
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-07 08:14:30


by Ayoub NEJJARI


请不要退出-每个专家都曾经是初学者 (Please don’t quit — every expert was once a beginner)

If you’re like me, you have at some point in your efforts to learn programming, thrown up your hands and said: “I need to quit, this crap isn’t for me!

如果您像我一样,则有时会努力学习编程,举起手说:“ 我需要退出,这种胡扯不适合我!

It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re trying to learn something as complicated as programming. The fact that everywhere you turn, someone is telling you “you’re doing it wrong” makes this process even tougher.

当您尝试学习诸如编程之类的复杂内容时,很容易灰心。 无论您转身到哪里,都会有人告诉您“您做错了”,这一事实使这一过程变得更加艰难。

Knowing that there are more than 18 million professional software developers out there, and that it’s one of the most common careers in the world, can trick you into thinking that coding is a simple task, and we can be learned in a short amount of time and BOOM! You are able of building fascinating things.

知道那里有超过1800万的专业软件开发人员,并且它是世界上最常见的职业之一,因此可以使您认为编码是一项简单的任务,并且可以在很短的时间内得知我们的知识。和BOOM! 您能够构建引人入胜的东西。

Marketers perpetuate the myth that programming is easy by pitching it as just another way to make money online, as though it were as easy as affiliate marketing, building a mailing list, or getting subscribers on YouTube. If you’re new to programming, you might get the impression that these achievements require the same amount of effort. These marketing campaigns paint a distorted picture of the real world of software development.

营销人员通过将编程作为在线赚钱的另一种方式,使编程变得容易,这就像联属网络营销,建立邮件列表或在YouTube上吸引订阅者一样容易。 如果您是编程的新手,您可能会觉得这些成就需要同样的努力。 这些营销活动描绘了真实的软件开发世界的扭曲画面。

So you decide to go for it, supposing that it will be a walk in the park. You pick up the material and start the journey. The next tricky thing you encounter is the enthusiastic introduction. Now I really love that. It’s good to be encouraging.

因此,您决定去公园散步。 您拿起材料开始旅程。 您遇到的下一个棘手的事情是热情的介绍。 现在我真的很喜欢。 令人鼓舞的是很好。

But most people — products of our a relatively hand-holding education system — will get the impression that programming is just about reading the material, and that if you do so, you’ll become skilled in that language or technology.


But as soon as you’ve put down the tutorial and start walking on projects on your own, you hit the first wall. Problems start to appear. You begin to feel clueless. When a concept seems hard to understand, a little voice tells you that other people are able to get past whatever it is you’re stuck on — why can’t you? And the more you go on, the more lost you feel. You start to get really frustrated, and maybe you start to think about quitting.

但是,一旦放下了教程并开始自己动手做项目,您就会碰上第一堵墙。 问题开始出现。 您开始感到无知。 当一个概念似乎难以理解时,一个小小的声音告诉您其他人能够克服您所坚持的概念,为什么不能呢? 而且,您进行的越多,您就会感到越失落。 您开始真正感到沮丧,也许您开始考虑放弃。

伟大的发展永远不会来自您的舒适区 (Great developments never come from within your comfort zone)

Let’s talk about getting past this first wall.


It’s common for new developers to experience this. It’s normal to feel frustrated, sick, and have headaches. You know what all means? It means that you are working, putting effort, and doing your best. It means you’re using your brain and you’re trying to understand.

新开发人员经常会遇到这种情况。 感到沮丧,生病和头痛是正常的。 你知道什么意思吗? 这意味着您正在努力,付出努力并尽力而为。 这意味着您正在使用自己的大脑并且正在尝试理解。

It’s always hard to push yourself to the next level, because it requires greater effort than the usual. It requires more energy, which may tire you physically and mentally. But don’t think about that. Think about the result. The achievement. Reaching the next level in your quest toward mastery. Every time you take a step toward expertise, no matter how small, it is still a step.

总是很难将自己提升到一个新的水平,因为它比平常需要更多的努力。 它需要更多的能量,可能会使您的身心疲惫。 但是不要考虑这一点。 考虑结果。 成就。 在追求精通的过程中达到新的高度。 每当您迈向专业知识的一步时,无论规模多么小,它仍然是一步。

以扩散模式学习 (Learn in diffuse mode)

Here’s a mind trick to help you get past this first wall. Since it may be hard to get a concept the first time you read about it, you can do something that will make it better for you and help you get it quickly.

这是一个帮助您克服第一道墙的技巧。 由于您初次阅读某个概念时可能很难理解,因此您可以做一些使它更适合您并帮助您快速获得它的事情。

Read the full text with total focus (first time,even if you don’t understand), okay? Now, read it again. I am pretty sure a lot of things will make sense this time around. After the second time, google the concept and try to read about it in different articles. That will help you see it from different angles, which will help you better understand it.

全神贯注地阅读全文(第一次,即使您不理解也可以),好吗? 现在,再次阅读。 我很确定这次很多事情都会有意义。 第二次之后,用google搜索这个概念,并尝试在其他文章中阅读它。 这将帮助您从不同角度看待它,这将有助于您更好地理解它。

The next step is to read the text a third time. What do you think? I’m sure your understanding of the concept is much better now than it was the first time you read it, even though in all likelihood you’re still early on in your quest to truly understand that concept.

下一步是第三次阅读文本。 你怎么看? 我敢肯定,您现在对这个概念的理解比第一次阅读时要好得多,尽管您很有可能仍在真正了解这个概念的初期。

We’ve just described a learning process known as Diffuse mode. You can apply this type of learning toward applies to videos and tutorials, as well.

