如何在Apple Watch上使用蓝牙耳机和扬声器(听音乐)

编程知识 更新时间:2023-05-02 19:11:28

The Apple Watch is packed with features that aren’t immediately visible at first glance. The music app on the watch immediately (and intuitively) controls the music app on your iPhone but it can also stand alone as its own Bluetooth-enabled iPod-like device. Read on as we show you how to link it to Bluetooth headphones and speakers.

Apple Watch包含了乍一看并不立即可见的功能。 手表上的音乐应用程序可以立即(直观地)控制iPhone上的音乐应用程序,但它也可以单独作为其自己的支持蓝牙的iPod类设备使用。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何将其链接到蓝牙耳机和扬声器。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

The Apple Watch is definitely intended to be an extension of your iPhone and not an outright replacement (yet that is) for your phone. Nonetheless you can offload quite a few common tasks from your phone to your watch without a hitch including music playback.

Apple Watch绝对是您iPhone的扩展,而不是手机的直接替代品。 尽管如此,您仍可以将手机上的许多常见任务卸载到手表上,而不会造成音乐播放的麻烦。

Perhaps the feature just got lost in all the hubbub surrounding the release of the watch but not very many people have been talking about how you can actually dump music right onto the Apple Watch and use it like an iPod totally independent of your iPhone. This means you can leave your phone at home and go for a run with tunes beamed right from your watch to your Bluetooth headphones or link your watch to your friend’s Bluetooth speaker to share a playlist you’ve stored in your watch.

也许该功能在手表发布的所有喧闹声中都丢失了,但很少有人讨论如何将音乐直接转储到Apple Watch上,并像完全独立于iPhone的iPod一样使用它。 这意味着您可以将手机留在家里,然后从手表到蓝牙耳机播放音乐,或者将手表链接到朋友的蓝牙扬声器,以共享您存储在手表中的播放列表。

Once the music is stored on your watch the on-watch controls are identical to controls used for music playback on your phone (the only difference is the music files are local to the watch). Further, the local playback is surprisingly light on battery use. We expected playback to outright tank our battery life but only lost five percent of the total battery life per hour of continuous music playback.

音乐存储在手表上后,手表上的控件与手机上用于音乐播放的控件相同(唯一的区别是音乐文件位于手表本地)。 此外,本地回放出奇地少了电池的使用。 我们预计播放会完全消耗电池的电量,但是连续音乐每小时的播放只占电池总电量的5%。

So what does it take to turn your watch into a tiny iPod substitute? Unlike most of the Apple Watch experience the process by which you switch your watch from serving as a remote control for your iPhone music collection (the default function of the music app) to an independent music box like a wrist-based iPod is a bit opaque. Let’s take a look at how you can pack a surprising amount of music onto your wrist.

那么,如何将您的手表变成微型iPod呢? 与大多数Apple Watch体验不同,将手表从用作iPhone音乐收藏的遥控器(音乐应用程序的默认功能)切换到独立的音乐盒(如基于腕部的iPod)的过程有点不透明。 让我们来看看如何将大量音乐带到手腕上。

准备音乐 (Preparing Your Music)

First things first, you need some tunes and those tunes need to be on your iPhone. You can either import new music from your iTunes library onto your phone or you can use music already stored on your phone.

首先,您需要一些音乐,并且这些音乐必须在您的iPhone上。 您可以将iTunes音乐库中的新音乐导入手机,也可以使用手机中已经存储的音乐。

The important element here is that all the songs you wish to import to the Apple Watch are in a single playlist and that collectively all the songs do not exceed 2GB total of storage space. That’s the big catch: you can’t import multiple playlists to your Apple Watch you can only import a single playlist at a time. That playlist can store as many songs as the up-to-2GB of on-watch storage can hold, however the Apple Watch has 8GB of storage but only 2GB can be reserved for music.

这里的重要元素是,您希望导入到Apple Watch的所有歌曲都在单个播放列表中,并且所有歌曲的总存储空间总计不超过2GB。 那是最大的收获:您不能将多个播放列表导入到Apple Watch中,一次只能导入一个播放列表。 该播放列表可以存储多达2GB的手表上存储空间可容纳的歌曲,但是Apple Watch具有8GB的存储空间,但只能保留2GB的音乐。

Create a new playlist in iTunes and sync it to your phone or open up the Music app on your iPhone and create a new playlist via My Music -> Playlist -> New.


