
编程知识 更新时间:2023-04-29 04:42:54


  • 1. 我的
  • 2. 英语老师自我介绍20 篇
    • 2.1.
    • 2.2.
    • 2.3. 三
    • 2.4. 四
    • 2.5. 五
    • 2.6. 六
    • 2.7. 七
    • 2.8. 八
    • 2.9. 九
    • 2.10. 十
    • 2.11. 十一
    • 2.12. 十二
    • 2.13. 十三
    • 2.14. 十 四
    • 2.15. 十五
    • 2.16. 十六
    • 2.17. 十七
    • 2.18. 十八
    • 2.19. 十九
    • 2.20. 二十
  • 3. 参考

1. 我的

Hello examiner! / Every examiner is good! / Hello everyone.
I am very pleased to have this precious/ˈpreʃəs/ opportunity to attend your school reexamination and apply for a position as an online head teacher of Junior Middle School English class.
My name is Coco. Now l will introduce myself briefly. I am twenty-three years old,born in Henan province, middle of China, and l am a senior student at Pingdingshan University. My major is Software Engineering. And l will receive my bachelor /ˈbætʃələ(r)/ degree after my graduation next June.
In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study. l passed CET4 and won many awards in professional competitions. In my normal software development process, I often use API and read English documents, through which l got a deep understanding of English for application.
l guess you may be interested in why I choose this job. l would like to tell you that I like to get along with children and want to make a contribution to the education of children. lf l can work here, l will work hard. I am a person with strong learning ability and self-motivated ability. I will humbly/ˈhʌmbli/ ask for learning and be a good teacher with due diligence/ˈdɪlɪdʒəns/ .
When I was at school, my classmates once said that I looked like a teacher. Now I want to make my dream come true. Please examine all of my requests carefully. I would be very grateful if you pass me. Thank you!

2. 英语老师自我介绍20 篇



Every examiner is good!

I am very pleased to have this precious opportunity to attend your school interview and apply for a position as an English teacher in secondary school. My name is xx, I graduated from xx and majored in Business English. After graduating, he received a bachelor’s degree in literature. During the school he passed a special four, general six general examinations, Mandarin two grade A, and can skillfully use office software. I am cheerful, approachable, and ampatient and patient, and I like to get along with my children.

很高兴能有这次宝贵的机会参加贵校的面试,应聘中学英语教师一职。我叫xx,毕业于xx,主修商务英语专业。毕业后获得文学学士学位,在校期间经过了专四,普六普四考试,普通话获二级甲等,并且能熟练运用办公软件。我性格开朗, 平易近人,做事细心有耐心,并且我喜欢和孩子们相处。

During mycollege days, I used to teach English as a junior high school student. I have a good understanding of junior high school students’ English proficiency. I know that when junior middle school formally establishes the foundation, I have developed a curriculum plan specifically for junior students who are weak in basics. If I have the honour to pass the interview, I will explain my lesson plan to everyone during the lecture.
Teachers are a sacred profession. During the more than 10 years of my schooling, I have witnessed the teaching spirit of the dedicated and dedicated teachers of the nearby school. I have also deeply realized the importance of being an “engineer of the human soul”. This has strengthened my desire to bee a teacher.
教师是一个神圣的职业。在我求学的十几年中,我见证了身边教师们兢兢业业无私奉献的教学精神,并深深体会到作为一名 “人类灵魂的工程师”的重要意义,这更加坚定了我想成为一名教师的愿望。

I am a student who passed the exam in this city and I have deep feelings for the land where I have my children. Now that I amgraduating, I want to make a contribution to the education of my hometown. Your school is my alma mater, and I am very happy to have the honor to be a colleague with many teachers who have taught my class. I am a person with strong learning ability and self-motivated ability. I will humbly ask for learning and be a good teacher with due diligence.

