微软word如何插入页码_如何在Microsoft Word中使用页码

编程知识 行业动态 更新时间:2024-06-13 00:17:41


Microsoft Word offers an easy way to add different styles of page numbers to your document. If you’ve got a simple document, it works well enough. But if you’ve worked with Word for a while and use it to create more complex documents, you know page numbering can get a little flaky. So let’s take a closer look.

Microsoft Word提供了一种向文档中添加不同样式的页码的简便方法。 如果您有一个简单的文档,它就可以很好地工作。 但是,如果您使用Word已有一段时间,并使用它来创建更复杂的文档,您就会知道页面编号可能会有些不稳定。 因此,让我们仔细看看。

如何插入页码 (How to Insert Page Numbers)

To add page numbers to your Word document, switch over to the “Insert” tab on the Ribbon and then click the “Page Number” button in the “Header & Footer” section.


A drop-down menu shows several different options for where you’d like the page numbers to appear—top of the page, bottom of the page, and so on. The last couple of options let you format your page numbers more precisely (something we’ll look at a bit later in this article) or remove page numbers from your document.

下拉菜单显示几个不同的选项,用于显示页码的显示位置-页面顶部,页面底部等。 最后两个选项使您可以更精确地设置页码格式(本文稍后将介绍),或从文档中删除页码。

Hover over one of the first four options and a page number gallery appears. Each option in the gallery gives you a general idea of how the page numbers will look on your page.

将鼠标悬停在前四个选项之一上,将显示页码库。 图库中的每个选项都使您大致了解页码在页面上的外观。

Once you find an option you like, go ahead and click it to have Word automatically number all the pages of your document in that style. In this example, we’ve selected the “Accent Bar” style in the “Page X” format.

找到所需的选项后,请继续单击它,以使Word以该样式自动为文档的所有页面编号。 在此示例中,我们选择了“ Page X”格式的“ Accent Bar”样式。

If you inserted page numbers at the top or bottom of the page, the header or footer area of your document automatically opens up, and you can make any addition you like around your new page numbers. When you’re ready to get back to your document, you can tap the “Close Header & Footer” button on the Ribbon or double-click anywhere in your document outside the header or footer area.

如果您在页面的顶部或底部插入页码,则文档的页眉或页脚区域会自动打开,并且您可以在新页码周围添加任何所需的内容。 当您准备好返回文档时,可以点击功能区上的“关闭页眉和页脚”按钮,或者双击文档中页眉或页脚区域之外的任何位置。

That’s the simple version of adding page numbers, and it works well enough if you’ve got a simple document—one where you want all the pages numbered, and you want them numbered using the same convention.


For some documents, though, you’ll want to get a little fancier. For example, what if you don’t want the page number to appear on the first page of the document (or on the first page of each section)? Or what if you want the page number placement to be different on odd and even pages, the way it is in a book? Or what if you have different sections that you want to be numbered differently—like an introduction or table of contents where you want Roman numerals instead of the Arabic numerals used in the rest of your document?

但是,对于某些文档,您将需要一些帮助。 例如,如果您不希望页码出现在文档的第一页(或每个部分的第一页)上,该怎么办? 或者,如果您希望奇数页和偶数页上的页码位置不同,该怎么办? 或者,如果您希望对不同的部分进行不同的编号,例如在简介或目录中希望使用罗马数字而不是文档其余部分中使用的阿拉伯数字,该怎么办?

Well, Word has a way to do all of that.


如何使页码不显示在文档或节的首页上 (How to Make Page Numbering Not Appear on the First Page of a Document or Section)

When your first page is a title page, you might want to use a different footer or header for it than you use in the rest of your document and you might not want the page number to show up on that page. When you open your header or footer section by double-clicking somewhere in those areas, Word opens a new “Design” tab on the Ribbon in a section named “Header & Footer Tools.”

当第一页是标题页时,您可能要使用与在文档其余部分中不同的页脚或页眉,并且您可能不希望页码显示在该页上。 通过双击区域中的某个位置来打开页眉或页脚部分时,Word将在功能区上名为“页眉和页脚工具”的部分中打开一个新的“设计”选项卡。

On that tab, you’ll find a “Different First Page” option.



The critical thing to know here is that this option applies to the section of the document where your insertion point is currently placed. If you only have one section in your document, selecting the “Different First Page” option makes the current header and footer disappear from the first page of your document. You can then type in different information for your header or footer on the first page if you want.