准备手表 (Preparing Your Watch)

As we mentioned earlier, you can’t play the music through the Apple Watch speaker (nor would you want to). You need to pair a Bluetooth device with the watch. You can pair headphones, speakers, and if your car supports pairing for music playback you can even pair your watch with your car’s Bluetooth audio system.

如前所述,您无法通过Apple Watch扬声器播放音乐(您也不想)。 您需要将蓝牙设备与手表配对。 您可以配对耳机,扬声器,如果您的汽车支持配对以播放音乐,您甚至可以将手表与汽车的蓝牙音频系统配对。

Here’s a perfect example of how setting up the Apple Watch for music playback can be a bit confusing and frustrating. If there isn’t a Bluetooth device paired with the Apple Watch then you cannot sync the playlist/music to it or even access any of the settings for on-watch music playback. Until you complete the watch-to-speaker pairing it’s like the features don’t even exist.

这是一个完美的示例,说明如何设置Apple Watch播放音乐可能会让人感到困惑和沮丧。 如果没有与Apple Watch配对的蓝牙设备,则您无法将播放列表/音乐与其同步,甚至无法访问手表上音乐播放的任何设置。 在完成手表与扬声器的配对之前,这些功能甚至不存在。

In light of that we have to pair something (be it headphones, speaker, or car audio system) before proceeding. Grab your Bluetooth device and your Apple Watch. You can pair multiple devices in one sitting, by the way, we paired Bluetooth headphones and speakers to the watch so we could easily switch between personal listening and sharing music with the speaker.

有鉴于此,我们必须先进行配对(耳机,扬声器或汽车音响系统),然后再继续。 拿起您的蓝牙设备和Apple Watch。 顺便说一句,您可以在一个坐姿中配对多个设备,我们将蓝牙耳机和扬声器与手表配对,因此我们可以轻松地在个人聆听和与扬声器共享音乐之间进行切换。

To do so tap the crown to access the apps menu and open the settings. Select “Bluetooth” and then put your device in pairing mode. While each Bluetooth device is different (and you’ll need to check the instructions for your device) you typically pair headphones and speakers by holding down either the power button or the play button. Once the device is in pairing mode it will appear in the “Bluetooth” list and you can simply tap on it to complete the pairing process. Later if you wish to add more paired devices you may return to this menu and repeat the process (without removing the previously paired devices).

为此,请点按表冠以访问应用程序菜单并打开设置。 选择“蓝牙”,然后将设备置于配对模式。 尽管每个蓝牙设备都不同(并且您需要查看设备说明),但是通常您可以通过按住电源按钮或播放按钮来配对耳机和扬声器。 设备进入配对模式后,它将出现在“蓝牙”列表中,您只需点击它即可完成配对过程。 以后,如果您想添加更多已配对的设备,则可以返回此菜单并重复该过程(无需删除先前已配对的设备)。

同步播放列表 (Syncing Your Playlist)

Once you’ve created the playlist (and synced it to your iPhone if necessary) as well as paired your Bluetooth device with your watch it’s time to actually push the music to your watch. In order to do that we need two things: your charging cable and the Watch app on your iPhone.

创建播放列表(并在必要时将其同步到iPhone)以及将蓝牙设备与手表配对后,就可以将音乐实际推送到手表了。 为此,我们需要两件事:您的充电线和iPhone上的Watch应用程序。

Hook your watch up to the charging cable (it won’t sync unless it is actively charging). With the Apple Watch charging open up the Watch app on your iPhone and select “Music”.

将手表连接至充电线(除非正在充电,否则它不会同步)。 使用Apple Watch充电后,在iPhone上打开Watch应用程序,然后选择“音乐”。

Select “Music” and then within the music submenu make adjustments to your music storage limit, if necessary (you can adjust it from 1.0GB of storage up to 2.0GB of storage). Here is also where you set the playlist. Tap on the “Synced Playlist” entry. It will display all the playlists on your iPhone. Select the one you want to sync to the Apple Watch.