There are three teachers in my family. I want to be the fourth one. When I was at school, my classmates once said that I looked like a teacher. Now I want to make my dream come true. Please examine all of my requests carefully by the examiners. I would be very grateful if you pass me. Thank you!
我的家族中出了三个教师, 我想成为第四个。 上学时同学们以往
说我看起来像教师, 此刻我想把梦想变成现实。 请众位考官慎重研究我的请求,如能经过我将不胜感激。多谢!


请允许我用一分钟的时光做自我介绍。我叫 xx,毕业于师范大学英语系专业,此刻已过口语等级六级水平。
吃苦耐劳, 能够服从上级的命令听从指挥。 在校期间进取参加各项活动,连续三年当任学习委员,商务英语写作本事强,有过短暂的英语 教学经验。
式,因为我认为学习是一种个性化的过程。 每个人都应当成为重要的思想家班上, 我想成为一个好教师在其真正意义上的。 我不是传统的教师。我想在我的课堂英语教学改革。 期望我能做点什么来改变现状的英语教学。
最终我期望在英语教师的岗位上发挥个人的专业特长, 为教育事

Every examiner is good!

Please allow meto introduce myself in one minute 。 My name is I graduated from the English Department of Normal
University 。 I have now passed the sixth level of spoken English 。
I am stable , work diligently and hard-working , have a strong teamwork spirit , are studious , can work hard , and can obey orders from superiors 。 During the school , he actively participated in various activities 。 He was a member of the study mittee for three consecutive years 。 He has strong
business English writing skills and has had a short period of

English teaching experience 。
In class , I encourage students to express their opinions and methods in their English learning style because I think
learning is a personalized process 。 Everyone should bee an important thinker in class and I want to be a good teacher in
its true sense。I amnot a traditional teacher 。I want to reform English teaching in my classroom 。 I hope I can do something
to change the status of English teaching 。
In the end,I hope that I will play mypersonal professional talents in my English teacher job and contribute to the education 。

2.3. 三

Good morning everyone
First of all , please allow me to express my greatest appreciation for you give methis opportunity for an interview 。And I hope I can make a good performance today I will do my best
for this interview 。
My name is MengShengnan, 25 years , graduated from the
Mudanjiang Normal College major in English and I have been got the eight professional certificate in English (test for English majors) and senior English teacher qualification certificate 。Perhaps my situation on this place is pretty unlikely , after

graduation because of personal interests I am gone to the

Heilongjiang University graduate college major in history 。I’m outgoing and open-minded 。 In my spare time , I have broad interests 。 Such as reading , surfing the internet , listening to music 。 I like children very much 。 I think children are
active , innocent and pure 。 With them, I feel very relaxed ,
pleasant and younger 。 Therefore , I learned a lot from my one year working experience 。
To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students , but also a friend of them, if
I were a teacher I would build a close relation with my students helping them not only on their study but also on their lives , I will try mybest and I amconfident that I can be a good teacher
If your county to give me this opportunity , I passed the interview , as many teachers team member , I will continue learning , work hard tocontribute to education in their own
strength , will never live up to the humansoul engineer of this glorious title 。

2.4. 四

Good morning everyone!

I’m Nickole 。 I’m 24 。 I graduated from Hunan Normal Universaty on Shuda Campus 。 My major is English Education 。

After graduation , I have worked for one year in Li Yang 听
Kid’s Engish 。 My students are between 5 and 12 years old 。
I’m outgoing and open-minded 。 In my spare time , I have broad interests 。 Such as reading , surfing the internet , listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible 。I like children very much。I think children are active ,innocent and pure 。With them,I feel very relaxed , plesant and younger 。 Therefore , I learned a lot from my one
year working experence 。

Teaching children English is very interested but it is also challeging 。 Because children are always active , even sometimes very naughty 。 So teachers need a lot of patience to
deal with children 。 The most important that I have learned from

my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the

kind of 听 the mind that always wants to go on learning 。 Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet 。 If I have the chance, I will try my best to be a good primary English teacher 。

