
编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-02 21:13:10


“It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Thank you for the recommendation to read The Power of Less, maybe we can trade notes when you’re done with Tribes! We will be in touch about next steps soon.”

“今天很高兴与您交谈。 感谢您阅读“ The Power of Less”的建议,也许您完成Tribes后,我们可以交易票据! 我们将尽快与您联系。”

That was part of a reply I received to a post-interview thank you email I wrote to a VP of sales. Four hours after receiving that reply, I got a call from the recruiter offering me a job.

那是我收到采访后感谢您写给销售副总裁的电子邮件的答复的一部分。 收到答复的四个小时后,我接到招聘人员的电话给我工作。

A month after I was hired, I had a one-on-one with that VP and the first question she asked me was about the books we recommended to each other.


Leading up to the thank you email, we had spent 40 minutes on the phone together talking through introductions, behavioral questions, and case studies to see if I was a good fit for the role. While that conversation factored into the decision, my answers weren’t what stood out in her mind.

在收到“谢谢”电子邮件之前,我们花了40分钟在电话上,共同讨论了介绍,行为问题和案例研究,以了解我是否适合担任该职位。 虽然那次谈话是决定的因素,但我的回答并不是她头脑中突出的内容。

It was the personal touch that stuck.


As a candidate, you want to be focused on two things during the job search:


  1. How can I build relationships with people who can influence the hiring decision


  2. How can I stand out from all of the other candidates vying for this job


The post interview thank you email is a highly effective (and incredibly easy) tactic that covers both bases. It’s also overlooked by 76% of job seekers. Talk about low hanging fruit!

面试感谢邮件是一种同时涵盖两个方面的高效(且非常容易)的策略。 76%的求职者也忽略了它。 谈论低落的水果!

After interviewing at dozens of companies with over 100 people, I’ve had the chance to send (and test) plenty of thank you notes. This article will walk you through the template I’ve found to be the most effective and helped me land jobs at leading companies like Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and more.

在采访了数十家拥有100多名员工的公司之后,我有机会发送(并测试)了大量的感谢信。 本文将向您介绍我发现最有效的模板,并帮助我在Google,Microsoft,Twitter等领先公司中找到工作。

为何采访后谢谢您 (Why The Post-Interview Thank You Matters)

Before we get technical, it’s important to understand why writing a thank you note is important in the first place.


Most people think their interview is over when they walk out of the building. Whether they absolutely crushed it or things didn’t go according to plan, it’s out of their hands now, right?

大多数人认为走出建筑物时采访已经结束。 不管他们是绝对压碎它还是事情没有按计划进行,现在都已经失控了,对吧?

Not so fast.


Hiring managers at top companies pay very close attention to how and when their candidates follow up. Most are expecting some sort of thank you and failing to send one actually could cost you the job.

顶级公司的招聘经理非常关注候选人如何以及何时跟进。 大多数人都希望得到您的感谢,而未能实际发送一封信可能会使您付出工作的代价。

The data reveals that close to 80% of hiring managers feel that thank you notes are helpful when deciding between candidates. 22% of employers are less likely to hire a candidate who does not send a thank you and 91% actually like being thanked (imagine that!).

数据显示 ,近80%的招聘经理认为,在选择候选人时,感谢信对您有所帮助。 22%的雇主是 不太可能聘请没有发送感谢信的候选人,而实际上有91%的人喜欢被感谢 (想象一下!)。

In addition to playing into your potential employer’s expectations, thank you notes are an easy way to stand out from the competition. Despite all of the data above, only 24% of job seekers actually take the time to send a thank you note after their interview.

除了发挥您潜在雇主的期望之外,感谢笔记是一种在竞争中脱颖而出的简便方法。 尽管有上述所有数据,但只有24%的求职者在面试后实际上花时间发送感谢信。

第1部分:非常感谢电子邮件的基础 (Part 1: The Basics of a Great Thank You Email)

Before we dive into our post-interview thank you email templates and examples, we’re going to walk through the fundamentals of sending a thank you note that will boost your chances of landing the job offer.


我应该在Twitter上通过电子邮件发送电子邮件,致电还是打电话给他们? (Should I Email, Call, Or Hit Them Up On Twitter?)

If you run a Google search for “interview thank you notes,” you’ll get all sorts of suggested mediums for sending – email, phone calls, Twitter, text messages, and even hand written notes.


All of these can get the job done but we want to choose the method that’s going to make things fast and easy for the interviewer on the other end.


Rather than sliding into their DMs, the data shows that interviewers prefer receiving thank you notes via email (with phone calls coming in at a close second):


When you’re in the room on interview day, it’s much more natural to ask for someone’s email than their phone number. On top of that email allows you to spend time crafting your response and you can track your them using a tool like Yesware to help gauge interest.

