视节目上效果很好,因为内容是被动的,并且已经过审查和评级。 但是,它不适用于所有应用程序,因为有许多应用程序可以交付内容(不是内容而是获得评分的应用程序)。 例如,Netflix应用程序的评级为4+,但我们都知道Netflix上有很多不适合儿童观看的内容。 如果您可以创建孩子可以启动的应用程序白名单(或需要密码的应用程序黑名单),那就太好了。 希望将来在Apple TV和iOS设备上发布内容限制服务时,可以解决这种疏忽。

Have a pressing tech question about your Apple TV? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对您的Apple TV有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/235476/how-to-set-up-content-and-purchase-restrictions-on-your-apple-tv/


如何在Apple TV上设置内容和购买限制

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