2.5. 五

Honorable judges and professors 。
Good morning 。
Nice to meet you 。 My name is * 。 You can call me * 。
Being an English teacher is mydream, and for this , I have

studied hard and set strict demands on myself 。 During my
undergraduate and postgraduate period , not only did I obtained some certifications relevant to this job , but also participated in several social practices , inclduing interpreting and translating experience and teaching experiences 。 interpreting and translating experience lay solid foundation in my teaching activities 。 They improved my professional skills and perfected my municating and
collaborating abilities 。
I love to be a teacher 。 Staying with students make mefeel youth , passion and enthusiam 。 I amgreatly delighted when my students makeeven slight progress 。 Wht’s more,I amconfident that through my constant learning from the senior teachers I
can also be an outstanding teacher 。
I will play my strengths and overe myshortings , endeavor to contribute to education for this school 。 So, please give me a chance and test me 。 Thank you!

2.6. 六

Good morning everyone:

I am so glad that I can get this interview 。Thank you for your 3 minutes 。My admission number is 123 。I graduated from
***** university in July this year , and I majored in the Chinese

Language。I have an teaching exercitation for two months in one
middle school ,where I have hold the post of class-chairman and Chinese teacher ,and I have been appreciated highly by the
teachers and students who e from that school 。Now, I have the seniority of the high school teaching 。
In the university ,I had initial skills of being a qualified
teacher and to teach up to a certain level of teaching 。 I have good moral self-cultivation , and have a firm political direction 。 I love the motherland , the people , and strongly support the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system 。I participated in school activities of public awareness and
patriotism with a pragmatic truth the spirit of enthusiasm 。
Now, I have bee a glorious Communist Party members 。
In the study , I successfully pleted the professional courses and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree and college
diploma ,and had passed the College English Test 6。 I usually read a great deal of relevant literature , psychology , education , and other series of books,which makemyliterature greatly increasing 。 I have publish some works in certain literary magazines 。
In the life ,I advocate a simple life , and love sports 。
I have good habits 。

I have a dream of having been a teacher from my childhood 。
Today, I camewith enthusiasm , hoping to be recognized by you, I will use my all passion to return yourapproval 。 ??? That’s all 。Thank you 。
Goodmorning 。 It is myhonour to e here for this interview 。
First let me introduce myself to you 。 My name is Wendy。 I am 17 years old , and was born in Jinan , Shandong Province 。 I was graduated from ** Middle School 。I amalways studying hard , and I have achieved lots of fruitful results , including many certifications 。I amoptimistic and open-minded。 I have made a lots of good friends in my school 。In my spare time , I like reading and listening to the music 。 Sometimes, I also like
to play basketball 。 I hope I have the chance to enter the school 。And I also believe that where there is a will , there is a way 。That is all 。 Thanks for your attention 。

2.7. 七

Good morning everyone

First of all , please allow me to express my greatest appreciation for you give methis opportunity for an interview 。And I hope I can make a good performance today I will do my best for this interview 。My name is ×× × ×× ×, 25 years , graduated from the Mudanjiang Normal College major in English

and I have been got the eight

professional certificate in English (test for English majors) and senior English teacher qualification certificate 。Perhaps my situation on this place is pretty unlikely , after
graduation because of personal interests I am gone to the Heilongjiang University graduate college major in history 。
I’m outgoing and open-minded 。 In my spare time , I have
broad interests 。 Such as reading , surfing the internet , listening to music 。I like children very much。I think children are active ,innocent and pure 。With them,I feel very relaxed , pleasant and younger 。 Therefore , I learned a lot from my one year working experience 。
To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not
only a guide for the students , but also a friend of them, if I were a teacher I would build a close relation with mystudents
helping them not only on their study but also on their lives ,

I will try mybest and I amconfident that I can be a good teacher If your county to give me this opportunity , I passed the
interview , as many teachers team member , I will continue
learning , work hard to contribute to education in their own
strength , will never live up to the humansoul engineer of this glorious title 。