当您在面试日在房间里时,索要某人的电子邮件比他们的电话号码自然得多。 在该电子邮件的顶部,您可以花时间来编写响应,也可以使用Yesware之类的工具跟踪它们,以帮助评估兴趣。

For those reasons, I recommend sending all of your thank you notes via email.


“But what if I forgot to ask for their email and don’t have it?”


No problem! There are plenty of tools out there that make it super easy to track down someone’s email address. Two of my favorites are Hunter.io and VoilaNorbert. All you need is the person’s full name and the link to their company’s website (so if they work at Tesla, it would be www.tesla).

没问题! 有很多工具可以使您轻松地找到某人的电子邮件地址。 我最喜欢的两个是Hunter.io和VoilaNorbert 。 您所需要的只是该人的全名和指向其公司网站的链接(因此,如果他们在特斯拉工作,它将是www.tesla)。

After you’ve got your hands on their email, head over to Mail Tester and plug it in to verify that it exists on the company’s email server. If it does, you’re good to go!

在获得他们的电子邮件之后,转到Mail Tester并插入它以验证该电子邮件是否存在于公司的电子邮件服务器上。 如果是这样,那就很好!

If all else fails, you can always email your recruiter and ask them for the person’s contact info. Sure, it’s best to get it up front but you’re better off swallowing your pride to send your thank you email than sending nothing at all.

如果所有其他方法均失败,则您始终可以向招聘者发送电子邮件,并要求他们提供此人的联系信息。 当然,最好先将其发送出去,但是最好不要吞下自豪感来发送感谢邮件,而不要发送任何东西。

什么时候是发送感谢信的最佳时间? (When Is The Best Time To Send Your Thank You?)

This is a question I get a lot.


When it comes to following up with hiring managers, posting articles on social media, or sending breaking news to a contact, timing is everything and there is a science behind it.


When it comes to thank you notes, the golden rule is simple:


Send your thank you as quickly as you can while still allowing yourself enough time to craft a quality email.


If you’re a numbers person, shoot for 30 minutes – 2 hours after the interview, but don’t pull your hair out if you can’t get it out until later in the day. Life gets in the way and it’s far more important to send it later then not send it at all.

如果您是数字人物,请在面试后2小时内进行30分钟的拍摄,但如果要到当天晚些时候才把头发拉出来,请不要拉扯头发。 生活阻碍了人们的生活,重要的是晚发送而不是完全不发送。

您应该使用什么主题行作为感谢信? (What Subject Line Should You Use For Your Thank You Note?)

Sometimes coming up with a subject line can be the hardest part of writing an email! In this case, you don’t need to go crazy — something short and to the point will do just fine. My recommendations are:

有时,提出主题行可能是写电子邮件中最难的部分! 在这种情况下,您无需发疯-简而言之,就可以了。 我的建议是:

  • Thank you for your time today [Name]

  • Following up from our interview today

  • It was great speaking with you

  • Thank you!


Any of those will do the trick!


最后,校对一切! (Finally, Proofread Everything!)

Last, but certainly not least, is proofreading every single detail of your thank you email before you send it!


If you’re writing your thank you note in something like Gmail, I definitely recommend installing a plugin like Grammarly or Hemingway. They will catch any spelling errors and make suggestions for better grammar to help improve your writing.

如果您要在Gmail之类的地方写感谢信,我绝对建议您安装Grammarly或Hemingway之类的插件。 他们会发现所有拼写错误并提出更好的语法建议,以帮助提高您的写作水平。

Once you have your final draft in front of you, read it out loud! Then send it to a friend to get a double confirmation. If everything looks good after that, you’re all set to send!

将最终草案摆在面前时,请大声朗读! 然后将其发送给朋友以获得双重确认。 如果此后一切看起来都不错,那么您就可以发送了!

Pro Tip: To help you save time and mistakes in the future, you can use a tool like RightInbox to create a pre-made email template out of your message. It’s a huge time saver because you only need to fill in specific fields and don’t have to worry about errors popping up from copy, pasting, and editing.

专家提示:为帮助您节省时间和以后的错误,您可以使用RightInbox之类的工具从邮件中创建预制的电子邮件模板 。 这是节省大量时间的方法,因为您只需要填写特定的字段,而不必担心从复制,粘贴和编辑中弹出的错误。

第2部分:面试后谢谢电子邮件模板和示例 (Part 2: Post-Interview Thank You Email Templates & Examples)

Now that we’ve covered the basics of great thank you notes, we can dive into the science behind writing one that will stand out from the crowd and get you hired.