这里要了解的关键是,此选项适用于当前放置插入点的文档部分。 如果您的文档中只有一个部分,则选择“不同的第一页”选项会使当前的页眉和页脚从文档的第一页消失。 然后,您可以根据需要在首页上输入不同的页眉或页脚信息。

If you have multiple sections in your document, you can change the header and footer for the first page of each section. Say you were writing a book with different chapters and you had each chapter set up in its own section. If you didn’t want the regular header and footer (and page numbers) showing up on the first page of each section, you can just place your insertion point somewhere in that section and then enable the “Different First Page” option.

如果文档中有多个节,则可以更改每个节第一页的页眉和页脚。 假设您正在写一本包含不同章节的书,并且您在每一章中都设置了单独的章节。 如果您不想在每个部分的首页上显示常规的页眉和页脚(和页码),则可以将插入点放在该部分的某个位置,然后启用“不同的第一页”选项。

如何对奇数页和偶数页进行不同编号 (How to Number Odd & Even Pages Differently)

You can also set up page numbering so that the position of the page numbers is different on odd and even pages. You’ll find that most books take this approach so that the page number appears toward the left side on the left (even) pages and toward the right side on the right (odd) pages. This prevents the page numbers from being obscured by the book’s binding and makes them easier to see as you flip through pages.

您还可以设置页码,以使奇数页和偶数页上的页码位置不同。 您会发现大多数书籍都采用这种方法,因此页码在左(偶数)页的左侧显示,在右(奇数)页的右侧显示。 这样可以防止书的装订遮挡页码,并在翻页时更易于查看。

Word also has an option for that. On that same “Design” tab in the “Header & Footer Tools” section of the Ribbon, just click the “Different Odd & Even Pages” option.

Word也为此提供了一个选项。 在功能区“页眉和页脚工具”部分的同一“设计”选项卡上,只需单击“奇数页和奇数页不同”选项。

Word automatically formats the page numbers to appear the way they would in a book, and you can then make any manual adjustments you want.


如何向不同的部分添加不同的数字和格式 (How to Add Different Numbers and Formats to Different Sections)

Most documents use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) in the main body of the document and some use Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.) for different sections like the table of contents, introduction, and glossary. You can set up your document this way in Word, too.

大多数文档在文档主体中使用阿拉伯数字(1、2、3等),而在不同部分(例如目录,简介和词汇表)中使用罗马数字(i,ii,iii等)。 。 您也可以在Word中以这种方式设置文档。

The first thing you’ll need to do is create different sections in your document for these different parts of your document. So, for example, if you wanted your table of contents and introduction to be numbered differently than the main body of your document, you’d need to create a different section up front to hold those parts.

您需要做的第一件事是为文档的这些不同部分在文档中创建不同的部分 。 因此,例如,如果您希望目录和简介的编号与文档主体的编号不同,则需要在前面创建一个不同的部分来容纳这些部分。

To do this, place your insertion point at the very beginning of your document (if you haven’t already created that preliminary content) or place it right before the first page of your main content (if you have already created the preliminary content).


Switch over to the “Layout” tab on the Ribbon and click the “Breaks” button.


In the drop-down menu, click the “Next Page” option. As the description says, this creates a section break and starts the new section on the next page.

在下拉菜单中,单击“下一页”选项。 如描述所述,这将创建分节符并在下一页上开始新的节。

Now that you’ve created the separate section, you can change the format of the page numbers there. The first thing you’ll want to do is break the link between your new preliminary section and the next section where the main body of your document starts. To do that, open up the header or footer area (wherever you have your page numbers) in the main section of your document. On the “Design” tab in the “Header & Footer Tools” section of the Ribbon, click the “Link to Previous” option to break the link to the previous section’s header and footer.

现在,您已经创建了单独的部分,您可以在此处更改页码的格式。 您要做的第一件事是断开新的初级部分与文档主体开始的下一部分之间的链接。 为此,请在文档的主要部分中打开页眉或页脚区域(无论有页码的地方)。 在功能区“页眉和页脚工具”部分的“设计”选项卡上,单击“链接到上一个”选项以断开到上一节的页眉和页脚的链接。

Now that you’ve broken the link, you can fix the page numbering the way you want it. This takes a few steps.

断开链接后,您可以按需要的方式对页面编号进行修复。 这需要几个步骤。

Start by opening up the header and footer area of any page in that preliminary section. You’ll see that the page numbering persists from before you created the new section break.

首先打开该初步部分中任何页面的页眉和页脚区域。 您会发现页面编号从创建新分节符之前就一直存在。

Right-click the page number and choose the “Format Page Numbers” command from the context menu.


In the Page Number Format window, select the type of numbers you want to use for the section from the “Number Format” drop-down menu. Here, we’ve gone with standard lowercase Roman numerals. Click “OK” when you’re done.