今日能在那里参加面试, 有机会向各位考官请教和学习, 我感到十分的高兴, 同时经过这次面试也能够把我自我展现给大家。 期望你们能记住我, 下头经过五分钟的求职自我介绍让您了解我的基本情景 ;
教育专业并取得了英语专业八级证书以及高级英语教师资格证, 硕士就读于××××××学院历史专业。或许我的情景在那里比较特殊, 本科毕业之后由于个人兴趣爱好的原因我考取了历史学的硕士, 在读硕士期间我也是不断的学习进取, 在省级刊物上发表了两篇论文。 同时我也连续不断的从事英语教师的实习以及家教工作。 经过实习以及家教经验加深了我对教师这个行业的热爱, 当一名教师是我从小的愿望或许与家庭的影响有关我的父母都是教师, 从小耳濡目染让我对教师这个行业充满了热爱。 教师是个神圣而又伟大的职业, 是培养一个民族和国家的栋梁和期望,那么教师承担着重大的历史使命。
雷锋以往说过,人的生命是有限的,可为人民服务是无限的,我 要把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去, 这就是我对教师这个职业最好的诠释。 所以这个职业能让我充分实现我的社会梦想和体现自我的价值。俗话说:航船不能没有方向,人生不能没有梦想,而我 愿成为在中国共产党领导下的一名优秀教师, 认真践行三个代表, 全心全意为人民服务,假如, 贵县给我这个机会我经过了面试,成为众 多教师队伍中的成员, 我将不断的学习, 努力工作为教育事业贡献出自我的力量,绝不辜负人类灵魂的工程师这个光荣的称号。

2.8. 八

Hi , Good afternoon everyone :
Mynameis xxx 。AndI amfrom No 。*** Overseas Chinese Middle School of *** 。 It is really a GREat honor to have this opportunity for an interview 。 I would like to answer whatever you mayraise , and I hope I can makea good performance today 。Now let me introduce myself briefly 。
I am xxx years old 。 I graduated from “*** University ”
in *** 。 And then I got a higher deGREe in “ xx university ” in xx 。 I have worked for *** years since I graduated from the university 。And I have been a headteacher for *** years 。Being a teacher is tired but excited 。 Having taught for
so many years , I think I am experienced in teaching field 。
I have ever got much honor in teaching , but still I think I need a new environment to challenge myself 。
I am open— minded , quickly thoughs and skillful in
searching for information on internet 。 I can operate puter well 。 In my spare time , I have broad interests 。Such as
reading ,surfing the internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends
online if possible 。

I always believe working hard can bring us more

opportunities 。 To be the best one is a little bit hard 。 But
“ Trying All My Best “ always can cheer me up 。 To succeed or fail is not the only thing 。 It ’ s in how we face and invaluate ourselves 。This is the chance wetake , and this is what we\ve worked for all our lives 。 Shining like a shooting star at
night , and always smile at life 。We’ve got to give it all 。
Somedaywhen we turn back for what the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in our heart 。 So “ Try All My Best ” — this is the motto of mine 。

2.9. 九

Good morning , ladies and gentlemen

It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself 。 and I hope I could make a good performance today , eventually bee a member of your school 。 Now let me introduce
myself please 。 I ’ ma graduate student from **** UNIVERSITY。
My name is *** , **years old 。 , born in ** 。 GuangDong province 。 My major is English , and I will graduate this June。
In the past 3 years , I spent most of my time on English
studying and practise 。 I have a good mand of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease。 Skilled in use of Office 20XX , excel 。 My graduate school training bined with
my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job 。

Although perhaps I ’ m not the best among the candidates ,

but with mystrong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education , I am sure I will satisfy you well 。
As a college student , I concentrated on studying modern
teaching technology 。 I have acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three
years 。Since September 20XX, with great interest ,I have been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good
team-work spirits 。 It also kindly provided mecrucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship 。 My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and
considerate person 。 Other than my major study , I have master a great skills in puter operation 。
One month as cadet teacher in the March of 20XX, not only

did i obtain enough first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I have chosen is sacred and significant 。 Therefore , I am determined to bee a diligent ,
hardworking , and responsible educator 。
Last but not least , I will be fully mitted and I am

confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure

as a petent team membe。r I wele the opportunity to speak with

senior management further regarding my qualifications for the

position 。

Thank you for your attention!