We’ll start by calling out two common thank you email templates that you should avoid. These are email templates that everyone ends up using because they’re easy and average. Our goal is to stand out — to zig while everyone else zags — which means we don’t want boring, boilerplate templates.

我们将从调出两个您应该避免使用的常见的感谢电子邮件模板开始。 这些是每个人最终都会使用的电子邮件模板,因为它们既简单又平均。 我们的目标是脱颖而出-曲折而其他人则曲折-这意味着我们不要无聊的样板。

Next, I’ll walk you through the methodology behind my thank you email strategy. I’ll show you how to craft an email that will set you apart from the competition and bump you up on the interviewer’s short list. Then you can get a copy of my post-interview thank you email template along with several thank you email examples from real people in my community!

接下来,我将向您介绍“感谢电子邮件”策略背后的方法。 我将向您展示如何制作一封电子邮件,该邮件将使您在竞争中脱颖而出,并在面试官的候选名单中名列前茅。 然后,您可以获得我的采访后感谢电子邮件模板的副本,以及来自社区中真实人物的一些感谢电子邮件示例!

要避免的两个常见的谢谢电子邮件模板 (Two Common Thank You Email Templates To Avoid)

Now that you know why, when, and how to send your thank you email, let’s dive into the science behind crafting an email that helps you build a relationship with your interviewer and stand out from other candidates.


We’ll start by looking at the mistakes most candidates make when sending their post-interview thank you emails.


When it comes to thank you’s, the most common formats tend to fall into two buckets:


Bad Email #1 (Don’t Use This!)


Dear Mr. Last Name:


I enjoyed speaking with you today about the assistant account executive position at [Company]. The job seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests.

今天,我很高兴与您讨论[公司]的助理客户经理职位。 这份工作似乎很适合我的技能和兴趣。

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness, and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department.


I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you regarding this position.

感谢您抽出宝贵时间采访我。 我非常乐意为您工作,并希望收到您关于该职位的消息。





This email showcases zero personality and is so painfully formal that it can actually come off as unprofessional. You just spent an hour in a room trying to build a relationship with this person, you want your thank you note to be a reflection of your conversation!

这封电子邮件显示出零个性,非常正式,以至于它实际上可能是不专业的。 您刚在一个房间里花了一个小时试图与这个人建立关系,您希望您的感谢信能反映您的谈话!

Here’s what the second most common email looks like:


Bad Email #2 (Don’t Use This Either!)


Hi Name,


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I really enjoyed speaking with you about the position and am looking forward to next steps.

感谢您抽出宝贵的时间今天与我见面。 我非常乐意与您讨论这个职位,并期待下一步。



Your Name


While this is far better than Email #1, it leaves a lot on the table. Again, after chatting with someone for an hour, you should have a little bit more to say than “thanks, hope to hear from you soon!”

尽管它比电子邮件#1更好,但它仍然留在桌面上。 同样,与某人聊天一个小时后,除了“多谢,希望尽快收到您的来信!”之外,您还有更多话要说

Remember, your thank you note is a huge opportunity for you to stand out, continue building a relationship with your interviewer, and cement that positive association in their mind.


We want to make sure we’re doing everything we possibly can to capitalize on those three things.


面试中首先要感谢你 (A Great Thank You Note Starts During The Interview)

In order to maximize the value we deliver with our thank you note, we need to gather as much information as we possibly can during the interview.


These details come from the small talk you make before the interview starts, the conversations sparked by your answers or your resume, and the questions you ask your interviewer.

这些详细信息来自您在面试开始之前进行的闲聊,由您的答案或履历引发的对话以及您向面试官提出的问题 。

This is more of an art than a science and truly a case of practice makes perfect. Here are some pointers to get you started:

这更像是一门艺术,而不是一门科学,真正的实践案例是完美的。 以下是一些入门指南:

  • There is always a few minutes of small talk before the interview starts – use that to spark up a conversation. For example, if it’s a Monday or Tuesday, ask how their weekend went. If it’s Wednesday – Friday, ask if they have plans for the upcoming weekend.

    在面试开始之前总是有几分钟的闲聊–用它来激发对话。 例如,如果是星期一或星期二,请询问他们的周末怎么样。 如果是星期三至星期五,请询问他们是否有下周末的计划。
  • If they begin talking, ask follow up questions. The longer you can get them to continue, the more information you get and the higher the odds of them creating a positive association with you in their brain.

    如果他们开始讲话,请询问后续问题。 您让他们继续的时间越长,您获得的信息越多,他们在大脑中与您建立积极联系的几率就越高。

  • At the end of the interview, have questions prepared (here’s a list of my favorites). I always end an interview by asking them about their personal life outside of work.