在“页码格式”窗口中,从“数字格式”下拉菜单中选择要用于该部分的数字类型。 在这里,我们使用了标准的小写罗马数字。 完成后,单击“确定”。

And you can see that our page numbering in that section has changed to Roman numerals.


There’s one more step you’ll need to take, though. Scroll down to the first page in your next section (the one with the main body of your document). You’ll see that the page numbering likely doesn’t start off at page one. That’s because it maintained the same numbering it had before you created that additional section.

不过,您还需要采取进一步的措施。 向下滚动到下一部分的第一页(包含文档主体的页面)。 您会看到页面编号可能不是从第一页开始的。 那是因为它保持与创建该附加部分之前相同的编号。

It’s an easy fix, though. Right-click the page number and choose the “Format Page Numbers” command from the context menu.

不过,这很容易解决。 右键单击页码,然后从上下文菜单中选择“设置页码格式”命令。

In the Page Number Format window, select the “Start At” option and then set the box at the right to “1” to start the section off on page one.

在“页码格式”窗口中,选择“开始于”选项,然后将右侧的框设置为“ 1”以从第一页开始。

That’s all there is to it. Now you should have two sections with different numbers and formats.

这里的所有都是它的。 现在,您应该有两个具有不同编号和格式的部分。

使用字段控制页码 (Controlling Page Numbers Using Fields)

Word numbers all your pages, but those numbers remain hidden unless you tell Word to display them. By inserting a field code anywhere on the page, you can tell Word to reveal the page number. This option gives you fine control over page numbers. It also lets you put numbers anywhere you need and not just in the headers, footers, and margins. For example, you could put them in a text box if you wanted to.

Word为您的所有页面编号,但是除非您告诉Word显示它们,否则这些编号将保持隐藏。 通过在页面上的任意位置插入域代码,您可以告诉Word显示页码。 此选项使您可以更好地控制页码。 它还允许您将数字放置在所需的任何位置,而不仅是页眉,页脚和边距。 例如,如果需要,可以将它们放在文本框中。

Place your insertion point where you’d like to insert page numbers and then press Ctrl+F9 to insert a pair field brackets, which look like this: { }. Then, type “PAGE” inside the brackets like this:

将插入点放置在您要插入页码的位置,然后按Ctrl + F9插入成对的方括号,如下所示:{}。 然后,在方括号内输入“ PAGE”,如下所示:

You can also use a few switches along with the PAGE command that gives you some control over the style in which your numbers appear. Use one of the codes below to give your numbers the look you need.

您还可以将一些开关与PAGE命令一起使用,从而可以对数字的显示样式进行一些控制。 使用以下代码之一为您的电话号码提供所需的外观。

{ PAGE \* Arabic }
{ PAGE \* alphabetic }
{ PAGE \* roman }

{PAGE \ *阿拉伯文}
{PAGE \ *字母}
{页\ *字母}
{PAGE \ *罗马}

To finish, right-click anywhere between the brackets and choose the “Update Field” command from the context menu.


Here’s an example of a page number we’ve inserted into a text box at the bottom right of our page.


修复损坏的页码 (Fixing Broken Page Numbers)

If your page numbers are broken in a document—maybe they appear non-sequentially or restart seemingly at random—it’s almost always because of problems with sections.


For Word, a document isn’t really a thing when it comes to formatting. Word breaks things down into sections, paragraphs, and characters—and that’s it.

对于Word,在格式化方面,文档并不是真正的东西。 Word将内容分解为小节,段落和字符,仅此而已。

To fix broken page numbering, start by identifying the sections in your document. The easiest way to do this is to switch over to the “View” menu on the Ribbon and then click the “Draft” button to enter draft view.

要修复残破的页码,请先确定文档中的各个部分。 最简单的方法是切换到功能区上的“查看”菜单,然后单击“草稿”按钮进入草稿视图。

In draft view, Word shows you exactly where section breaks occur and what kinds of breaks they are.


When you’ve identified the location of your section breaks, switch back over to the Print Layout view (so you can see headers and footers easier). This is where you’ll need to start doing some detective work.

确定分节符的位置后,请切换回“打印布局”视图(这样您可以更轻松地看到页眉和页脚)。 这是您需要开始进行一些侦探工作的地方。

Make sure that that the sections where you want continuous page numbering have their headers and footers linked together and that sections where you don’t want continuous numbering have that link broken. You can also use the methods we’ve covered in this article to make sure the page numbering of sections start at the right number

确保要连续编号的节的页眉和页脚链接在一起,不要连续编号的节的链接断开。 您还可以使用本文中介绍的方法来确保各节的页码以正确的数字开头

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/360709/how-to-work-with-page-numbers-in-microsoft-word/



微软word如何插入页码_如何在Microsoft Word中使用页码

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