2.10. 十

My plan for the future is that I would like to stay with

children and share the momentsin their lives and provide them with helpful advice , making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust 。 I like English
very much 。 with this idea , I want to bine my love for children
with myability of English together , so I can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things I enjoy doing 。
I consider myself with rich potential of qualifying out as

a good English teacher 。I have a heart for children , a loving and caring heart 。 And I would certainly place it upon my students , being their close friend and sister 。 while with my creative and relaxing English teaching method,students would learn English through interacting with meor the others instead
of being told what to say 。 I am also very open-minded and
easy-going ,which will makemyself a popular figure everywhere 。And of course I am very much the type of the girl next door 。always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation 。
I believe I’ve said quite enough of myself 。 I hope you now

know more about me than just now 。 I would certainly cherish
this job and get along very well with all people out here 。I thank you very muchagain for giving methis opportunity to talk with you 。
I am looking forward to hearing good news from you 。

Thank you !

2.11. 十一

good morning everyone:

i graduated from zaozhuang university and i majored in biology 。 so i am not a
professional english teacher , but i am very interested in
english 。 and the knowledge and skills i learned in school are useful in teaching , although i have no experience
in teaching and managing a class 。 of course , i amso young that i might make some
mistakes in the future , and i hope you can give meadvice as possible as you can 。 being a teacher here is excited 。 having thought for a long time , i think i am
fit for this career , because of my educational experience and mycharacter , most of all , i like children and i like this job 。 i believe that interest is the best teacher 。
and i will try mybest to raise the interest of the children

in learning 。 in mywork, i will try mybest 。 i always believe

working hard can bring us more

opportunities 。 to be the best one is a little bit hard , but “ trying all mybest 。 ” always can cheer meup。 to succeed or fail is not the only thing 。 as long as we did , we will not regret 。 someday when we turn back for what the footprint we
have left , time will record the victory in our heart 。 so , “ trying all my best ” is the motto of mine 。 i believe that we will get along well and i sincerely hope we can be good friends 。ok! so much! thank you!
中文翻译: 各位早上好:
我期望我们能愉快交流并且度过开心的一天。 此刻请允许我做简单的自我介绍。 我毕业于 x x 学校x x 专业。在学校学到的知识和技能对于我的教学是必不可少的。因
错误,期望大家能尽可能地给我一些提议。 在那里做一名教师很
令人激动。想了很久,认为我还是适合这个职业的,因为我的教育 背景还有我的性格,最重要的是我喜欢孩子,喜欢这份工作。我

只要我们做过了,我们就不会后悔。所以, “尽我所能”是我的座右铭。 我相信,我们也必须会相处得很好,我也真诚地期望我们 能够成为好朋友。 我的介绍到此为止!多谢!篇二:英语教师上课 前自我介绍英语教师上课前自我介绍。各位早上好,我叫 *** ,是这个班的新英语教师。十分高兴见到各位。很荣幸有这个机会

2.12. 十二

Good morning everyone

First of all , please allow me to express my greatest appreciation for you give methis opportunity for an interview 。And I hope I can make a good performance today I will do my best
for this interview 。
My name is MengShengnan, 25 years , graduated from the
Mudanjiang Normal College major in English and I have been got the eight professional certificate in English (test for English majors) and senior English teacher qualification certificate 。Perhaps my situation on this place is pretty unlikely , after

graduation because of personal interests I am gone to the

Heilongjiang University graduate college major in history 。I’m outgoing and open-minded 。 In my spare time , I have broad interests 。 Such as reading , surfing the internet , listening to music 。 I like children very much 。 I think children are
active , innocent and pure 。 With them, I feel very relaxed ,
pleasant and younger 。 Therefore , I learned a lot from my one year working experience 。
To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students , but also a friend of them, if
I were a teacher I would build a close relation with mystudents helping them not only on their study but also on their lives , I will try mybest and I amconfident that I can be a good teacher
If your county to give me this opportunity , I passed the interview , as many teachers team member , I will continue learning , work hard to
contribute to education in their own strength , will never live up to the human soul engineer of this glorious title 。
今日能在那里参加面试, 有机会向各位考官请教和学习, 我感到十分的高兴, 同时经过这次面试也能够把我自我展现给大家。 期望你们能记住我,下头经过五分钟的求职自我介绍让您了解我的基本情