    面试结束时,准备好问题( 这是我的最爱清单 )。 我总是在采访结束时询问他们工作以外的个人生活。

The more personal information you get during the interview, the more ammo you have to include in your thank you note.


Remember the response I quoted in the opening paragraph of this post?


That VP had asked me about a book I read recently that made an impact on me. As soon as I answered, I asked her the same question. I hadn’t read the book she mentioned, but I was very familiar with the author (Seth Godin).

那个副总裁问我最近读过的一本书对我产生了影响。 我一回答,就问她同样的问题。 我没有读过她提到的书,但是我对作者(Seth Godin)非常熟悉。

I followed that up by asking her what she likes to read (“are you a non-fiction only kind of person?”) and how she finds the time to read with her crazy schedule.

接下来,我问她喜欢阅读什么( “你是一个非小说类的人吗?” ),以及她如何利用疯狂的时间表找到时间阅读。

Those two follow up questions sparked a conversation that lasted 15 minutes and helped me build a rapport.


In my thank you note, I mentioned that I ordered the book and appreciated the recommendation. A week later (after reading it), I followed up with her and mentioned my two favorite points the author made.

在我的感谢信中,我提到我订购了这本书,并赞赏该建议。 一周后(阅读后),我跟着她,并提到了作者最喜欢的两个观点。

The mention in the thank you note helped me land the job and the follow up helped me start my new career with a fan in upper management.


最有效的谢谢您电子邮件模板 (The Most Effective Thank You Email Template)

As mentioned above, I went on 50+ interviews and spoke to well over 100 people during the course of my job search. That meant a lot of thank you notes and, better yet, a lot of opportunity to test what format works best.

如上所述,我在求职过程中进行了50多次面试,并与100多人进行了交谈。 这意味着要感谢很多人,更好的是,还有很多机会来测试哪种格式最有效。

After all was said and done, the template below is the one my data showed to be most effective. I measured “effectiveness” by the percentage of people who replied as well my success rate for scoring a slot in the next round of interviews (or getting the offer).

归根结底,下面的模板是我的数据显示最有效的模板。 我通过回答我的人的百分比以及我在下一轮面试中获得一席位(或获得要约)的成功率来衡量“有效性”。

Here’s why it works.


To start, we lead off with our “thank you.” It sounds dumb, but you’d be surprised at how many people fail to actually include the words “thank you” in their note (seriously, I see this a surprising amount with the people I coach). Instead of actually saying it, they imply it by saying stuff like “great chatting with you.”

首先,我们以“谢谢”开始。 听起来有些愚蠢,但您会惊讶地发现,实际上有多少人没有在他们的笔记中包含“谢谢”一词(严重的是,我对我执教的人而言,这是一个令人惊讶的数字)。 他们没有说真正的话, 而是通过说“与您聊天”这样的暗示

People are busy, especially as you get further up the food chain. Their time is valuable and it goes a long way to acknowledge that. Don’t just imply it, write out the words!

人们很忙,尤其是当您深入食物链时。 他们的时间很宝贵,承认这一点还有很长的路要走。 不要仅仅暗示它,写出单词!

Next, we make a point to show them that we listened and understood.


Full attention is a rare thing in today’s world and people like interviewers expect to get it from you. By recapping a point that you spoke about in your conversation, it shows that you were listening and engaged.

在当今世界,全神贯注是一件罕见的事情,像面试官这样的人希望从您那里得到它。 通过重述您在对话中谈到的观点,表明您正在倾听并参与其中。

Bonus points if you add in an action you took based on the conversation, or share a relevant (and quality) piece of content!


Then, at the end of the email, we do the exact same thing by taking a personal angle in the PS. For best results, mention taking action against advice your interviewer gave you, illustrate your results, and finish with a follow up question.

然后,在电子邮件末尾,我们通过在PS中以个人角度做同样的事情。 为了获得最佳结果,请提及针对面试官给您的建议采取行动,说明您的结果,并提出后续问题。

This helps solidify your level of engagement in the interviewer’s mind and keeps the door open to continue the conversation and build the relationship.


Now that you understand why each piece of the thank you email puzzle is important, let’s check out a few examples of what an awesome post-interview thank you email looks like:


我的采访后谢谢电子邮件模板和示例 (My Post-Interview Thank You Email Template & Examples)

Click here to get a free copy of my proven Thank You email template, along with real-world examples of Thank You notes that worked and other interview hacks.

单击此处,获得免费的我经过验证的“谢谢”电子邮件模板的副本 ,以及真实的“谢谢”笔记示例和其他采访技巧实例。

All you need to do is copy, paste, fill in the blanks, and hit send!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/interview-thank-you-email/




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