选择“音乐”,然后在音乐子菜单中根据需要调整音乐的存储限制(您可以将其从1.0GB的存储空间调整到2.0GB的存储空间)。 您也可以在此处设置播放列表。 点击“同步播放列表”条目。 它将显示iPhone上的所有播放列表。 选择您要同步到Apple Watch的手表。

Be prepared to wait. In our tests it took about one minute per song, so if you have a lengthy playlist it’ll be a while. If you have a huge playlist definitely start the sync before bed and leave the watch and phone together to churn through the list.

准备等待。 在我们的测试中,每首歌曲大约花费一分钟,因此,如果您的播放列表很长,则需要一段时间。 如果您的播放列表很大,那么一定要在睡觉前开始同步,然后将手表和手机放在一起,以浏览列表。

When you’re done you’ll see the name of the playlist and an indicator, under the Playlist Limit entry, indicating the number of songs on the watch and how much space they’re using.


At this point the music is on the Apple Watch and the iPhone is no longer necessary unless you wish to update the playlist or replace it with a new one.

此时,除非您希望更新播放列表或将其替换为新的播放列表,否则音乐就在Apple Watch上并且iPhone不再需要。

播放Apple Watch上的音乐 (Playing the Music from Your Apple Watch)

The final step, and the whole reason we’re here, is to play the music from your Apple Watch to your Bluetooth headphones or speakers. To do so open up the music app on your Apple Watch either via the Glances shortcut or the app menu.

最后一步,也是我们来到这里的全部理由,是将音乐从Apple Watch播放到蓝牙耳机或扬声器。 为此,可以通过Glances快捷方式或应用程序菜单在Apple Watch上打开音乐应用程序。

The key step here is switching the source for the Music app. By default the Music app taps into your iPhone’s music library. Thus if you tap on “Playlists” you’ll see your iPhone’s playlists and not the watch’s playlists. To change that you need to press and hold anywhere on the Music app screen.

此处的关键步骤是切换“音乐”应用程序的源。 默认情况下,音乐应用程序会进入iPhone的音乐库。 因此,如果您点击“播放列表”,您将看到iPhone的播放列表,而不是手表的播放列表。 要更改此设置,您需要在音乐应用程序屏幕上的任意位置按住。

Tap on “Source” and select “Apple Watch”. The music app on your watch will now direct to the internal storage and playlist instead of the storage and playlists on your iPhone.

点击“来源”,然后选择“ Apple Watch”。 手表上的音乐应用程序现在将直接转到内部存储和播放列表,而不是iPhone上的存储和播放列表。

Select “Playlists”, the single playlist you uploaded to the watch, and as long as the Bluetooth device is currently connected it will begin playing (otherwise you’ll get an error indicating that you need to reconnect your device). All the functions of the music app are identical. The only difference is you’re playing, pausing, and skipping music stored directly on the watch instead of on your phone.

选择“播放列表”,即您上载到手表的单个播放列表,只要当前连接了蓝牙设备,它就会开始播放(否则您将收到一条错误消息,指示您需要重新连接设备)。 音乐应用程序的所有功能都相同。 唯一的区别是您正在播放,暂停和跳过直接存储在手表而不是手机上的音乐。

We had to jump between our iPhone and Apple Watch a bit and the way you switch over from the iPhone-based playback to watch-based playback isn’t immediately obvious, but after the very minor hassle of setting it up you have smooth music playback right on your wrist.

我们不得不在iPhone和Apple Watch之间进行一些切换,并且您从基于iPhone的播放切换到基于手表的播放的方式并不是立即显而易见的,但是在进行设置的麻烦之后,您就可以流畅地播放音乐了就在您的手腕上。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/223406/how-to-use-bluetooth-headphones-and-speakers-with-apple-watch-to-listen-to-music/


如何在Apple Watch上使用蓝牙耳机和扬声器(听音乐)

本文发布于:2023-04-28 05:02:00,感谢您对本站的认可!
本文标签:扬声器   听音乐   蓝牙耳机   如何在   Watch


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