我叫孟胜男,今年 25 岁,汉族,本科毕业于牡丹江师范学院英语教育专业并取得了英语专业八级证书以及高级英语教师资格证, 硕士就读于黑龙江大学研究生学院历史专业。 或许我的情景在那里比较特殊,本科毕业之后由于个人兴趣爱好的原因我考取了历史学的硕
士,在读硕士期间我也是不断的学习进取, 在省级刊物上发表了两篇
论文。同时我也连续不断的从事英语教师的实习以及家教工作。 经过实习以及家教经验加深了我对教师这个行业的热爱, 当一名教师是我从小的愿望或许与家庭的影响有关我的父母都是教师, 从小耳濡目染让我对教师这个行业充满了热爱。 教师是个神圣而又伟大的职业, 是培养一个民族和国家的栋梁和期望,那么教师承担着重大的历史使
命。雷锋以往说过,人的生命是有限的,可为人民服务是无限的,我 要把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去, 这就是我对教师这个职业最好的诠释。 所以这个职业能让我充分实现我的社会梦想和体现自我的价值。俗话说:航船不能没有方向,人生不能没有梦想,而我 愿成为在中国共产党领导下的一名优秀教师, 认真践行三个代表, 全心全意为人民服务,假如, 贵县给我这个机会我经过了面试,成为众 多教师队伍中的成员, 我将不断的学习, 努力工作为教育事业贡献出自我的力量,绝

2.13. 十三

Good morning everyone:

Mynameis Li Jing , the new English teacher of this class 。

Nice to meet all of you! It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to talk with you 。 I hope we can municate happily
and have a good day 。 Now, let me introduce myself briefly 。

I graduated from Zaozhuang University and I majored in

biology 。 So I am not a professional English teacher , But I am very interested in English 。 And the knowledge and skills
I learned in school are useful in teaching , although I have
no experience in teaching and managing a class 。 Of course , I am so young that I might make some mistakes in the future , and I hope you can give me advice as possible as you can 。
Being a teacher here is excited 。 Having thought for a long time , I think I am fit for this career , because of my educational experience and mycharacter , Most of all , I like children and I like this job 。 I believe that interest is the
best teacher , and I will try my best to raise the interest of
the children in learning 。
In my work, I will try my best 。 I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities 。 To be the best one is
a little bit hard , but “Trying All MyBest 。” always can cheer
me up 。 To succeed or fail is not the only thing 。 As long as wedid , we will not regret 。 Someday whenweturn back for what

the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in
our heart 。 So, “ Trying All My Best ” is the motto of mine 。

I believe that we will get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends 。
Ok! So much! Thank you!

中文翻译: 各位早上好:
我毕业于 X X 学校X X专业。在学校学到的知识和技能对于我的
教学是必不可少的。所以在教学和班级管理方面有一些经验。当然, 我还很年轻, 在今后的工作中很有可能犯一些错误, 期望大家能尽可能地给我一些提议。
在那里做一名教师很令人激动。 想了很久, 认为我还是适合这个
职业的,因为我的教育背景还有我的性格,最重要的是我喜欢孩子, 喜欢这份工作。 我认为兴趣是最好的教师, 并且在今后的教学中我也会尽最大努力提高孩子们对学习的兴趣。