我们刚刚描述了一种称为扩散模式的学习过程。 您也可以将这种学习方式应用于视频和教程。

The second wall is once you’ve complete the materials, and you feel like it’s time to build things up. You set up your development environment and start coding. After a while you discover that you have no idea how to create what you want to create. You can’t make the things exactly as you are imagining them in your head. Errors start showing up, and either your code has a lot of bugs, doesn’t seem to work at all.

第二道墙是您完成材料后,您会觉得是时候进行构建了。 您设置了开发环境并开始编码。 一段时间后,您发现自己不知道如何创建要创建的对象。 您无法完全按照想像的方式制作东西。 错误开始出现,或者您的代码中有很多错误,似乎根本不起作用。

A common mistake here is to start blaming yourself for this situation, thinking that you’re not smart enough to become a developer, and that you should quit. You start to think of all the famous programmers you hear about in the news, and you can’t imagine how you would ever be able to catch up with them.

这里的一个常见错误是开始为这种情况指责自己,认为您不够聪明,无法成为开发人员,应该退出。 您开始想起在新闻中听到的所有著名程序员,并且您无法想象自己将如何赶上他们。

And you forget! You forget that every expert was once a beginner! That the expert you’re thinking of now was just like you at one point, that they also blamed themselves, and that they thought many of these same thoughts you’re thinking — but they didn’t quit!

而你忘记了! 您会忘记每个专家都曾经是初学者! 您正在想到的专家在某一时刻就像您一样,他们也自责,他们认为您在想同样的许多想法,但是他们并没有放弃!

This is what you — we — should all bear in mind: successful men and women don’t quit!


“You never fail until you stop trying.” ― Albert Einstein

“除非停止尝试,否则您永远不会失败。” ― 爱因斯坦

Because software development requires a lot of critical thinking, it can be exhausting, even for the seasoned practitioners. It can also be frustrating because as you’re programming, the computer is constantly giving you negative feedback in the form of errors and failing tests. You should work to increase your tolerance for frustration and exhaustion.

由于软件开发需要大量批判性思考,因此即使是经验丰富的从业人员,也可能会筋疲力尽。 这也可能令人沮丧,因为在进行编程时,计算机不断以错误和测试失败的形式为您提供负面反馈。 您应该努力提高对挫败和疲惫的忍耐力。

Also, you should know that reaching a high level takes time. You can’t be the next Steve Jobs overnight. So, if you are doing this as way to earn money quickly, you’ll be disappointed.

另外,您应该知道达到高水平需要时间。 你不可能在一夜之间成为下一个史蒂夫·乔布斯。 因此,如果您这样做是为了快速赚钱,那么您会感到失望。

I have learned many things since I started, from both experience and from other developers — and I’m still learning. Here are some things I’ve learned that I think will be helpful to you:

自从开始以来,我已经从经验和其他开发人员那里学到了很多东西,而且我还在学习。 以下是一些我认为对您有所帮助的事情:

  • Don’t work alone. Always work with other developers if you can.

    不要一个人工作 如果可以,请始终与其他开发人员合作。

  • Don’t wait for inspiration. Inspiration isn’t something you can control, and if you depend on it, you won’t be able to work all the time. Build discipline by forcing yourself to work. Discipline is reliable.

    不要等待灵感。 灵感不是您可以控制的东西,如果您依靠它,那么您将无法一直工作。 通过强迫自己工作来建立纪律。 纪律可靠。

  • Real work usually isn’t fun. It is tough and exhausting, Don’t run from that!

    实际的工作通常不好玩。 这是艰难而又累人的,不要逃避!

  • Practice, practice, and practice. Practice makes perfect.

    练习,练习和练习。 实践使完美。

  • Tutorials fish on your behalf, so you don’t need to learn how to fish yourself. You need to read books.

    教程代表您钓鱼,因此您无需学习如何钓鱼。 你需要看书。

  • Always try to understand a new concept using different resources. This will help you see it from different perspectives, which will improve your comprehension.

    始终尝试使用其他资源来理解新概念 这将帮助您从不同的角度看待它,从而提高您的理解力。

  • Don’t just read. Build. Try, try, and keep trying. Programming is like swimming. You can’t compare someone who spends all their time swimming with someone who spends all their time reading about swimming and how the body works when swimming.

    不要只是阅读建立。 尝试,尝试,并继续尝试。 编程就像游泳。 您无法将一个人花所有的时间与一个人花所有时间来阅读有关游泳以及身体在游泳时的工作方式进行比较。

  • Frustration, boredom, tiredness, exhaustion — these are all normal. They don’t indicate wither you are not the right person for a given profession.All they say is that you are putting in effort and doing your best.

    沮丧,无聊,疲倦,精疲力竭-这些都是正常现象。 他们并没有说你不是某个行业的合适人选,他们只是说你正在努力并尽力而为。

  • Ask. Whether it is a technical question or not, just ask. If you can’t find the right person to ask, there is two great alternatives, you can’t imagine how many times they saved me. Quora and Stack Overflow.

    问。 不管是技术问题,还是问一下。 如果找不到合适的人问,有两种不错的选择,您无法想象他们救了我多少次。 Quora和堆栈溢出 。

Don’t quit! Always Remember that every expert was once a beginner.

不要放弃! 永远记住, 每个专家都曾经是初学者。

I hope this post was useful for you! If you enjoyed it, please hit the heart button below and share it. Thanks! ^^

希望这篇文章对您有用! 如果您喜欢它,请点击下面的心形按钮并分享。 谢谢! ^^

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/please-dont-quit-every-expert-was-once-a-beginner-6d8f8933a338/




本文发布于:2023-04-07 08:14:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:初学者   请不要   实例   专家


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