我相信, 我们也必须会相处得很好, 我也真诚地期望我们能够成

2.14. 十 四

Honorable judges and professors 。Good morning 。
Nice to meet you 。 My name is * 。 You can call me * 。
Being an English teacher is mydream, and for this , I have studied hard and set strict demands on myself 。 During my undergraduate and postgraduate period , not only did I obtained some certifications relevant to this job , but also participated in several social practices , inclduing
interpreting and translating experience and teaching experiences 。 interpreting and translating experience lay solid foundation in my teaching activities 。 They improved my
professional skills and perfected my municating and collaborating abilities 。
I love to be a teacher 。 Staying with students make mefeel
youth , passion and enthusiam 。 I amgreatly delighted when my students makeeven slight progress 。 Wht’s more,I amconfident that through my constant learning from the senior teachers I
can also be an outstanding teacher 。
I will play my strengths and overe my shortings , endeavor

to contribute to education for this school 。 So, please give
me a chance and test me 。 Thank you!

2.15. 十五

Hello everyone 。 Nice to meet you。 I ’mvery happy to stand here to teach you 。 You know, this is the first time we meet
each other , so let meintroduce myself to you。 My family name
is Cheng, and my English nameis Mark 。 So you can call meMr。Cheng or Mark。 This year is my animal year 。 I graduated from Hubei University of technology 。 Business English is mymajor 。In my spare time I like listening to music and play ping-pong 。
In my class , I hope all of you study hard and cooperate
with myteaching 。I think you will have a happy time in myclass 。
Otherwise you will encounter (meet) a lot of trouble 。
In my opinion , it ’s easy to study English well , but you must do it well in the following aspects 。 For example, Listen carefully and make notes in my class 。 Finish your homeworkon time 。 You should read , listen , speak and write English everyday 。 As we all know Practice make perfect 。

2.16. 十六

Hi there , My name is XXX。i woulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children 。
My plan for the furture is that i would like to stay with

children and share the momentsin their lives and provide them

with helpful advice 。 making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust 。Plus i like english very much。with this idea ,i want to bine my love for children with myability of english together , so i can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing 。
I consider myself with rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher 。I have a heart for children , a loving and caring heart 。 And i would certainly place it upon my
students , being their close friend and sister 。while with my
creative and relaxing english teaching method,students would learn english through interacting with meor the others instead of being told what to say 。
I amalso very open-minded and easy-going , which will make
myself a popular figure everywhere 。and of course i amvery much the type of the girl next door 。 always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation 。
Ibelieve i’ve said quite enough of myself 。 I hope you now know more about
me than just now 。 I would certainly cherish this job and
get along very well with all people out here 。I thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with you 。

I look forward to hearing good news from you soon 。

Thank you !

2.17. 十七

Good morning everyone:

Mynameisxx , the new English teacher of this class 。 Nice to meet all of you! It is really a great honor to have this
opportunity to talk with you 。 I hope we can municate happily
and have a good day 。 Now, let me introduce myself briefly 。

I graduated from Zaozhuang University and I majored in

biology 。 So I am not a professional English teacher , But I am very interested in English 。 And the knowledge and skills
I learned in school are useful in teaching , although I have
no experience in teaching and managing a class 。 Of course , I am so young that I might make some mistakes in the future , and I hope you can give me advice as possible as you can 。
Being a teacher here is excited 。 Having thought for a long
time , I think I am fit for this career , because of my educational experience and mycharacter , Most of all , I like children and I like this job 。 I believe that interest is the
best teacher , and I will try my best to raise the interest of
the children in learning 。
In my work, I will try my best 。 I always believe working

hard can bring us more opportunities 。 To be the best one is
a little bit hard , but “Trying All MyBest 。” always can cheer me up 。 To succeed or fail is not the only thing 。 As long as wedid , we will not regret 。 Someday whenweturn back for what the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in
our heart 。 So, “ Trying All My Best ” is the motto of mine 。

I believe that we will get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends 。
Ok! So much! Thank you!

2.18. 十八

I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities 。 To be the best one is a little bit hard
Hi , Good afternoon everyone :
Mynameis xxx 。AndI amfrom No 。*** Overseas Chinese Middle School of *** 。 It is really a GREat honor to have this opportunity for an interview 。 I would like to answer whatever you mayraise , and I hope I can makea good performance today 。Now let me introduce myself briefly 。
I am xxx years old 。 I graduated from “*** University ” in *** 。 And then I got a higher deGREe in “ xx university ” in xx 。 I have worked for *** years since I graduated from the university 。And I have been a headteacher for *** years 。

Being a teacher is tired but excited 。 Having taught for
so many years 。
I think I am experienced in teaching field 。 I have ever got much honor in teaching , but still I think I need a new environment to challenge myself 。
I am open— minded , quickly thoughs and skillful in
searching for information on internet 。 I can operate puter well 。 In my spare time , I have broad interests 。Such as
reading ,surfing the internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends
online if possible 。

I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities 。 To be the best one is a little bit hard 。 But “ Trying All My Best “ always can cheer me up 。 To succeed or
fail is not the only thing 。 It ’ s in how we face and invaluate
ourselves 。This is the chance wetake , and this is what we\ve worked for all our lives 。 Shining like a shooting star at
night , and always smile at life 。We’ve got to give it all 。
Somedaywhen we turn back for what the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in our heart 。 So “ Try All My Best ” — this is the motto of mine 。
Ok !So much 。Thank you !

2.19. 十九

很高兴有机会能够参加这次面试, 我叫 xxx 毕业于 xxx 师范大学小学教育英语专业。
毕业后一向从事小学英语教育工作。 致力于小学英语教学实践并较有成效。 在工作中经过自我的努力和各学科教师的帮忙, 逐步构成了自我的教学风格‘师生相处和谐, “情知互动,寓教寓乐”的教学风格,依托共鸣的师生情感,利用英语的独特魅力和特性吸引、感染 学生自觉自愿、 主动进取并富有创造性地在无拘无束、 简便愉快的氛围中参与英语活动。在英语活动中鼓励学生张扬个性,发挥潜能,培 养引导激发学生对英语的兴趣。
自从教以来,我连续数年在全县课和优秀论文评选活动中获奖, XX年我被评为县级骨干教师今年暑假,我又在 xx 高等师范专科学校参加了省级骨干教师的培训, 聆听名家教诲, 和来自全省各地教师交流教学经验,从中让我看到了自我的渺小和不足,在以后的工作中, 我将虚心学习,进取进取。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。” 多年的教育教学生涯和生活的磨练, 我已逐渐褪去了稚气和青涩, 变得成熟而自信。 我也在不断的工作中体会到教师这个职业是一个需要更多职责心和细心去完成也真正体会到了“学高为师,身正为范。” 的道理我认为我完全有本事胜任教育教学工作, 并且我也真心的热爱教师这一职业。如果我有机会能够加入贵校,成为其中的一员,我定 不会让在座的各位评委教师失望!
做到了学高为师, 身正为范为学生树立榜样, 勇当教育创新的探

索者、素质教育的实践者最终, 我再次感激各位评委教师给我这个机

2.20. 二十

Hello ,this is Chenxiaoming 。I graduated from Xi’an siyuan University and majored in accounting 。 It’s a pleasure to meet you。Be patient with me ,I’m a little bit nervous 。
I was once a poor student of English , and it was mybiggest headache and trouble maker 。
I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words 。 But through hard work
in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the

traditional grammargames, I found myself a totally different and exciting new world 。 I’d like to
share mylearning techniques with mystudents of future and be their friend 。
Education has always been the most important thing in my

life , and English is in my freespare time 。 (English is my favorite subject 。 )So educating young people is
the most important thing I do with my life!Let’s work together to lift the English education of China to a higher level 。 We can do it 。
Thank you for your valuable time 。

3. 参考

  • https://wenku.baidu/view/26e2f63d487302768e9951e79b89680203d86b14.html
  • http://www.ruiwen/ziwojieshao/2326684.html



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